Eating chicken testicles for Xmas Dinner?

I am a deceiver, the title is merely to attract attention because my other post had no comments and I wanted advice dammit! So I turned to a snazzy subject header to make you all go WHAAAT

My topic header on the real post was short and dull and I watched in horror as it got further down the 'Recent Posts' page
Anyway help pleaaase *pastes my other post here*

"(Talking about weighing maself)

Normally I do it every few weeks, first thing in the morning, after a poo and before my breakfast
I do this to avoid any cheeky fluctuations the day might make

Anyway I'm due to weigh myself again in a few days

So I weighed myself then
But this is in the afternoon
I exercised in the morning, but since drank lots of water and blueberry & acai tea to replace lost fluids
I also just did a poo and it's been several hours since I ate so my food is all digested pulp, or out of me by now
And I wee'd out all the water and tea
Then I weighed myself
My scales are often 'orrible and tempermental so I weighed myself 5 times to check
I'D LOST 3 1/2 LBS!

But now I'm like "does it count?"
Because of how todays weighing circumstances differ from normal


PS Sorry if any of you are all UGH OMG SHE HAD A POO but I felt it necessary to include all the deets


  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    Oh typical, now I have a reply on the original

    Impatience is a terrible thing :3
  • The title worked !

    Congrats on the loss.

    She said "Poo"..Ma-ha-huh-ha-huhuh...
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    So, you weighed yourself a couple days early & you wonder if it counts? I don't see why not. I generally weigh myself once a week. Now, you could weigh yourself again on your usual day, and just wait until then to "count" it. It might be 4 lbs by then. Or, it might still be 3.5. Or it could be 3. I don't think there is a hard and fast rule. Each time you get on the scale, it is just a snapshot of time - that moment. It could be different a few hours later.
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member

    It was more the fact about exercising and fluid loss I was worried about, in case that made a dramatic difference, but then I thought I'd probably cancelled out that by the drinking and wotnot 8)

    Thank you for your input :D
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    I am thoroughly disappointed. I was truly hoping this was a thread discussing the merits of eating chicken testicles.

    **stomps away muttering under my breath**
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Of course it counts. Congrats! You might have a bit of an increase when you weigh yourself again if you retain water. I retain water like nuts so it's always different but yeah I would count it.
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    Nice title! It worked!
    You could weigh yourself again on your usual day, and just wait until then to "count" it. It might be 4 lbs by then.

    ^^ I agree with this. I wouldn't log it just yet. Wait until your normal day. You could really surprise yourself. What I do? Leave your scale in the closet until weigh-in day. I have weak moments, but a once-a-week weigh-in is the best to see the most results and not get discouraged by water retention or what have you. I'm tempted to start putting my scale in the attic during the week to avoid those "weak spells." But your loss is incredible! Congratulations to you! Keep it up!
  • sgtlittle
    sgtlittle Posts: 258 Member
    It counts. I think its great you are brutally honest about your habits...maybe the rest of us should do the same.

    BTW, chickens don't have testicles since they are females, but I am no expert on bird anatomy.

    I have been wondering...which came first the chicken or the egg?
  • I can drop 4-5 pounds throughout the day. Especially after a nice workout. If it were me, I would only count my morning weights like you have been doing.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    I am thoroughly disappointed. I was truly hoping this was a thread discussing the merits of eating chicken testicles.

    **stomps away muttering under my breath**

    Yep me too...

    OP Havent you ever heard of false advertising and how it dissapoints others
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    Chickens don't have testicles since they are females.

  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    I know they don't have balls, but 'cockerel testicles' sounded like a bad pun

    I apologise for the false advertising!
    Forgive my cunning ploy to get all of your attentions.... >8D

    Thank you all very much for your input, I'll weigh myself on the usual day in the morning and see how it differs

    And thanks for the congratulations :D
    Also yeah I often get told off on Facebook for being brutally honest on everything but I think it's necessary 8D
    No point beating around the bush XD
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    Whoever throws in a *kitten* joke because of 'beating around the bush' will be my new favourite person
  • tuskegee4
    tuskegee4 Posts: 110 Member
    Count it, but you should weigh in at same time for consistency, but I 'm not a big scale person. My mirror and my clothes never lie.
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    I think I'd be very happy about the drop, and weigh myself again in the morning for the official count, since that's what I always do, and yea all those nasty variations, but just for my peace of mind that I wasn't cheating or something , I'd wait till morning.

    btw.. All chickens are chickens. females are Hens males are Roosters... but all chickens... Roosters give McDs chicken nuggets. :noway:
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    You are brutally honest? Says the gal who just had to have total input about your weigh-in as to trick us into looking... brutally honest or attention wh*re ? *slap self for saying such a terrible thing. But you're adorable and 19, you can't help it *hug
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    You are brutally honest? Says the gal who just had to have total input about your weigh-in as to trick us into looking... brutally honest or attention wh*re ? *slap self for saying such a terrible thing. But you're adorable and 19, you can't help it *hug

    No attention wh*reness D:, only wanted advice and feedback and used a joke title to achieve this!
    The man called me brutally honest for all the poo comments, not the testicle bit XD

    I don't know whether to feel patronised or offended or whatever :')

    *hugs back anyway* :D
  • Wow, talking about the mythilogical chicken testicles and masterbation in the same post here, never thought I would see that Coming.