

  • Amazing! You look wonderful. Very inspiring!!! Definitely something to be proud of!
  • Have you tried replacing your batteries in it? Mine starts acting crazy like that when the batteries are low. Might give that a try before buying a new scale!
  • Very good!!! That has got to feel great. Keep up the good work!
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is fantastic!! Doesn't it feel amazing when you no longer see that "2" on the scale?! Pat on the back for you! Great job!!!
  • We have the Wii fit and love it.... however, after you have unlocked all of the games, it can tend to get a little boring. I haven't tried the Wii Active game yet but it looks great. Has anyone tried the latest Wii Resort game? It looks like it would be pretty fun too!!
    in Wii fit Comment by SteffCooley July 2009
  • Very good!!! That makes it all worth it, doesn't it?! Keep up the hard work :smile:
  • That is awesome! Congrats to you! Keep up the great work :smile:
  • Congratulations!!!!!!! Doesn't it feel just WONDERFUL?! You have done an amazing job. Keep it up! :smile:
  • Like everyone else said, protein and fiber are not a bad thing. Now, fat and carbs you need to not go overboard on - but protein and fiber are A-OK! :smile:
  • That is wonderful! GREAT JOB!!! Feels great when you make those accomplishments, doesn't it?! :smile:
  • I will second that lemon slice idea! I have a big 32 oz. cup that I fill up several times throughout the day with ice water and a couple of lemon slices - YUM! Try it - it is great!
  • I LOVE cereal too! Mmmm.... just had some for dinner! My two most favorites are: Quaker Honey Oh's Banana Nut Cheerios Both of those kinds with a banana cut up in it........ YUM! I also love any sort of granola but hate that it is so high in calories.
  • So very true! We all need to remind ourselves to do something JUST FOR US everyday. I have learned to LOVE exercise as my "outlet" and escape for the day. Having four kids can sometimes get chaotic, so it is nice when hubby gets home and I can take off for an hour-long walk/jog..... very refreshing and has definitely been…
  • Thank you so much everyone! I am just on CLOUD NINE today!!!! Feels great. :heart: AND, to top it off, I saw a couple friends today and both of them commented on how great I was looking! That always feels nice! :smile: Although, one of them said the "so what are you doing?" comment and I was quite proud to say "just eating…
  • Oh, what a happy day it is!!! :happy: My scale has FINALLY, finally after 10+ years, moved below 200!!! I am SO darn happy!!!! 198.5! Couldn't be more thrilled! AND, I am over half-way to my goal! :happy: Downhill slope from here! YAY!!!! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • I second what everyone else has said! You are not eating NEAR enough. Say your normal calorie intake is 1200 for the day. You exercised for 1 hour and burnt 700 calories. THEN you need to consume 1900 calories TOTAL for the day. You never want to go below 1200 calories - whether you have exercised or not! If you exercise,…
  • It probably is correct! That sounds about the right calories burn, given your weight and age. I jog/walk 2.5 miles frequently, it takes me about 35-40 minutes and my Polar says I burn about 400 calories every time.
  • I did that workout yesterday - just the warm up, level 1, and cool down - and OMGGGGG! I am SO darn sore today. Evertime I stand up, my booty hurts SOOO bad! My outer thighs, inner thighs, it is just flat sore!!!! lol! :laugh:
  • Hello! and Welcome to your new little one! Three boys! How fun... you must keep busy :smile: I eat lots of fruits and veggies - if I am feeling "snacky" I grab for a piece of fruit. I love making smoothies and they are pretty healthy and not too shabby on calories. I love whole wheat english muffins, either for making…
  • I have been taking Vitamin B6 for metabolism support. Honestly, I don't know if it is working or not, just decided to give it a try. :smile: I do need to get a good multi-vitamin though. I have just always heard such conflicting reviews on vitamins - that they really don't dissolve, your body doesn't absorb everything…
  • I'd have to go with Bob too :smile:
  • I don't think I have ever paid attention to the calories burned feature on my recumbent. What I DID DO WRONG, however - was when I came to log it on MFP, I found the "Bicycling, stationary, very vigorous 16-19mph" and entered in 45 minutes - and it was telling me that I was burning like 800 calories. I was sure that…
  • I LOVE Skinny Cow too! Definitely a fan!!! They are great for fiber, also! Aren't they 140 calories for the ice cream sandwiches though? I was almost sure they were....... ???
  • Thanks everyone SO MUCH for the input! I will definitely get some different socks and try an insole. I sure hope that helps!! They are SO sore this evening!
  • I have been a "walker" for about 9 months now, and decided I was ready to kick it up a notch and start jogging. I bought a pair of New Balance Trail Running shoes, because we live on a gravel road. Anyhow, I just went for a 2.5 mile jog this morning (felt GREAT!!! was SO proud of myself!) and oh my goodness - my aching…
  • Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it is 30 minutes?
  • ACK! That is shocking!!!!!! :laugh: That is ALOT of food.
  • Oh, one more thing! Are you drinking LOTS of water? Alot of times your body is just craving that water, and it can be misinterpreted as hunger. I have been trying to be better about my water - I have a horrible iced tea w/lemon addiction :smile: so I have been trying to cut back on that. Anyways, have been drinking ice…
  • For starters, how many calories are you consuming in a day? If it is 1200 or less, that might be your problem. Are you eating lots of fiber-rich foods, whole wheat, etc? Those types of things will help you stay fuller longer. Also, after so long your stomach will *SHRINK* when you are eating sensible portions - and you…
  • I am going to have a strawberry-mango-banana smoothie! I can taste it already!! :smile: