Opinion needed... skipping a Super Bowl party to avoid the f

I just wrote a blog post about super bowl food and me.... I am not sure whether I want to attend a party because of the foods there. I feel like a sissy, in a way, that I can't beat food without avoiding temptation. Long story short, I have only begun the journey 5 weeks ago. I don't always feel 100% committed, though I am doing my best. I have a physical and blood work scheduled for early March, and I really want to see if 2 months can REALLY make a difference, not just in weight loss, but cholesterol levels, A1C, and all that stuff.

Part of me feels strong if I avoid the party, part of me feels weak.

You won't hurt my feelings no matter which side you are on.


  • alvabang
    Don't avoid it - just take stuff you can eat...healthy versions of snack foods. We have potlucks at work and when I got serious about losing weight - I make healthy stuff...like a healthy pasta salad with chicken and a ton of veggies...I even blanched some of the veggies like broccoli, snap peas, asparagus...lot up on shredded carrots, cukes, nappa cabbage, and I healthy pasta and a light vinagrette. A citrusy one. Yummy. Bake chicken wings, for tenders, veggie trays, lean meats and cheese. Fruit platter. It is easy to make some thing you will eat that's not "diet" food. I never have any leftovers of my salad, I even make 2 1 with chicken and 1 without for veggie eaters. =-) Hope this helps.
  • Makethefatcry12
    Makethefatcry12 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm bringing things I can eat with me. Plus if you drink a bunch of water before and while you're there, it should help to curb your appetite! You can do it!
  • monicalynne68
    monicalynne68 Posts: 87 Member
    Losing weight can't be just a diet. It has to be a lifestyle. It has to fit into your normal routine or you'll feel deprived and not stick with it. And worse, you won't keep it off afterwards. Go to the party. Eat the food. Try not to pig out on it but if you do, you do. Try to get in some exercise before you go to burn off some of the calories and exercise and watch what you eat the rest of the week. One day is not going to ruin a whole weeks worth of effort. Go! Have a good time and don't sweat it!
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    Eat something healthy before you go. You won't be so tempted. It is impossible to avoid all life situations that might be tempting to you so why not practice with the ones you do know about and "get your head in the game" LOL sorry for the crap pun.(couldn't resist)

    Don't stop doing the things you love, just modify as needed. I hope you have an awesome time!!!!!!!!!
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member


    you will end up watching what you eat much more intensely than if you just blindly ate from a bowl of chips. Just a suggestion!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member


    you will end up watching what you eat much more intensely than if you just blindly ate from a bowl of chips. Just a suggestion!

    I agree - do not skip - prove it to yourself that you can do this and you will :)

    This is a great suggestion!
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    you cant build resistance with out temptation lol
    go and have fun, bring healthy snacks if you wish
    good luck sweetie
  • Heidi64
    Heidi64 Posts: 211 Member
    Losing weight can't be just a diet. It has to be a lifestyle. It has to fit into your normal routine or you'll feel deprived and not stick with it. And worse, you won't keep it off afterwards. Go to the party. Eat the food. Try not to pig out on it but if you do, you do. Try to get in some exercise before you go to burn off some of the calories and exercise and watch what you eat the rest of the week. One day is not going to ruin a whole weeks worth of effort. Go! Have a good time and don't sweat it!

    ^^^^ THIS!!! What's the point of living if you can't enjoy life and time with friends. Exercise before the party, drink water, eat slowly, sample everything. Then focus on eating within your calorie goals for the rest of the week. Many people believe in going over your calorie limit every now and again, as long as you're balanced at the end of the week.
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    Eat before going and have a good time there. Don't refrain from enjoying life. My opinion. :)
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    Thanks for the opinions.... if this was 6 weeks from now, I doubt I would even have asked.... my new lifestyle would be more firmly entrenched.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    In the beginning when one is struggling with just being on a diet and getting it everyday, I advocate skipping for a bit. Once you have it under control, and you are really committed and have faced daily temptations and beat them, then you need to venture out a bit. Having a plan before the day is a good idea.

    I have 3 social dates coming up.

    The first is a bday party (long time friend--her big 4-0) at my very favorite restaurant where we typically pass food around the table and sample all foods followed by hitting a few karaoke clubs. You know what that entails too. That's my biggest worry. I'm using that as a planned splurge night but I still need to make a few plans especially for the club part.

    The second is V-Day. We are focusing on going glass bottom boating but will be out of town and eat out. I plan to find something decent on the menu and try not to splurge too much. The date is more important and we aren't going to a fancy restaurant or anyplace we covet.

    The third is a potluck BUNCO game night. That one I plan to take some foods I can eat there. I really do okay with potlucks on portion control, etc. as long as I stay away from DIPS and DESSERTS. Those are my biggest weaknesses where I double up on portions. So I have to plan accordingly. Personally I get so involved in talking, socializing and playing games that I am not a big potluck eater UNLESS that is the center of the action (ie, eat and talk only). If there is anything else to get my attention, I can handle it.

