epcooper Member


  • This isn't going to be a popular post, because I'm apparently one of the unlucky few who experienced the possible detrimental effects of keto. I'm only 30 and was in fairly good health before I started keto. I was never technically overweight, but I wanted to lose 10-15 lbs and I like the rigidity of keto. I stayed pretty…
  • I was looking up fat bombs the other day and found this little treat: http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=2537035. I haven't tried it yet, but it certainly looks promising. I used to loooove Mounds bars. You could probably stick one almond on the top of each before freezing.
  • My favorite spinach side is caveman keto's creamy cheesy spinach. Super easy and delicious! http://cavemanketo.com/video-creamy-cheesy-spinach/.
  • My first introduction to keto was through Kiefer's CarbNite Solution (which is keto + 1 high-carb night per week). It was relatively effective, but eating all those carbs left me bloated and craving more, so I eventually transitioned to regular keto. I've never had that much weight to lose....maybe 20lbs total. I lost 5…
  • I have the opposite effect. I feel much more emotionally stable when I'm keto, especially around my period. I used to get irrationally angry and sad before my period started. I'd even tear up during sad commercials. Now though, I no longer have periods where I feel like I'm on the edge of a cliff...I'm just very…
  • I just had this conversation with my coworker, who is Type 1 diabetic (we work at WIC and talk about diet often). She woke up one morning feeling terrible, with her blood sugars through the roof. A little sleuthing revealed she'd eaten two jello snacks with malitol the night before, and I found this article:…
  • Since I started keto, I sweat profusely every night when I'm sleeping. It's annoying. I always though that night sweats were a result of elevated blood sugar though, which doesn't make sense to me at all. I'd really like to hear if there's a scientific explanation for this too.
  • My carb nites usually include some white or sweet potato or white rice. I try to stay away from pizza or pasta though. Maybe I'll have some fruit if I'm really craving it. Desserts will usually be some kind of pastry or cake from the bakery next door (my favorite is apple turnover), or a good serving of ice cream. It…
  • Ketoer here too! I check in every day!
  • As a woman, I try to get between 100 and 150 carbs for the whole day. Men can handle a lot more than that. I sleep like a baby that night and wake up puffy the next morning. It only takes a couple days to shed the water weight and my weight (measured weekly before each carb nite) is steadily decreasing. It's also important…
  • I follow a Carb Nite type approach. One evening a week (either Friday or Saturday) I enjoy a meal with some carbs, usually as a side, and a dessert. My earlier meals that day are still super low-carb. I have better success when I keep carbs less than 120 for the day. I also fat-fast the day following my carb-heavy evening…
  • I always look and feel really swollen the day after a carb binge. It's just water, and it usually takes 2-3 days for it to go away. It's nothing to worry about. :smile:
  • I've read 2 books on the subject - Carb Nite Solution by Keifer and Low Carb Diet Strategies by Susan Campbell. I recommend the second one, because Keifer's book is a bit outdated and geared more toward men than women. Keifer recommends 10 days of induction before adding in carb nites, but definitely listen to your body.…
  • I do it, except I try to get at least 6 days between each one. It's only recommended after becoming keto-adapted, but it works to keep fat-burning hormones from taking a nose-dive. I usually only see a 2-lb gain the following day (all from water), and it takes 2 or so days to shed after going back to keto ratios. Even with…
  • This is amazing! I love data, and I had made my own little excel spreadsheet, but this is FAR better. Thank you!
  • On the website - click on the FOOD tab at the top, then on Recipes in the 2nd line. From there you can click Enter New Recipe and enter all of the ingredients and # of servings to get cals/macros per serving. I believe in the app you have to go to More, then Edit Foods and Exercises, then My Recipes to do the same thing.
  • I had already been eating lower-carb Paleo for over a year, so I didn't have the massive loss of water weight that many people experience. Also, I'm starting from a normal BMI, so I'll never have the huge losses that other people have.
  • I started keto with just 10-15 lbs to lose, and have included a cheat meal + dessert one day a week. After a month, I'm down about 5 lbs, and I haven't found it hard to follow at all. Check out the keto group here and also reddit.com/r/keto.
  • I've lost 4 lbs in 1 month, which doesn't sound like much, but it's HUGE for me. I'd been bouncing around the same 2 lbs for 4 months just eating Paleo, and as soon as I cut carbs to keto levels I started seeing new lows.
  • Just FYI - almond milk isn't dairy. There's no lactose in it. I eat (full-fat) cheese regularly and actually have seen better losses than when I wasn't eating dairy....but I also watch my calorie intake. I think the issues most people have with dairy are 1.) it can cause bloating if you're sensitive to it, and 2.) it's…
  • ^ agreed. Usually 2 days with >80% fat puts me right back in.
  • I usually have tea with heavy cream a couple times a day. I use mayo a lot to increase my fat calories as well....it can be modified to be a salad dressing or dip for meats & veggies.
  • I don't exercise right now and have seen far better results (on the scale) than when I exercised 4-5 days a week. My plan is to add back weight training once I'm at a more acceptable BF%, and I can accept some scale-weight gains. I don't feel like I have any muscle wasting, and I'm losing fat at a steady rate. That's the…
  • Welcome! I agree with everyone else about reading as much as you can, watching Fat Head, and checking out reddit.com/r/keto. Lost of real people over there with great advice and awesome results. I've been carrying an extra 10-15 lbs for years, and keto is the only thing that has helped me to shed them. I'm down to my…
  • Chicken stuffed with spinach and cream cheese.....OMG.
  • I know that I was guilty of falling for the conventional wisdom plan of "healthy" eating, and I actually (regretfully) convinced my mom to adopt that plan too. Low-fat cheese, skim milk, granola bars, whole-wheat toast with margarine. It actually makes me cringe to think about now. She's gained 30 lbs and I'm having the…
  • Definitely fruit. I love a nice crisp, cold gala apple or a sweet, creamy banana. I also miss pastries. I live right next to a bakery that has beautiful pastries in the display and walking past it every day is tough....not to mention the smell of baking bread that wafts in my bedroom window every morning. I could have gone…
  • I've had the same frustrations as you have, coming to keto from paleo. I didn't get the big drop in water weight that most people get in the first week of keto because I had already cut out grains and processed foods. So in order for me to lose any weight, I've had to drastically cut both carbs and calories almost to…
  • I've been on BCPs for 15 years, obviously with periods like clockwork and the first time I got into ketosis (accidentally, actually), my period came a few days early. The next month it was a full week early. While still taking pills. From everything I've read, it's not uncommon....keto is all about hormone manipulation so…
  • I'm currently a size 8, but I would like to be comfortable in a 6, and wouldn't complain if I could slip into some 4s too.