New Clothes? When to buy them?



  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    I bought as needed. I still want to look ok and wear clothes that fit me correctly. Once I grew out of something I'd give them to friends or donate the clothese.
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I still have some pre-pregnancy clothes, and pre-pre-pregnancy clothes in my closet that will give me some extra wardrobe without having to buy anything. When I do need to start buying things again, I will be hitting Goodwill on Sunday's and Wednesday's when it's 99 cent day for whatever color tag. And even then, I don't plan on buying a whole bunch of things per size, just enough to get by.
  • CateLouise
    CateLouise Posts: 60 Member
    obviously dont go out and buy expensive stuff but you can get jeans and stuff pretty cheap at some places and one or two new pairs arnt going to break the budget
    also think of ways you can wear your clothes that are a bit too big like putting a belt around your middle if a shirt is too big etc etc
  • brookelittle
    For me my shirts just fit better and I buy 1 or 2 pair of pants per size I go down because I don't want to get too comfortable in a size that is not my goal. My treat for myself is to buy a new wardrobe after the weight loss is complete. So tired of not being able to wear all the cute clothes!!! Has anyone figured out why if your over weight you have to shop in the same department as you grandmother? lol.. I've lost 24 lbs so far and I've just started this site this week but I love it! Really helps me keep track of things!
  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 196 Member
    I had quite a few smaller sizes too... I've been dragging them out of the basement as I have lost weight. Funny thing... I have clothes in my closet that I can wear and not look ridiculous that range from size 18 to size 3x...There doesn't seem to be any consistency in the sizing... I never really thought about it before.

    I'm trying to not buy any new clothese. I have several friends, some who are in the weight loss mode, and they have been clearing out their closets as they lose, I get those, clear my closets out as I lose, pass them on to some neighbors who are larger, I have found several people who are larger that are loving receiving the ones that look crazy on me now!! So find some locals who are experiencing weight loss and get together with them. You won't love everything but it's better than having stuff hang on you.

    Also, I don't know how it would work for men's clothes, but ladies, I have been finding out that if I just hand sew the necklines of my larger blouses up, that they look fine, once the neckline is adjusted. If they blouse out, just put a belt around them. Great problems to have!!!!!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I think you need to get a few new pieces every 2 sizes or so. Just get 1-2 things that fit on clearance. A few staples. You'll feel better because you'll notice the difference in how you look, and it will keep you pushing on for more.

    ^ This. It'll improve confidence, you'll probably get more compliments, and with shops like H&M, Supermarket, ASOS, TKMaxx etc selling thing sooo cheap it'd be daft not to get one or two nice things.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I bought a couple new pairs of jeans once i went down 2 sizes, but they are now becoming baggy on me and i'm getting comments about them haha but i refuse to go buy more new pants so i'm going to try hitting up some 2nd hand stores and see if I can find something.
  • alvabang
    I am 60 pounds lighter - and lots of inches lost...I am buying only enough to get by I have not reached my goal and since I am in transition I don't want to invest in a lot of clothes only to get rid of them...they ones that look big on me or that someone has commented how big they look goes right into the basket for good will. I am not going back to the bigger me. My husband bought me a beautiful ball gown for the last ball we went too - It was the biggest I was ever - 224 pound, last April...after that ball I gave the gown away to this charity that a girl/woman can borrow a dress from for all 35$ for the whole outfit. My husband had to but me a dress because they didn't have anything for bigger ladies, so I donated that red one and a blue one I had. The lady said this looks brand new - I said it was I just wore it once...I will never be that big again. I have a lot of pretty clothes that are just too big...they are gone or soon to be gone...But you have to do what's best for you. I had bought a size 12 and was pleasently surprised when I needed a 10. Now I am in size Medium Vera Wang Leggings from Kohls. The good Will and second hand stores are good places to look - but please try them on before you pay for they. Hope this helps...Also I'd be happy to be a get healthy buddy for anyone that needs one.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    My learning curve has been that every single time I buy new clothes (1 item or 10, doesn't matter), it's a sure fire way to ensure that I will very soon drop some more weight and wish I had waited! I agree with some previous folks, check out 2nd hand stores until you maintain for a bit (this is my NEW plan). Good luck and congrats on losing!!!
  • gwmedicgod
    gwmedicgod Posts: 180 Member
    I still have so many clothes that I can't fit in.. so Idon't think I'll have to buy for a long time.... but when I get to my GW... the shopping spree will be on..
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I shop Old Navy clearance racks, Ross, and my current employer's clearanc. racks. I won't pay more than $10 for anything, because of having to buy new clothes frequently. Just bought a new work out tank for the first time in a WHILE, and a pair of longer light shorts until it gets hot enough to wear my short shorts.
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    I learned this lesson the hard way. Wait until you get close to your goal and until then, go to Goodwill. I didn't do that and found that I'd buy new clothes only to wear them for 2 weeks and have to rebuy again. I went from a size 10 to a size 0 and bought clothes all along the size 6, size 4, size 2, and eventually where I am now. I'm finally comfortable buying the size I am now but now I have the nagging feeling I might gain weight. Oy!
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    well I have a spare wardrobe full of lovely stuff , Ive kept things I want to fit back into, having said that I love shopping for new things so I am constantly buying whatever I like at the time, I do have regular clean outs to off load things when Im either not fitting it properley or dont like it anymore.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I have bought some as I lost and others I pulled out from when I was thinner. My daughter was one pant size larger than me and she started losing about a month after I did. I give her the things I am shrinking out of if she wants them. I have kept most of my same tops as they still work. The jeans and work slacks I replaced. I have been going on job interviews and I did not want Goodwill clothes for that. I have worked hard to lose those 42 pounds and I need some reward for that. In the spring I am going to buy sun dresses as I lose so that I can wear them longer. I won't have to worry about waist bands being too loose and jeans sliding down.
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    I wait until my clothes start to look ridiculous on me. So far i've lost 28 lbs and I refused to buy new pants for work until my old, "fat" pair were literally falling off me. I guess I waited too long lol.
    I still have just over 21 lbs to lose so I don't want to buy a new wardrobe, but the necessities (jeans, t shirts) I'm just going to have to buy as I have no other choice.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Lesson learned the expensive way here. I went from 3x to 2x and thought because of my frame size I'd probably not wear anything smaller, so I started buying some clothes. Then in the fall the 2x started to get baggy, and I began buying XLs because I couldn't get any smaller. A couple of weeks ago I bought my first Large shirt in my entire life. I've got dress clothes I've worn once or twice that have become too big. Oh well it's a good problem to have I guess.......
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Stretchy yoga pants are a real lifesaver..Mine have fit me just as nicely at size 14 as they did at size 22! Yay for stretch!
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    I dress up every day, so I had to buy new pants when my old ones started falling off, and when even with heels I was still walking on the hems.
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    I still have yet to spend a lot of money on all new clothes and until i reach my goal i wont. I cant see spending money on something that may or may not fit me in a month or two. However, with that said somewhere along the way I got to a point that I really had nothing that fit me and needed to pick up a few things so i went to forever 21 a while ago and got two pair of their $10 jeans(which now are getting big on me but I started using a belt)

    I would say just shop sale and get basic things but wait to buy most of your stuff once you reach your goal
  • treegirl2154
    treegirl2154 Posts: 8 Member
    I bought a bunch of dresses that just fit me now as I've moved into my first size down and as I keep going, I'll belt them and they should work (to a point) with leggings or something for a few sizes. doesn't solve all problems, but will help keep it from being too expensive. i have the same headache!