    My biggest gripe is that all three are within a short period of time, but that's life. The first one is the one I'm most worried about. The other two I think I can handle.

    What is your weakness at potlucks? Know them ahead of time. Plan accordingly.

    Last night, I DID give up an outing. I knew I had these three planned already and that was enough for a short period of time. The only food I eat at this particular place suggested is very high calorie and fat so I declined for now. It's still early for me and I'm budgeting my priorities.

    What's the worst thing that can happen? You blow it and learn what you can or can't handle at this time. Get back on the saddle the next day. I'm not saying make an excuse and go for it and don't worry about consequences. I'm saying it won't be an end all if you learn that it is too early for you to venture out yet.
  • NatashaK29
    Losing weight can't be just a diet. It has to be a lifestyle. It has to fit into your normal routine or you'll feel deprived and not stick with it. And worse, you won't keep it off afterwards. Go to the party. Eat the food. Try not to pig out on it but if you do, you do. Try to get in some exercise before you go to burn off some of the calories and exercise and watch what you eat the rest of the week. One day is not going to ruin a whole weeks worth of effort. Go! Have a good time and don't sweat it!

    I agree completely and 10lbs in just 5 weeks is great! Reward yourself! Just keep track as much as possible, record it later and you may surprise yourself. If you do go over, just work it off or try a lil harder the next few days. I have faith in you! Have faith in yourself!
  • cmstolz
    cmstolz Posts: 1 Member
    Have fun enjoying your friends' company instead of eating. Make sure you eat some protein before you go. And bring a big jug of water so you have something to drink. Make a big salad to share. You can purchase the packaged salads at every grocery store. Bring a low cal salad dressing too. You can make a chicken wing substitute by cutting uncooked chicken breast into 1" pieces. Spray a nonstick skillet with olive oil. Cook the pieces over medium heat. Toss in Franks Wing Sauce. Eat the "wings" with a toothpick. It slows you down so you can enjoy it.
  • brandie_kelly
    Eat something healthy, excercise before you go an while your there always have gum in your mouth and water in your hand. When you do get hungry or dont want to be rude and eat nothing just eat the healthy stuff, veggies sans dip, and a few pieces of the meat and cheese tray.

    Definatly dont skip it, you will be reafirming to yourself you have no control and you willl also be seen as rude to the host. Go have fun and dont sweat it. Just be mindful.
  • healthyJenn0915
    It's the Superbowl! Definately do not skip it! Just try to avoid the bad foods, and even if you do splurge a little, Monday will be a new day to start fresh. If you have to, take a veggie tray to snack on instead of the chips and dip or whatever. Or just eat in very little portions and moderation. Good luck in whatever you decide!
  • supersourbubble
    i skipped a work party due to this issue. it's not that i was afraid i would eat everything, i was afraid of everyone hassling me for not eating a lot. or forcing me to consume calories i didnt want.

    Now, i feel stronger about saying "no" and feel like im more in control. I, personally, needed to be fully secure in my new lifestyle change, and yes, i avoided situations where i couldnt be in control. I guess you have to do what works for you.
  • shelleylynnb
    I think you should go to the party if your good friends will be there and if you want to enjoy watching the game with them, especially on a large screen. The party is probably not just about the food but about having a good time too. I'd go and keep my mind on having fun and not so much on the food. If you have friends at the party and they know you are trying to cut down on the food for your health, they should understand and be supportive. Also, eat some of the food there, avoiding high fat and high carb foods. I was at a party recently with good friends and I avoided the popcorn, chips and potato salad. Instead I had the grilled chicken and hit the vegetable tray. I was having so much fun doing karayoke at the party that the food was not nearly as important as the fun I was having with good friends. And, believe me, I love food.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    The bottom line is this: You have to decide whether now is a time when you can handle it yet or not AND whether you want to risk your March data. Sometimes in the beginning it is more self-defeating. Eventually, however, you do have to venture out. Ups and downs come with the territory. One self-defeating day, however, does not mean you are done. Far from it. If you don't go, it means you recognize your current limitations and know that now is not the right time. If you do go, make a plan ahead of time. You've gotten some good tips!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Go and enjoy the cheat day! The worst it will do is boost metabolism up to 10%.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    i skipped a work party due to this issue. it's not that i was afraid i would eat everything, i was afraid of everyone hassling me for not eating a lot. or forcing me to consume calories i didnt want.

    Now, i feel stronger about saying "no" and feel like im more in control. I, personally, needed to be fully secure in my new lifestyle change, and yes, i avoided situations where i couldnt be in control. I guess you have to do what works for you.

    It is super annoying when people hassle you about why you aren't eating and trying to feed you (I've had it happen). I think that people FINALLY got the hint but it takes a while. I don't know why people have to have everything revolve around food. I never bother others if they are or are not eating a certain amount!