

  • This sounds like a pretty significant lack of understanding and respect on your boyfriend's part. I've been there. I am lucky to have someone way more supportive now. McDonalds is healthier because he isn't gaining? Sit him down to watch Super Size Me or something like that, just to give him something on the other side of…
  • I had a huge injury during a scrimmage, completely self-inflicted. I suspect I tried to push sharply in to the ankle from a squat with my toes turned out but my knee not over my toes, which caused the twisting motion that left me on crutches 3 months and tons of pain. I am just now coming back after about 7 months and two…
  • Charm City Roller Girls in Baltimore, MD. Just coming of a 6-7 month leave thanks to a severe ankle dislocation and broken fib. Healed up pretty good and got a lot of my flexibility back when they removed hardware. Time to get back in shape. It's so hard because I was in such good shape when I got hurt, that it is a…
  • It will just take time and practice. Focus on things you CAN do for now, and work on improving for next time if you don't make it thru the test. There will be other tests, and it doesn't mean you're finished with derby. Ask folks for help. It is very much a mind-over-matter thing, but doing it just once will help you…
  • Can you balance yourself on either leg while skating? Like try gliding for a whole straightaway on one leg, then the other. It will help improve your balance and trust. A lot of it is strength and learning to lean in to the corner. I started off skating with a significantly weaker left leg, and had to build up strength…
  • Practicing your crossover form can help, make sure that inside leg is actually pushing and not just going through the motions. There is so much you can do to improve, but what's important is to just find your pace, stick to it, and keep pushing it bit by bit. Don't burn yourself up in the first 10 laps, just keep going.…
  • See you at ECDX! Can't wait!
  • It varies - going to have some kickboxing classes soon, plus running and core exercises and pushups. Have planned a few 5ks this year, to help keep me pushing for goals outside the rink as well as inside. Otherwise I will get really off track. First one may be with the league on May 5th. Eeps!
  • I expect we'll see a clarification to that in the next year. I reffed last year locally and am familiar with how this scenario was handled at regionals. The upright skating skater is the pack is not obligated to sprint in any direction to rejoined the "downed" skaters, which is always true. She is also not the one that…
  • Mine is on here, BeauxToxx. Just like all things love in life, you just know ;) We met at a open practice and just became fast friends, and still are now that she's still on the ref crew and I'm a skater. We are supportive of each other in all aspects of life, but she was very helpful at keeping my confidence up as I was…
  • I had been skating 2-3 times a week for a year when I realized I would not progress as well or as safely without time in the gym. But I was having trouble getting momentum, and for the first 8 weeks of fresh meatness I was strictly skating, usually just doing some squats on off days but nothing terribly organized. I knew…
  • After reffing ALL last year, I'm working volunteer bouts as a fresh meat. Kind of excited to be able to like, cheer for people and stuff. Inbetween laying down floor and taking tickets at the door, anyway. :) Helping pull together a haphazard tailgate too.
  • It can be found in the recipe search under "Southwest Slow Cooker Chicken and Rice"
  • I will share the recipe. This is good for 6-8 servings, less than 400 calories each :) Sodium is a bit high, but you can adjust that by choosing your seasoning and salsa carefully.
  • Join the roller derby group!
  • don't worry. it will very quickly take over your entire life, and you will still love it. :) Great way to make new friends for sure!
  • Awesome! CCRG is starting a boot camp style tryout beginning April 16 and running until June. We'll have an informational session on March 26. I hope you can make it! I have been with the league in some capacity for about a year - and so glad to be with them now as a fresh meat. It's hard work but oh so worth it!
  • I've learned to ignore a lot of crap as an adult, luckily most people keep it to a more-polite stare as you get older. I like to dress fashionably and it occasionally gets me more attention than I want. Anyway. (oh god, you can be out of normal sizes and still be so well put together? Who knew?) At 15 or 16, I went through…
  • I am a fresh meat at charm city - and DC is a great league! Going to open skates is really important, and any cardio you can do will help, along with squats and situps. Your core is used way more than you'd think! Measure your feet carefully before you buy skates! Here's some great info about where to skate:…
  • I am a freshmeat with Charm City and Beaux Toxx's derby wife. I tried out last February, didn't make it but she convinced me to try reffing as way to have access to practices and work on my skills. It was a huge help, and I often recommend it to people who are too busy staring at their feet or obviously thinking too much…
  • Ground turkey is great in traditional chili. No one can ever tell that it's not ground beef. When you are cooking it, add worstershire to "beef" it up a little.
  • As a kid, I was always on the overweight or stocky side. As early as 9. It made no sense at the time, I was a very active kid compared to my peers. Played sports, was at the gym with my dad a few times a week playing games, and even began running late in Elementary school. My parents mantra soon became "It's for your own…
  • I think there may be some truth in this.
  • Do it! And if you can't commit all the time or have trouble pulling it together, consider joining the referee squad to work on your skills.
  • bruises just give folks at work more to talk about... On the zebra crew this season, hopeful fresh meat working on fueling some better endurance!