How to maintain my weight??



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I wish I could feel like you. I am scared to gain the weight back. I workout every day still because it makes me feel good. I get scares to eat more. I feel that when I do I will gain. I know I will not gain all the weight back overnight. I have a hard time knowing how many calories to eat and all to maintain. It took me almost a year to get to my happy weight, so I am having a hard time switching to maintenance mode and realizing it is okay.
    You have to eat your maintenance calories, otherwise you will continue losing weight.

    Look, if I can do it so can you. I was born fat, stayed fat, up until about twelve years ago when I lost a total of 70 pounds. I gained 30 back over a five year period, which is what brought me here. This is the first time in my life I have been trying to maintain a healthy weight. I am no longer overweight.

    I weight lift 3 times a week, run 4 to 6 miles 2-3 times a week, and I eat upwards of 2,100 calories and I'm still slowly losing weight, and I am 52 years old.

    Well, for me, this MFP method is clearly not working so I am going to have to figure out what my TDEE is and start eating around the same amount of calories each day. Maintenance is not easy,there's a lot of trial and error, but the only place fear will take you is deeper into fear, and that can eventually backfire on you.

    Let go, eat the right amount of calories, keep up your exercise routine if you have one, and keep a close watch on your weight trends. For me, this means weighing every day until my weight no longer keeps going down and I feel comfortable with my weight range.
  • michaelraine
    I wish I could feel like you. I am scared to gain the weight back. I workout every day still because it makes me feel good. I get scares to eat more. I feel that when I do I will gain. I know I will not gain all the weight back overnight. I have a hard time knowing how many calories to eat and all to maintain. It took me almost a year to get to my happy weight, so I am having a hard time switching to maintenance mode and realizing it is okay.
    You have to eat your maintenance calories, otherwise you will continue losing weight.

    Look, if I can do it so can you. I was born fat, stayed fat, up until about twelve years ago when I lost a total of 70 pounds. I gained 30 back over a five year period, which is what brought me here. This is the first time in my life I have been trying to maintain a healthy weight. I am no longer overweight.

    I weight lift 3 times a week, run 4 to 6 miles 2-3 times a week, and I eat upwards of 2,100 calories and I'm still slowly losing weight, and I am 52 years old.

    Well, for me, this MFP method is clearly not working so I am going to have to figure out what my TDEE is and start eating around the same amount of calories each day. Maintenance is not easy,there's a lot of trial and error, but the only place fear will take you is deeper into fear, and that can eventually backfire on you.

    Let go, eat the right amount of calories, keep up your exercise routine if you have one, and keep a close watch on your weight trends. For me, this means weighing every day until my weight no longer keeps going down and I feel comfortable with my weight range.

    Thank you! I need to relax and eat within my calorie goal. I do have a exercise schedule. I do cardio an hour a day. I need to remind myself I got over weight in the first place because I was not food aware and I ate what I wanted when I wanted and however much I wanted. I do not do that now and I am aware of everything I eat and always think if it's healthy and if the portion is a good size. Thanks for the words of advice!
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Maintaining is a different beast, especially because you're generally going to go up and down within a target range, rather than sitting at one specific weight.

    But it is important to do the calculations and trust the math. Adjust slowly if you need to, but understand that, while it's warm and squishy, your body is a machine like many others and, barring a medical condition, will need a certain amount of fuel to maintain a given condition.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Relatively maintaining a certain weight range can be easy or hard depending on how you went about the weight loss process.

    For example, people who designed their fat loss strategies to closely mirror how they eat and exercise in maintenance have an easier transition. Additionally, those who increased calories as they lost weight demonstrate a more positive mental state and healthier relationship with food and exercise compared to persons who waited to up calories at goal weight. Also, continuing to weigh and measure food and drink intake helps ensure proper tracking.

    I do agree with others: Consuming 1350 calories while exercising an hour everyday is awfully low at goal weight. Are you still losing? If so, how many lbs per week? Should be no greater than 0.5 lb loss. If your weight hasn't changed much, you likely are eating more than you think.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You can eat those calories back. Really. Calories aren't bad - they're the energy that keeps you able to move and think and live. You just need to balance what comes in and what goes out.

    Put your toe in the water. Start eating back your exercise calories and see how that goes for a month. You may be pleasantly surprised.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I am finally where I want to be,well I was until I started losing more weight. I workout every day for an hour. I have my calorie intake set at 1,340. But once I workout my net goes down. It is so hard for me to believe that I should be eating back my calories burned. If I eat the 1,340 plus the calories I burn while exercising I would be eating 1,748. My net is always really low cause I never eat those calories back cause I feel like a would be a fatty. It took me almost a year to get to my happy weight and of course when your losing they say you do not want to eat those workout calories back. I am having a hard time getting my hard head to understand that I need to eat those calories back and take in a certain amount. =(So, should I be eating those calories back every day? I feel like if I do though I will be putting the weight right back on,but I guess if I do not eat them I will continue to lose. The maintaining part seems harder for me then the losing. Hard to understand how I can eat so many more calories and stay at my happy weight.

