tips/advice for a beginner?

Hi, I just started on my journey to lose weight and get fit for the new year (just like hundreds of others) yesterday.
What are some tips/advice for a beginner? I don't have access to a gym, just home with 5lb hand weights.
I have no history of exercising/dieting.

also, what are some exercises for the whole body/arms/legs/abs/butt?
and dieting?
and anything to help me with my journey?


  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    I lost 29 lbs over the past three months... it's really just about keeping the weekly caloric deficit. Exercise and diet pills CAN help - both can surpress your appetite and stimulate your metabolism, plus exercise allows you to eat significantly more than if you don't which means you'll most likely keep with the caloric deficit. I recommend running for fast results - heavy lifting can work too but it's hard to track how many calories you're burning and plus it makes you more hungry than cardio.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    5lbs isn't much, but when I do Turbo Sculpt, I can feel the burn with that weight. :) You should look up the Turbo Jam DVDs and see if it is something you might enjoy. I know I am doing well with them.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Something I learned, is that you don't have to go "balls to the wall" every single exercise session to get the benefits of exercise. If you finish an exercise feeling like you could have done a little more, that's actually a GOOD thing! It means that your body can recover. Recovery is critical.
  • NomNomCupcakes
    NomNomCupcakes Posts: 135 Member
    I never used any diet pills or anything like that before. I lost a good deal of weight. Exercise, as often as you can! But not everyday you might get really burnt out. Get into a routine. Believe it or not, exercising feels super good! I don't have access to a gym either but I have some gym equipment in my home, 3lb weights I bought off, a WiiFit and a spinning bike!!

    If you have a Five Below (a store where everything is five dollars and below) definitely get some teeny tiny weights. I only have 3 lbs but they really help tone!!

    Umm what else. Really keep track of your portion sizes. Use actual cups and teaspoons, tablespoons, all that jazz at first until you are comfortable eyeballing it. I stayed on measuring cups for maybe 2 months until I figured out how much cereal and milk I can have just pouring it into my bowl. Read nutritional labels and keep the serving sizes in mind!

    That's all that I can think of for now :) it is pretty hard work but very very very rewarding especially when you start to see your results. Good luck!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Good luck to you!

    With respect to the diet - I would follow what MFP is setting out for you. It has worked for me :) Make sure you are getting lots of fruits and veggies -- you will find you can eat alot more when you don't waste calories! WATER WATER WATER!!!

    When I started I ran outside. I used couch to 5k, it was HARD and I felt on many occasions I was giong to have a heart attack lol... but I am now up to close to 6k and I LOVE to exercise. For the winter I Had to go into the gym (at my choice) but there are alot of things you can do at home. I have a Wii active and find it works nice too.

    Most of all, just stick to it... seriously, I go thru weeks of being PERFECT and get a 0.2 loss and I go madly insane... but I come out of it and shock myself -- like this xmas week I had a great loss :)

    Happy weight loss!!!!!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I never used any diet pills or anything like that before. I lost a good deal of weight. Exercise, as often as you can! But not everyday you might get really burnt out. Get into a routine. Believe it or not, exercising feels super good! I don't have access to a gym either but I have some gym equipment in my home, 3lb weights I bought off, a WiiFit and a spinning bike!!

    If you have a Five Below (a store where everything is five dollars and below) definitely get some teeny tiny weights. I only have 3 lbs but they really help tone!!

    Umm what else. Really keep track of your portion sizes. Use actual cups and teaspoons, tablespoons, all that jazz at first until you are comfortable eyeballing it. I stayed on measuring cups for maybe 2 months until I figured out how much cereal and milk I can have just pouring it into my bowl. Read nutritional labels and keep the serving sizes in mind!

    That's all that I can think of for now :) it is pretty hard work but very very very rewarding especially when you start to see your results. Good luck!

    I ditto the measuring... I have been at this since April and I measure everything... only thing I can do fairly well eyeballing is salad dressing lol
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    set some realistic goals. To start I would set a goal of exercise 3 x a week for 3 weeks, I would also set a goal of eating clean 5 x a week. If you drink soda I would vow to cut that in half for the first 3 weeks. You get it...keep it simple but effective for a reasonable amount of time. I would for exercise do some videos and pick a walking route that you can do in 1/2 hour and strive to make it faster each week. At the end of three weeks I would add to the already established goals/objectives.

    I would also do some research on what your true BMR is and what a true 500-700 calories deficit a day is. I would really track the water and the food. I would break out the measuring cups and learn how to judge meat sizes by look..Size is important.

    I would find some great people on here that are active on a daily basis and who have made some changes in their lives despite life happening everyday. I would enjoy the journey with it's hills and valleys. I would drink more water. LOL did I already say that? Yep. Drink more water. I would sign up for some sort of race. 5k. 10k. tri, swimming somethig...It gives you a goal and an objective and a sense of completion.

