This is the story of Amelia Pond. And this, is how it ends.
"Come along Pond, PLEASE" "Raggedy Man, goodbye!" Am crying Just Just When the Doctor broke down No I cant
Manchester Expo 21st July- Doctor Who or Battle Royale?
So I've basically got my costume for Amy Pond, it was fairly simple cos it's basically normal clothes and some ginge hair dye, but now my friend is all "I'm going as Kazuo Kiryama, you should go as Mitsuko Souma and be a double act with me!!" So now I'm like omg what to dooo, because the BR one sounds dead fun but I was…
Fat Fetishs
Stick channel 4 on, oh my word If anything it will serve to give you all a cheeky esteem boost And before anyone goes off on a 'at least they love their bodies' rant, it's still as appalling as an ED like anorexia and they're killing themselves and treating their body disrespectfully But oh god
has anybody else noticed
How rude and proper overreacting the American people are in the forums? D: It is probably other nationalities as well like but Almost every post I've read a yank starts on someone Not even just a simple 'I disagree with you' but they proper flip over everything Some woman got crucified (lul pun) before for referencing…
UK Tattoo Comp!
Please do me a fave and register and vote It will take three minutes of your life and will make my lovely and talented fwend a very happy bunny I'm not 100% sure it shows any of her work since I literally registered, voted and began a linking spree but if need be I'll hunt down some proof for you she deserves it :)…
Please do me a fave and register and vote It will take three minutes of your life and will make my lovely and talented fwend a very happy bunny I'm not 100% sure it shows any of her work since I literally registered, voted and began a linking spree but if need be I'll hunt down some proof for you she deserves it :)…
UK Tattoo Comp!!
Please do me a fave and register and vote It will take three minutes of your life and will make my lovely and talented fwend a very happy bunny I'm not 100% sure it shows any of her work since I literally registered, voted and began a linking spree but if need be I'll hunt down some proof for you she deserves it :)…
NSV for meeeeeeeee
Went out last night to town with friends from college I haven't seen for a while and my friend Emma was like OH MY GOD YOU CAN TELL YOU'VE LOST WEIGHT Also also also I wore a dress that last year was too tight but now it's naaaaaice I'm not sure if pictures exist to show because I'm still fuzzy brained from the vodkas but…
Eating chicken testicles for Xmas Dinner?
I am a deceiver, the title is merely to attract attention because my other post had no comments and I wanted advice dammit! So I turned to a snazzy subject header to make you all go WHAAAT My topic header on the real post was short and dull and I watched in horror as it got further down the 'Recent Posts' page Anyway help…
Weighing yourself
Normally I do it every few weeks, first thing in the morning, after a poo and before my breakfast I do this to avoid any cheeky fluctuations the day might make Anyway I'm due to weigh myself again in a few days BUT I WAS DEAD EXCITED So I weighed myself then But this is in the afternoon I exercised in the morning, but…
A Documentary Showing the Dangers of PMS
Season 6 Supermegaspecialawsome limited edition blu-ray boxs
Got it off Amazon as a cheeky Christmas present for my boyfriend and it's like So beautiful The 3D Silence on the front is awsome Will I be justified in stealing for myself? Even though I don't own a blue-ray player/PS3 Also let's discuss dat ending I know people are all ***** ***** moan moan kids programme to hard to…
evil scales
So basically the only scales in our house is a pair of leccy ones, and I think they're stupid. I have to weigh myself about ten times just to check its right cos it comes up with ERROR every few tries. Anyway today I weighed myself and it fluctuated crazier than usual 9:3.5 9.7 9.5 9:4.5 9:4.5 9:4.5 9:4.5 9.3 WHAT THE HELL…