    Maintenance is terrifying!!! Suddenly you go from a very simple principle of eating to a set amount every day with exercise calories being eaten almost as a reward for the hard work you put into it, knowing that you will lose weight. Then suddenly you're told to eat a heap more calories and all your exercise calories and there's suddenly no buffer of a calorie deficit to fall back on.
    Trust me, I felt the same when I reached this stage.

    Whilst I can assure you that you wont gain weight from eating 1340 cals PLUS your exercise calories, only you will learn this through trying it.

    I would say to start slowly - 1340 sounds very low as it is, so maybe up this by 100cals a week to see what happens. As an example my stats are...107lb and 5'3", I'm generally quite active and I eat nearly 2000 calories a day and I do not gain weight. I LOVE eating my calories back and you will reach this point too! My starting point for calories each day (if I were to lay in bed all day) is 1460 calories.

    Just dip your toe in the water and be will find the happy medium when you get there - and trust me - you will love all the extra food that comes with it! :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Maintaining is a different beast, especially because you're generally going to go up and down within a target range, rather than sitting at one specific weight.

    But it is important to do the calculations and trust the math. Adjust slowly if you need to, but understand that, while it's warm and squishy, your body is a machine like many others and, barring a medical condition, will need a certain amount of fuel to maintain a given condition.
    So well said.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am finally where I want to be,well I was until I started losing more weight. I workout every day for an hour. I have my calorie intake set at 1,340. But once I workout my net goes down. It is so hard for me to believe that I should be eating back my calories burned. If I eat the 1,340 plus the calories I burn while exercising I would be eating 1,748. My net is always really low cause I never eat those calories back cause I feel like a would be a fatty. It took me almost a year to get to my happy weight and of course when your losing they say you do not want to eat those workout calories back. I am having a hard time getting my hard head to understand that I need to eat those calories back and take in a certain amount. =(So, should I be eating those calories back every day? I feel like if I do though I will be putting the weight right back on,but I guess if I do not eat them I will continue to lose. The maintaining part seems harder for me then the losing. Hard to understand how I can eat so many more calories and stay at my happy weight.

    Maintenance is terrifying!!! Suddenly you go from a very simple principle of eating to a set amount every day with exercise calories being eaten almost as a reward for the hard work you put into it, knowing that you will lose weight. Then suddenly you're told to eat a heap more calories and all your exercise calories and there's suddenly no buffer of a calorie deficit to fall back on.
    Trust me, I felt the same when I reached this stage.

    Whilst I can assure you that you wont gain weight from eating 1340 cals PLUS your exercise calories, only you will learn this through trying it.

    I would say to start slowly - 1340 sounds very low as it is, so maybe up this by 100cals a week to see what happens. As an example my stats are...107lb and 5'3", I'm generally quite active and I eat nearly 2000 calories a day and I do not gain weight. I LOVE eating my calories back and you will reach this point too! My starting point for calories each day (if I were to lay in bed all day) is 1460 calories.

    Just dip your toe in the water and be will find the happy medium when you get there - and trust me - you will love all the extra food that comes with it! :)
    While I agree with you on eating all your calories, the thing is that there is no way 1360 is her calorie level for maintenance. It's likely 1800 or more due to exercise. Using the MFP method, she must eat the maintenance calories plus her exercise calories. By the TDEE method, she'd most likely eat 2000 or more due to the daily cardio.
  • michaelraine
    In due time I guess I will get where I need to be. Thanks to everyone who has given their advice!
  • michaelraine
    Maintaining is a different beast, especially because you're generally going to go up and down within a target range, rather than sitting at one specific weight.

    But it is important to do the calculations and trust the math. Adjust slowly if you need to, but understand that, while it's warm and squishy, your body is a machine like many others and, barring a medical condition, will need a certain amount of fuel to maintain a given condition.
    So well said.

    I upped my calorie intake to 1500, but if I am to eat back my calories burned I will be eating around 1800 calories a day. I know I need to eat more because I am starting to feel bad. Weak and tired.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I did let MFP set my calories. I have it set to maintain and sedentary. I have a office job. I assume THOUGH I need to change the sedentary level?

    Yes, you might want to change your activity level. One thing to keep in mind is that MFP's database for exercise lists high calorie burns. You probably aren't burning that many calories, so you'll need to experiment about how many to eat back (if you start doing that).
    Have you tried the TDEE calculation? It relies on amount of exercise done/week (in hours) and will give you an estimate of your maintenance calories. I found it fairly accurate for me, although some tweaking is required (no calculator is perfect).

    It takes awhile to find your maintenance level and it's a bit trial-and-error. Don't be afraid to try things out for a month to see what happens.

