

  • I did it and it was great, although the last section killed my knees and I had to quite because I ended up in alot of pain. The knee warm up exercises she does in the first section should be done for twice the time at least in the third I would say xx
  • My knees have never been the same since I did it.
  • If people watch it, then they are going to believe that people love them for being utter tools. And they now get paid millions and people now think that if they want fame all they need to do is get trashed and make idiots of themselves.
  • Gordie shore is exactly what people are like in the Binge drinking UK. Wai I man!
  • I am exactly the same! I also feel the same after kickboxing. I heard that a good time to eat is after your workout (within 1/2 an hour I think) as your metabolism is at its fastest, so I try to save my meals until afterwards. I'm not sure if that's the right way, but if I don't do it that way Id be eating too :-) I also…
  • Thats fantastic! What have you been doing to get yourself that trim?
  • Hello! Im Kate and origionally from Manchester but live in Melbourne Aus now, welcome! Thsi is great, as long as your honest with yourself and write everything down, youll be fine. What excercise are you thinking of doing?
  • Hi! Im Kate from Melbourne Australia and would love a support buddy too. Im in day 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and may need someone to kick my butt from time to time. I think the best place to start to change your eating patterns is here, as it tells you exactly what your eating, no niceties, just in black and…
  • Ive just done the 30 day shred for the first time and I think I will be feeling it tomorrow? I was wondering, does anyne know how to put it in th excercise diary?
  • Hi scotslass - Im origionally from the UK (Sunny Mcr) and have also been using the Davina one, but again its not been too hard (It does feel ace to say that!) Which of them all is your favourite?
  • I just had a look on you tube and it looks like it will kick my rather large butt! Do you have to do a diet with it or just work out? Thanks for the tip by the way, I really appreciate it.
  • Welcome to MFP from Melbourne, Australia! I have only been with MFP for around 4 months, but already am 10lbs lighter and alot more toned than Ive ever been. Not sure if anyone else has been doing this, but Ive downloaded a couple of excercise hypnosis tracks and have been using them at the same time I started on MFP, so I…
  • I agree with Mamapengu, I have only recently started running (or jogging at the moment!) and do the two breaths in (Through the nose) and two breaths out (through the mouth) and each breath is on each step. The breathing in through the nose takes a bit of getting used to, especially if its cold, but I now can run for 40…