My target weight should be? (Men only)



  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Well just goes to show that height alone can't tell you. Body frame and all that makes a world of difference.

    I'm 5'9" too. But I'm fairly broad shouldered and that. My final goal was 180 and I'm hovering between that and 175.

    Right now I'm focused on muscle gains and not trying to lose anymore. I figure with continued exercise and monitoring my calories I'll end up where I want to be. I've got some extra around the middle but a lot of that is loose skin so it's hard to tell.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Same height as me and my goal weight is around 205 which will hopefully be my weight at around 15% bodyfat. My LBM is around 175lbs at the moment.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    I'm 5'10" currently 207. I have it set for 185 right now, I'm going to reassess my goals once I get there.
  • andymf85
    andymf85 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'10" and liked being at 165 the best. That was a body fat % of about 15-16, and I could fit comfortably in size 34 pants and medium t-shirts. I was thin, not skinny, and healthy. Most importantly, felt great.

    I'm actually trying to get back to that weight, having slowly climbed back to almost 200, and then I'm going to assess what I want and am willing to do as far as muscle mass goes. I've just found that I can't really stick to a plan that involves both goals at the same time, so I'm starting with the one that matters more to me.

    However, remembering my weight loss adventures in the past, I have found it best to focus on short-term goals, as others have mentioned. When I was pushing 215, I obsessed over 200, then I obsessed over 190, then 180, then 170. I never would have made it by focusing on a number that seemed so far away.

    And even when I obsessed, I still paced my weight loss safely, and focused on losing fat rather than just dropping the number on the scale. Going by waist size really helped my efforts, and the holes on my belts were as real a reinforcement of my progress as the scale wishes it was.
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I'm 5'9 and have ranged from 210lbs to 165-175 currently. I felt great at 185. Bigger arms and back and shoulders. My current goal is 155 and that is more for the lean look.
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    I'm 6'3" and originally had my goal set at 190. When I hit 210 I redid my goal and dropped it to 185, which is about what I was at in college. I'm about 9 lbs off that now, and not really sure if I want to drop the last ten or so, because now it is more about tone, dropping the fat weight, and getting in better shape for the weight I am carrying. That and my wife says I'm getting too skinny.
  • FrostyBev
    FrostyBev Posts: 119 Member
    Figure out what your BF%.

    From there you should be able to figure out how much fat your have. At 20% BF or less you'll look good in clothes, look slim and be at a healthy weight. At 10% BF or less you'll look good naked and have a 6 pack. At 7% or less you'll start to get that gross too slim look that pro bodybuilders have (without the big muscles).

    ^^ This. I had set a goal of 215 and then I had my BF% checked and found out I had 190 lbs of Lean Mass. I have since modified my goal to 15% BF instead of a weight. It's measurable and reasonable and its not scale dependent.
  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    I am 6' and am currently 185lbs, I still have a stomach. So my goal would probably be mid 170's. I have started heavy lifting so again will have to see how that develops my shape.
  • thedodgeruk
    thedodgeruk Posts: 132 Member
    i am also at 5 foot 9
    i weigh 168 lbs
    i want to get to 154 lbs

    that should put me to about 13 - 14% body fat
    i am not massive muscle but you can see it

    i think it all depends on your body shape and whats right for you
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Awesome replies folks. Much appreciated with the help. Considering the range of answers I'm getting, I think its safe to not have a goal weight till I atleast hit 200 and see where I go from there
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    I am 5'10" and my Doctor said my target is 187 to be average.. but he said ideal for my body is right over 200
  • MisterTownsend
    MisterTownsend Posts: 1 Member
    I second this one! (Sort of.)

    At 20% body fat you will start to look good in clothes that fit well,
    at 10% you will start to look good at the pool/beach
    at 5% you will be ripped
    and only when you go below 5% will you start to look like you have gone too far. Most male fitness models will get down to 3% for a big photo shoot, but it's really tough for anyone to stay that low - even models, who make fitness their job.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I second this one! (Sort of.)

    At 20% body fat you will start to look good in clothes that fit well,
    at 10% you will start to look good at the pool/beach
    at 5% you will be ripped
    and only when you go below 5% will you start to look like you have gone too far. Most male fitness models will get down to 3% for a big photo shoot, but it's really tough for anyone to stay that low - even models, who make fitness their job.

    That's pretty much a matter of perception.

    For the record...I agree with all of these guys though. Don't set any goal till you find your bodyfat/lean mass.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Figure out what your BF%.

    From there you should be able to figure out how much fat your have. At 20% BF or less you'll look good in clothes, look slim and be at a healthy weight. At 10% BF or less you'll look good naked and have a 6 pack. At 7% or less you'll start to get that gross too slim look that pro bodybuilders have (without the big muscles).

    This, so you can figure out how much lean body mass.

    So if you are 263 @ 25% body fat, you would have 197 lbs of muscle. So if you can get down to 15% body fat, you would aim for 226 lbs as your goal weight so you don't lose any muscle.
  • mariobadr
    mariobadr Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 5'9. Current weight is 145, I'm trying to get to 150-160. I think 153 would be ideal for my frame.

    Your best bet is to just keep going until you look in the mirror and you're satisfied with what you see :)
  • erickog07
    erickog07 Posts: 8 Member
    I am also 5'8 and from what ive gathered about 160 is a healthy goal and 150-155 would be the lowest I/we could go before we need to dehydrate to lose more weight.
  • Losingthedamnweight
    This was a question on my mind for quite awhile and I got my answer by googling "men 5'8 at 150 lbs" and also going to sub Reddits like r/progresspics and seeing guys my height. My goal weight initially was something like 175ish. Then I saw guys my height at that weight and they still complained of feeling a little tubby. 150 seems like a solid goal. I'm gonna get down to that weight and just work on putting on some muscle.

    Your goal weight is fine as long as you know what to expect. I was 200 a couple years ago and still had the belly and felt fat. But only you can know what weight is right for you
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    I would say for the average joe of your height - the median is probably going to be 170-185 lb depending on build
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    5'9" myself, down from 208lbs, aiming for 160 lbs and then recomping slowly. Ideally want to drop my bf to somewhere in the 10-15% range, currently somewhere in the 15-20% range.