    Congratulations on reaching your goal!!!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Looking at your food diary, in the last few days, you haven't been doing 1300 calories, more like 1000 to 1100 calories :noway: . How long have you been doing that? If so you may have issues with gaining weight, but if you do it slowly, hopefully not.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Maintaining is a different beast, especially because you're generally going to go up and down within a target range, rather than sitting at one specific weight.

    But it is important to do the calculations and trust the math. Adjust slowly if you need to, but understand that, while it's warm and squishy, your body is a machine like many others and, barring a medical condition, will need a certain amount of fuel to maintain a given condition.
    So well said.

    I upped my calorie intake to 1500, but if I am to eat back my calories burned I will be eating around 1800 calories a day. I know I need to eat more because I am starting to feel bad. Weak and tired.

    The reason you are weak and tired is you haven't been fueling your body properly!!!!!
  • michaelraine
    Looking at your food diary, in the last few days, you haven't been doing 1300 calories, more like 1000 to 1100 calories :noway: . How long have you been doing that? If so you may have issues with gaining weight, but if you do it slowly, hopefully not.

    For a while now. I know that is the reason why I feel weak and tired at times. I do not feel that way every day but for the most part I do not feel like I should. I know I need to make changes, that's why I have reached out before this becomes a bigger issue. I do not want to gain weight, only want to maintain where I am at. I have upped my calorie intake to 1500 and I want to try and eat 1500 a day, but not including exercise calories burned.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Looking at your food diary, in the last few days, you haven't been doing 1300 calories, more like 1000 to 1100 calories :noway: . How long have you been doing that? If so you may have issues with gaining weight, but if you do it slowly, hopefully not.

    For a while now. I know that is the reason why I feel weak and tired at times. I do not feel that way every day but for the most part I do not feel like I should. I know I need to make changes, that's why I have reached out before this becomes a bigger issue. I do not want to gain weight, only want to maintain where I am at. I have upped my calorie intake to 1500 and I want to try and eat 1500 a day, but not including exercise calories burned.

    So I went further back on your food diary, saw mostly 800-1000 calories. I can see why you are afraid to up your calories.
  • michaelraine
    Looking at your food diary, in the last few days, you haven't been doing 1300 calories, more like 1000 to 1100 calories :noway: . How long have you been doing that? If so you may have issues with gaining weight, but if you do it slowly, hopefully not.

    For a while now. I know that is the reason why I feel weak and tired at times. I do not feel that way every day but for the most part I do not feel like I should. I know I need to make changes, that's why I have reached out before this becomes a bigger issue. I do not want to gain weight, only want to maintain where I am at. I have upped my calorie intake to 1500 and I want to try and eat 1500 a day, but not including exercise calories burned.

    So I went further back on your food diary, saw mostly 800-1000 calories. I can see why you are afraid to up your calories.

    I think maybe a goal for me should be to take 1340 in food first?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Looking at your food diary, in the last few days, you haven't been doing 1300 calories, more like 1000 to 1100 calories :noway: . How long have you been doing that? If so you may have issues with gaining weight, but if you do it slowly, hopefully not.

    For a while now. I know that is the reason why I feel weak and tired at times. I do not feel that way every day but for the most part I do not feel like I should. I know I need to make changes, that's why I have reached out before this becomes a bigger issue. I do not want to gain weight, only want to maintain where I am at. I have upped my calorie intake to 1500 and I want to try and eat 1500 a day, but not including exercise calories burned.
    I doubt your maintenance calorie are as low as 1500 either, unless you are very short and very tiny.

    I really think you are in fear about gaining weight back, and that will get you nowhere fast.

    Have you spoken with your doctor about this? It seems to me that you might need some help, especially since you have been eating as low as 1100 calories. No wonder you don't feel good.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what are you using to measure burns?

    most burn estimates are really off..

    I would say eat back half of your exercise calories and see how it goes….
  • LeroyAnderson
    It is very important to have a goal for weight lose because without having a goal it is very difficult to reduce weight. Exercise is best thing to reduce weight so it is important to have a good workout plan.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Looking at your food diary, in the last few days, you haven't been doing 1300 calories, more like 1000 to 1100 calories :noway: . How long have you been doing that? If so you may have issues with gaining weight, but if you do it slowly, hopefully not.

    For a while now. I know that is the reason why I feel weak and tired at times. I do not feel that way every day but for the most part I do not feel like I should. I know I need to make changes, that's why I have reached out before this becomes a bigger issue. I do not want to gain weight, only want to maintain where I am at. I have upped my calorie intake to 1500 and I want to try and eat 1500 a day, but not including exercise calories burned.

    So I went further back on your food diary, saw mostly 800-1000 calories. I can see why you are afraid to up your calories.

    I think maybe a goal for me should be to take 1340 in food first?
    How do you come to that conclusion? You need to eat more and lose this irrational fear of eating and calories.
    It seems your emotions are in control and logic is being undermined. You have lost weight but if you continue under eating you will lose your health as well.
    Your posts are really quite alarming combined with many days eating like a bird.

    Please reach out in real life to someone who can support you, if not family then a professional. Best of luck.