Stick it in the freezer ^_^
Ahhhh that's amazing haha, you must be so proud! Well done :D
Also AngryDiet you're being very risky! THE IMAGE OF AN ANGEL BECOMES AN ANGEL AAAAGH
Still suffering from Post-Pond Depression I can't believe the Doctor's alone He should never be alone 62 days left ok Also yeah **** tonne of plot holes But the biggest hole of all is the ONE IN MY HEART Or the fact that Pond's whole game was she was The Girl Who Waited and if the Doctor actually went back that night and…
You're the hero MFP deserves, but not the one it needs right now
Pretty much the same goal as me! Iya! :)
Hahaa its keeping in character msf74 ;) Everyone else- you're right! So right. I feel terrible for nearly straying ;D I'll be sure to post a picture of my newly gingered self in the regulation short shorts and brown levva jacket etc Thanks for all your inputs!! :)
Shuya, Noriko and Shogo over Catpiss & co any day However for the expo I am feeling more Pond atm.... Gonna run round like a mad 'ed shouting 'DOCTOOOOOR' in a Scootish accent
Eurrrrrrk, don't even get me started on the Hunger Games D: Such a poor imitation of a beautifully written book
My heart agrees YES
He had an opinion that some of you disagree with, get over it
At the risk of sounding like a dope....what are macros? :S
Put a lock on your cupboard/freezer drawer? Stick a sly camera aimed at the fridge ro catch him in the act? Then he can't deny it Or use next loan to buy a mini fridge and keep everything in your room :3 OR hide the bread and food in an empty Always packet or tampon box or something and tell him you like the pads/tampons…
Head to Tesco/Asda/Morrisons etc about half 11 and get all the reduced fruit n veg!! They last a good extra few days or freeze any you won't use. Costs about 10p each!!
18lbs to go!!!
Scrambled eggs, spinach and melted cheese ^_^
Bump hahaha
BA Film & TV Screenwriting at UCLan (in Preston, UK)
Well done!! :D
Welcome to Britaaaaaain
Lost a stone and boobs exactly the same, I use a E sports bra (I'm an F) to strap dem down good and proper
I use green tea as the lube, or juice/flavoured water Mostly (cold) green tea though Try a handful of kale, blueberries, strawbs, a banana, green tea, a kiwi and some grapes I've been having that every day for a week :), skins gone lovely, v filling, 200 odd cals for nearly a litre My poo smells like bananas now as well, a…
Tesco do these boss dutch crispbakes, 29 cals each and you can add different toppings! It's like having stuff on toast but at a fraction of the cals! I've had on them; Ham, phili & tomato Ham, mayo & tomato Salmon, scrambled egg & ketchup Tuna mayo & sweetcorn relish Ham, phili & olives Nutella Also Special K mini bites…
I have a 6 inch one on my left forearm! I went over the handlebars on one of those micro scooters and my arm snapped in two, bone ripped through the skin and the wrist/hand got twisted all the way round and mangled! I had two operations, metal pins and a lorra lorra casts! For the second op I took in a crappy Kodak camera…
Bump ^_^
She's ridiculous for calling you that You're not unusual, she's just a dilhole