CoopsQueen Member


  • Good to know info! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • I love eggs!! Great idea with the yogurt and peanut butter ;-P I would like to try the smoothie too. I'm so glad to be getting such great feed back and advise. Thank you all ;)
  • You have been most helpful in sharing this information and I thank you so much! I have tried to google info and read on what to but most brands they claim are the best, but why wouldn't they, right? Also, some information I read about usually says the same and seems more opinionated to me. And shopping for the right…
  • I have been checking out all the other posts in the community and found some really good info on the supplements. Thanks for the other info, it helps to get some advice and gain some knowledge on the subject. Thanks a lot ;)
  • Very good info and sounds like a great way to start to a healthier diet, thank you :happy:
  • I do this quite often and I would love to get more ideas and share my own :happy: I have several recipes I would like to share and they are pretty healthy but I will post another day, however, if you google Ginas Skinny Recipes you'll find her recipes are healthy and super delicious and most are pretty easy to make and…
  • I have done detox treatments, however, are you doing them to drop weight fast in hopes to put you on the right track or is it to REALLY detox yourself to rid your body of all the bad gunk build up you've compiled over the holidays? ;). I would recommend reading a little more on the subject to understand what your are…
  • Having 5 lb weights is great and for a beginner its perfect! :) if your looking for some great workouts you can try I've purchased some great workout videos on there and some are free! The best results I get are from circuit workouts, but that's for me, you may find some others that can suit you better or you…