erickog07 Member


  • are u following the calendar? if u almost done with month one then the next week is recovery week and THEN the month 2 workouts are much much more difficult and are an hour long that should break u out of ur plateau
  • add me if ud like
  • Insanity is a good program to follow in order to lose some weight but also and mainly to gain strength and cardio at least that's how it seems to me. I only followed the Insanity calendar I didn't have the nutrition guide and all that BUT I was able to lose over 15 in the first month with clean eating and eating about 1800…
  • id say it depends if u have the fit test coming up or not if u do id say just continue as normal because u don't want to work out on sunday then when u do the fit test on Monday you'll be somewhat tired from the day before
  • Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone fluctuates at least around 5 pounds throughout the day most people say to only weigh yourself like once a week or month I look everyday I don't care but I try and only care about how much I weight the day after my rest day. Also is that you in your profile pic you seem pretty fit already and I…
  • A man here. I think best thing for him to do would be heavy lifting and he has to eat way more than he burns but it has to be mostly protein. Thats the only way i could think for him to bulk up with muscle unless u dont mind him eating a bunch of mcdonalds to just get fat lol
  • I am also 5'8 and from what ive gathered about 160 is a healthy goal and 150-155 would be the lowest I/we could go before we need to dehydrate to lose more weight.
  • that's what im doing Insanity and then later in the day lifting weights if I could id be running for 15-20 minutes before I lifted but its too cold for that. I don't do anything super heavy lifting just hit the curling bar/ bicep curls/ tricep lifting the dumbbell up behind my head.