

  • Thank you for the nice words of encouragement!
  • Thanks. I have reached out to professionals and it didn't help. That's why I turned to MFP for support and advice.
  • I have spoke with them and seen a nutritionist. Did not really get any where with either so that's why I posted about maintaining weight. I am very short. I am 4'10 and weigh 99.
  • I am not trying to lose weight. I have lost 40 plus pounds. I need to maintain it.
  • I think maybe a goal for me should be to take 1340 in food first?
  • For a while now. I know that is the reason why I feel weak and tired at times. I do not feel that way every day but for the most part I do not feel like I should. I know I need to make changes, that's why I have reached out before this becomes a bigger issue. I do not want to gain weight, only want to maintain where I am…
  • I upped my calorie intake to 1500, but if I am to eat back my calories burned I will be eating around 1800 calories a day. I know I need to eat more because I am starting to feel bad. Weak and tired.
  • In due time I guess I will get where I need to be. Thanks to everyone who has given their advice!
  • Thank you! I need to relax and eat within my calorie goal. I do have a exercise schedule. I do cardio an hour a day. I need to remind myself I got over weight in the first place because I was not food aware and I ate what I wanted when I wanted and however much I wanted. I do not do that now and I am aware of everything I…
  • I wish I could feel like you. I am scared to gain the weight back. I workout every day still because it makes me feel good. I get scares to eat more. I feel that when I do I will gain. I know I will not gain all the weight back overnight. I have a hard time knowing how many calories to eat and all to maintain. It took me…
  • Thank you! Yes I am very anxious. I have worked so hard to get where I am at and always want to make sure I keep my eating under control.
  • I did let MFP set my calories. I have it set to maintain and sedentary. I have a office job. I assume THOUGH I need to change the sedentary level?
  • I sure did. I put in that I wanted to maintain my weight. When it ask about your activity I selected sedentary. I have a office job. I do workout every day. Did I select the wrong daily activity level for me? If so then I am not eating enough to maintain my weight and for sure not eating enough with working out every day.…
  • I changed it to maintain my weight.
  • I have lost over 30lbs. I am now having a hard time maintaining my current weight. I get from a lot of people that I am to small and I need to eat more. I am still in the mind frame to lose weight. It is hard for me to realize it is okay to eat more. I workout every day for an hour. I have set my calorie intake to 1340. If…