    I would stay the course as long as the journey is. You can do this because you're worth it. You deserve to be happy and secure and fit...Good luck... That's my advice.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Workout videos help me when I can't get to the gym. Right now I'm using ChaLean. Check out ebay for good deals. Personally I have to measure everything. I tend to eat more than a serving! Plus logging everything helps. It makes me realize the snacking I do.
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member

    WALK!!! it is the best thing to get into this. It's what we were meant to do.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like - I like to think I help motivate people to exercise - because I do it most days and am a big advocate of it.

  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    My opinion from personal experience. Do watch your calories and the nutritional breakdown (fats, carbs, proteins) of those calories. Do concern yourself with the quality of the food you eat. Do exercise. DON'T take diet pills or other "fad" weight loss supplements unless directed to do so by a doctore.

    In detail…

    CALORIES: Yes, you can lose weight by only cutting your caloric intake. But, is that really your goal? Granted… I have no idea what your health is like now, but have you ever heard the term "skinny fat"? If not, it means you may be thin, but it doesn't mean you are healthy (or that you necessarily even look good). However, it is important to watch your calories and what kinds of food makes up those calories. The tough part is the "right mix" can be different for every individual. I suggest you start by using MFP's goals are very honest when entering the information, especially your level of activity. My doctor's "simple" advice to me was to watch the simple carbs (sugars, etc.) and saturated fats and to eat more vegetables and fruits. It pretty much worked for me.

    EXERCISE: I strongly urge you to exercise. DVDs are the best because you just need to follow along! I think exercise is important not just because it helps with weight loss and allows you to eat more, but because EXERCISE IS GOOD FOR YOU. :D Especially being a woman, exercise combats a number of things as we age … weight resistance helps maintain bone density (helping to ward off osteoporosis), cardio maintains a healthy heart and cardiovascular system (heart disease is the number one cause of death and disability in women), helps combat weight gain (just wait until perimenopause - ugh) via muscle building and calorie burn. Also, increased muscle strength is important in maintaining back/spine health. As a bonus, you will likely have more energy, and toned muscles just look hot. ;) Some people enjoy exercising, some do not. I am basically in the "do not" category while I'm doing it, but i LOVE the way I feel (and am starting to look) because I do it. Try lots of different things… mix it up!

    PILLS/SUPPLEMENTS: I hope you do NOT consider more drastic things like diet pills. I doubt you need them… your ticker says you want to lose 6lbs? My personal opinion is no one should be taking anything like that on a regular basis without consulting their doctor. Supplements does not include a good meal-replacement drink or powder… one that has a good balance of fats/carbs/protein, and isn't high in sugar. They can be a life saver when you're having a busy day! Of course, a daily multi-vitamin may help and will certainly do no harm.

    RESOURCES: The nice thing about MFP is the diversity of people and opinions (like mine ;0), but like everything on the internet… don't believe everything you read! Do your own research and look for reputable, long-term resources… not the latest "Dr. with a plan" book. I like the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Foundation (lots of good info even if you're not diabetic), for example, when I have questions on food or health. And, there's always your doctor… and if your situation warrants, perhaps they can recommend an actual dietician or nutritionist.

  • opoopz
    opoopz Posts: 6 Member
    wow thank you everyone!
    I'm not into the pills and medication thing. And I already don't drink soda. But I do drink apple juice (which is full of sugar, ugh) and I drink water. Not a lot though :(
    I'm an inactive person and you can say lazy. I love eating/ice cream/chocolates/sweets.
    I did a mini small workout today, and lets say I can feel it in my muscles, hope that's a good sign!
    I will be tracking my food and exercise on here, so hopefully that works.
    I just want to get started on the right track and change for the better! Thank you for all the replies!!!!!!!
    This is going to be hard :( but I hope I can fight through this!
    (oops I put a typo in my weight settings, fixed truely!!)
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Also cheat badly every two weeks once you start plateauing - I reached a plateau at about 20 lbs and was stuck there for two weeks and broke through it through MASSIVE (3-4000 calorie) cheat days :)... the weight will go up for 1-2 days but then you'll be lighter within a week :).
  • CoopsQueen
    CoopsQueen Posts: 12 Member
    Having 5 lb weights is great and for a beginner its perfect! :) if your looking for some great workouts you can try I've purchased some great workout videos on there and some are free! The best results I get are from circuit workouts, but that's for me, you may find some others that can suit you better or you may like the circuit workouts. I work a full time job, husband and 2 yr old, so, I schedule my workouts for the week/month. I also find it most encouraging and motivating to do programs, example, I found a great 12 week circuit workout that I will stick to for the next 12 weeks, along with a short term goal, currently I am working on loosing 2 lbs a week with Calorie Counter, so times that by 12 and that gives me my short term goal to reach. :) Good Luck and Congrats to you for taking control of your health! Keep your mind set on your goals and you will get what you want in no time!!