How to maintain my weight??



  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    The only way to find out is to do it. If you're this hesitant about it, why don't you try increasing your calories slowly to give your body some time to adjust. You may see a slight gain as your body retains some water due to the increased calories, but that will taper off quickly. Try adding 100 calories a week and see what happens.

    I agree!

    When you maintain, you definitely need to eat exercise calories back, or else you will continue to lose ( even a 1 lb a month is still a loss ). Or at least most of your exercise calories back, in case you're worried they are overestimated.

    I also like the idea of increasing cals by 100 every week. Gives the body time to adjust ! And yes, it does take time!
  • michaelraine
    It is very important to have a goal for weight lose because without having a goal it is very difficult to reduce weight. Exercise is best thing to reduce weight so it is important to have a good workout plan.

    I am not trying to lose weight. I have lost 40 plus pounds. I need to maintain it.
  • michaelraine
    Looking at your food diary, in the last few days, you haven't been doing 1300 calories, more like 1000 to 1100 calories :noway: . How long have you been doing that? If so you may have issues with gaining weight, but if you do it slowly, hopefully not.

    For a while now. I know that is the reason why I feel weak and tired at times. I do not feel that way every day but for the most part I do not feel like I should. I know I need to make changes, that's why I have reached out before this becomes a bigger issue. I do not want to gain weight, only want to maintain where I am at. I have upped my calorie intake to 1500 and I want to try and eat 1500 a day, but not including exercise calories burned.
    I doubt your maintenance calorie are as low as 1500 either, unless you are very short and very tiny.

    I really think you are in fear about gaining weight back, and that will get you nowhere fast.

    Have you spoken with your doctor about this? It seems to me that you might need some help, especially since you have been eating as low as 1100 calories. No wonder you don't feel good.

    I have spoke with them and seen a nutritionist. Did not really get any where with either so that's why I posted about maintaining weight. I am very short. I am 4'10 and weigh 99.
  • michaelraine
    Looking at your food diary, in the last few days, you haven't been doing 1300 calories, more like 1000 to 1100 calories :noway: . How long have you been doing that? If so you may have issues with gaining weight, but if you do it slowly, hopefully not.

    For a while now. I know that is the reason why I feel weak and tired at times. I do not feel that way every day but for the most part I do not feel like I should. I know I need to make changes, that's why I have reached out before this becomes a bigger issue. I do not want to gain weight, only want to maintain where I am at. I have upped my calorie intake to 1500 and I want to try and eat 1500 a day, but not including exercise calories burned.

    So I went further back on your food diary, saw mostly 800-1000 calories. I can see why you are afraid to up your calories.

    I think maybe a goal for me should be to take 1340 in food first?
    How do you come to that conclusion? You need to eat more and lose this irrational fear of eating and calories.
    It seems your emotions are in control and logic is being undermined. You have lost weight but if you continue under eating you will lose your health as well.
    Your posts are really quite alarming combined with many days eating like a bird.

    Please reach out in real life to someone who can support you, if not family then a professional. Best of luck.

    Thanks. I have reached out to professionals and it didn't help. That's why I turned to MFP for support and advice.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You need to eat more, as simple as.
    I am assuming part of the reason you lost weight, was for health? So why would you now go and put your health at risk by continuing to eat too few calories for your body to function normally ?

    You need to gradually up your calories until you hit a healthy number, and that number is highly unlikely to be 1300 or below.
    As long as you are still monitoring your weight, you are not simply going to regain all you lost because you will be able to see if there is a steady upward climb.

    You might gain a little temporarily, while your body adjusts to being properly fed again, but it will level out and you will then be able to find your maintenance level.
    Please, seek further help if you cannot get past this mental block you have in place. You only have one body to live in and it is clearly being put under strain by your continuing to undereat.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Here are some recommendations:

    1. Eat back your calories (really, you should have been doing that all along... at least some of them)
    2. Increase your eating to a point to where you are maintaining
    3. Find new fitness goals>>>
    a. You have gotten to this point by setting goals and achieving them.
    b. When you get to goal weight, you are NOT finished. You are finally to your starting point
    c. Lift heavier weights, run further and/or faster, etc.... Find new goals to help you stay on target.
    4. IF you set strength training as a goal, you will actually want to GAIN a little weight as you bulk in then cut back and take the fat away from the newly gained muscle... Then repeat the process... NO, you don't want to gain to an unhealthy level.

    Observation: you are continuing to lose weight by eating what you are eating; obviously, this is NOT enough... So increase. Continue to monitor your weight weekly and if you see yourself gain an uncomfortable amount, cut back... Continue to monitor until your maintenance gets set in... Some amount of monitoring will need to continue forever...
  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    Hi, I totally understand your struggle here. When I was losing weight I was on a VLC thinking that was the only way to lose weight. Once I hit maintenance I had a hard time grasping that I could eat more calories. Hell I'd been eating so little for so long I thought that's what my body needed. I also NEVER ate back exercise calories, I thought it to be waste of all that hard work. Now that I'm not focused on losing I've changed my thinking. Food is my friend! I've upped my calories dramatically, I can now eat over 2,000 and on most days eat about 2,300. I know it seems like SO much when you're used to so little, but it's amazing how much more energy I have, how good I feel and now I get to enjoy myself and food a heck of a lot more! It's so worth it. I haven't had any problems gaining weight, I've stayed in maintenance for 2 months upping at least 100 calories each week! It's awesome. Trust me, once you get to eat more you will feel so much more satisfied and happy. You can friend me if you want! :) good luck!
  • michaelraine
    Hi, I totally understand your struggle here. When I was losing weight I was on a VLC thinking that was the only way to lose weight. Once I hit maintenance I had a hard time grasping that I could eat more calories. Hell I'd been eating so little for so long I thought that's what my body needed. I also NEVER ate back exercise calories, I thought it to be waste of all that hard work. Now that I'm not focused on losing I've changed my thinking. Food is my friend! I've upped my calories dramatically, I can now eat over 2,000 and on most days eat about 2,300. I know it seems like SO much when you're used to so little, but it's amazing how much more energy I have, how good I feel and now I get to enjoy myself and food a heck of a lot more! It's so worth it. I haven't had any problems gaining weight, I've stayed in maintenance for 2 months upping at least 100 calories each week! It's awesome. Trust me, once you get to eat more you will feel so much more satisfied and happy. You can friend me if you want! :) good luck!

    Thank you for the nice words of encouragement!
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I hit my target last September and did really well maintaining until I slackened of my dog walking when our wether turned wet and I gain 8lbs, my clothes felt tight so I weighed myself, I just got straight back on MFP and I'm on 1700 cals a day and I lost 2lbs this week so I'm only 5lbs off being back to my target.

    What would be the point in beating myself up about the gain, I'm still in my 10/12 (uk sizes) clothes and they fit they just got tight, a warning sign in my eyes and now for a few weeks I'll log into my diary daily because I know MFP works.

    I find it difficult to maintain and ending up going down 6lbs under my goal and I looked ill and all my new clothes hung on me, I basically was a size smaller but it didn't suit me at all. My target weight is the very lowest I should be and I usually bounce about between 147 and 151 and I'm happy with that, I'm a women with womenly cycles and as long as when I weigh weekly I'm between that I'm very happy.

    My way of living now is about having a life with quality in it, I'm healthier and smaller and that was my goal, by losing anymore I just didn't feel good and my nice comments from people turned to, when are you going to stop and your starting to look ill! But these people were being honest with me, I could see it myself. I know I've seen people who have gone to far and though the same thing.