

  • I would love to go out with my hubby but he is currently deployed. Go and enjoy yourself...just remember moderation...don't deny yourself anything, cause then you will over eat. Have a nice salad, a nice dinner, get something you will enjoy eating and do just that - enjoy, eat slowly, really savor/taste your meal. You can…
  • Carrots dipped in peanut butter!!! Yummy!!!
  • 1. Wondering if the teleconference is gonna go today. 2. Why I eat carrots dipped in peanut butter and type. lol 3. Wondering is my hubby will be on Yahoo this morning. 4. Hoping my friend is doing ok. 5. Why this office is so cold...maybe it's me - I have lost a lot of my personal insulation. =-P
  • I am 60 pounds lighter - and lots of inches lost...I am buying only enough to get by I have not reached my goal and since I am in transition I don't want to invest in a lot of clothes only to get rid of them...they ones that look big on me or that someone has commented how big they look goes right into the basket for good…
  • Hello, I'm Alva - I would be happy to motivate ya. Add me. I had gastric sleeve surgery and am on this site in support of my friends. Good Luck!
  • Don't avoid it - just take stuff you can eat...healthy versions of snack foods. We have potlucks at work and when I got serious about losing weight - I make healthy a healthy pasta salad with chicken and a ton of veggies...I even blanched some of the veggies like broccoli, snap peas, asparagus...lot up on…
  • I always carry a bottle of water and a box of dark chocolate raisinettes. If something salty is wanted I have some of my hubby's popcorn or I have a little snack bag of pretzles.
  • Hang in there...there are a lot of good people support here and it doesn't cost a dime. Little changes - big wins.
  • My favorite Nut is.....ME!!!! Then my HUBBY!!! Seriously I like all kinds, walnuts especially. =-) Hope I made some one smile...if you'd like to add this "nut" I'm on a Healthy 2012 journey!
  • Three things that made me happy today.... 1. getting to see and chat with my hubby who is deployed, even if it was just for a few minutes. 2. Going to lunch with my girlfriends and actually enjoying myself. 3. Enjoying some time with my widdle dawgs (Hank Jr. and Henry) I know it wasn't about exercise or diet…