

  • Ooops! That didn't turn out right. I was trying to quote "watch48win" and reply to what she had said! Just wanted to clarify in case anyone was confused! lol.
  • The breakdown per meal is pretty cheap.....Just think of how much 1 meal at a fast food restaurant costs. At least $4+ per person, and if you go to a sit down least $8 per person. ( if not more). I personally spend 125-160 per week. I just depends on what we run out of or need that week. We don't eat out much- maybe…
  • I guess I should clarify - our $150/week does also include household things - like toilet paper, diapers, laundry soap, dishwasher soap, etc. It is not JUST our food bill.
  • UGH, I SO hear you on the grocery bill!!!!! We have six people in our family (me, hubby, and four kiddos) and I spend about $150/week. BUT, three of my kids are in school Monday-Friday and eat breakfast AND lunch at school!!! Our school started a breakfast program last year where it is part of their daily morning routine…
  • I'm assuming they are saying no to raisins because they are high in calories and not too filling. I put 1/8 cup of raisins in my oatmeal, which really is NOT that much....... and it is 65 calories!
  • I have a Polar F4 and it is a pretty simple model, but does everything that I was looking for. Gives me the basic functions, such as heartrate, calories burned, length of time exercising, target heartrate zone, etc. From what I understand, the only difference between F4 and F6 is that if you work out in a gym, the F4 can…
  • I would think that would be a good choice of snack! I can buy a HUGE bag of jerky (and it is NOT cheap!) and my kids plow right through it - they LOVE jerky! My husband makes homemade every now and then too, and it is literally GONE within minutes. I figure it is a much better snack then a package of Oreo's, you know?
  • I had this SAME question shortly after I joined too! I was told then that natural sugars, such as in fruit, are just fine. Although, everyone's advice was - EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. Don't load up on a half flat of strawberries a day, LOL! Anyways, it is the processed sugars that are in boxed-type foods that you need to…
  • I had the same scale obsession, and DID get way too discouraged by the day-to-day fluctuations. I finally had to put it away in the closet and only bring it out on Mondays now for my "official" weigh in. I used to weigh on Fridays, but then found myself "cheating" here and there on the weekends. So, switched it to Mondays…
  • Very awesome!!!!!!! Great job! All that hard work is paying off. Keep at it! You are doing terrific!! :smile:
  • I definitely prefer the old fashioned oats, or at least the quick 1-minute oats - I just really don't care for the instant variety!! The quick oats are very easy to prepare - little bit of water in a saucepan, it boils within a minute or so since there isn't much water, dump the oats in and cook for a minute or so, and…
  • I would be curious to hear too! I will say, I have heard TERRIBLE things about the Jillian Michaels game. If you go read reviews on Amazon, doesn't sound like it is worth wasting your money on! On the other hand, have heard great things about My Fitness Coach. Awhile back, I saw it on sale for $19.99 and I am SO wishing I…
  • My ring is SOOO loose. It literally falls off my finger. There has been several occasions that it has just slipped off and I had to go looking for it! I don't want to get it resized over and over though, so I just keep wearing it as is and will when I get closer to my goal. However, one tip for you - I was in the jewelry…
  • Very good! You are on your way! That is terrific! I am at 203.5 right now too! Sooooo close to being under 200 lbs - that is going to feel absolutely WONDERFUL. Been YEARS since I have seen a 1-- in front!!!! Good Luck to you!
  • I have your same problem! I have an elliptical at home, and have only been able to do about 5 minutes on it. I just feel totally uncoordinated and can't seem to get the hang of it! Looks like I just need to keep at it and it should get easier........ well, not EASIER, but at least I won't feel like it is going to run out…
  • Very good! Awesome job! Pat on the back for you :smile: I had one of those "moments" the other night. I am a pizza *ADDICT*. I LOVE LOVE LOVE pizza! My family decided that is what they wanted for dinner, so said fine with me (no cooking! :smile: ) and I didn't even have a LICK of it - wasn't even a temptation! Honestly…
  • ACK, I hope those aren't bad things because that is what I eat on a daily basis! lol. Apparently they are not though, because I have lost a good bit of weight doing just that! I just found a new cereal - Cheerios Banana Nut, and OMG - they are SO yummy! I usually cut up a fresh banana into the bowl of cereal too, and mmmm…
  • Ohhhhhhh.... I didn't realize there was a battery in the chest strap? Well that is crappy...... now I see why they say to send it in. I don't see any way to take the chest strap apart, so that makes sense. Well darn! Hopefully the battery lasts long enough...... :grumble:
  • Regarding the mailing your Polar in to switch the battery - It CAN be done by yourself, like FitnessChick said - I believe it just voids the warranty (but really, how long does the warranty last anyways? a year? I am not sure....) It's something to do with them needing to replace the battery because it is waterproof, and…
  • I am no expert, but from what I have read and heard, you should probably try to eat at least half of your exercise calories back.
  • Well, maybe my goals aren't that great! For me, I think it is - I think I would be very comfortable at that weight and maintainable. Anyhow, I am 5'4" and started at 242.5 lbs. My goal is 160 lbs. I am currently at 203.5, almost half-way there! kerrilucko- I remember seeing a post a day or two ago from her saying that she…
  • Hello - GREAT buy! I got my F4 at Christmas time brand new for $65 - and thought that was a SMOKING deal! :smile: My understanding was, the only real difference between the F4 and F6 was that if you worked out in a gym, it could interfere and get different readings from other HRM's worn by people in the room. I don't go to…
  • I NEED my sleep! I am so grouchy if I don't get it. I usually am in bed by about 10pm and up around 6am..... usually sleep quite well too! So about 8 hours seems to be my "need" :smile:
  • I just posted this on another thread too, for someone looking for a HRM for under $50 - found this Timex HRM on Amazon with great reviews - has the exact same features as the Polar F4 and is $56 with free shipping:…
  • Here is another option I just found - it actually has the exact same features as my F4: $56 with free shipping Good luck!
  • I bought my Polar F4 at Christmas time from for $65. I know that is a bit more than the $50 you are after, but it was by far the cheapest I could find a Polar for. I just saw an Omron on Amazon for $32 on sale (was $59) and it had the chest strap. Had free shipping too.…
  • I have a Polar F4 - great online deal at Christmas time for $65 with free overnight shipping! Just checked the website and it is no longer available though - sorry :ohwell: Anyhow, like someone else said - I think it would do just what you needed...... heart rate, calories burned, etc. Just a basic model, but that is all I…
  • There has been lots of back and forth about this, on whether or not to eat your exercise calories. Everyone has their own opinions, but for myself - I don't eat them. I look as exercise as a "booster" to my diet and weight loss goals. I guess you just have to figure out what works for your body, but I still can't make…
  • Great post! Also wanted to say, I just checked out your profile and photos - you look AMAZING!!!! Terrific job!!
  • I can give up ANYTHING else...... I am not a cookies, cake, sweets type of person. Hate chocolate! My big weakness is PIZZA. I just love it and usually eat it once a week. I just can't seem to get past my love for it!! I usually look forward to it as my one "cheat" meal for the week - I don't take an entire cheat DAY, just…