sisterrigby Member


  • I make this one for my vegetarian friends & they always love it! 2 cans carrots 2 cans peas (I use cans because they make for mushier veggies) 1 can mushrooms 2 eggs (optional) curry, black pepper, other spicy spices to taste (I dump a lot in!) Take the 5 cans & drain them. Then dump the veggies into a pot and cook over…
  • Today's major success? Its been two weeks since I've done the 30 day shred (I did level 1 every other day for 2 weeks (so 7 times) and then I went to NY for the weekend followed by getting the stomach flu) and I was so sure that I was going to get my booty kicked by it today and I was going to have to start all over. But…
  • On the days I do the shred, that is the only exercise I do that day, and I do another type of exercise the next day (right now its My Fitness Plan for the Wii). So I'm only doing the 30 day shred every other day. It gives my muscles a chance to recuperate. Even though I'm not doing it every day, I'm def. seeing a…
    in ? Comment by sisterrigby January 2009
  • I'm on day 4, but I only do it Tues/Thurs/Sat. I love it though! I think I'll be on level 1 for quite awhile, but I have to admit that my endurance today was way better than a week ago!!
  • I'm in Wisconsin! The weather has been really crappy! I'm lucky enough to have a wii fit & dvds & an exercise bike at home, so being stuck indoors has actually helped me (it stopped me from going to Wendy's tonight too!) But I agree that its pretty depressing and I'm really looking forward to being outdoors again! At least…
  • I've actually been using this site since the 2nd, but since I'm usually just a lurker on the community boards, I haven't introduced myself. I thought I'd be brave and do that now. :) Hi! My name is Marin. I've had a long complicated journey through highs and lows of weight. At the beg. of 2003 I was 240lbs, then I went and…