catfisch_6 Member


  • Anything that comes prepackaged is probably high in sodium. However, there are inevitably times when I just don't have the time or patience to cook. Usually I buy something Stoufers. They have a pretty good variety, and can be found in pretty much any grocery store, and are relatively cheap. They also have family sized…
  • I am certainly no expert, but for me, water makes a huge difference. I stopped losing weight a while back, and I rarely had more than five glasses of water. I upped my water to eight or more cups a day, and dropped ten pounds in two weeks. I also found that the more water I drink, the more I want.
  • Ha! I can't decide which is worse. One of my cats runs away in terror, belly to the ground, and my other cat winds himself around my feet during standing portions, and licks my face every time I lay down to do floor excersizes. He gets very offended if I smoosh him. There is no way I would work out in front of my…
  • Wow, congratulations! You look great. :) So...approximately how many calories do you burn doing the 30 DS? I just started level one yesterday, and I am not sure what to put it down as. I have a heart rate moniter, but for the life of me, I can't get it to work properly. Lol. It fell off the last time I tried to use it, and…
  • Ha! I think I have OPD too! I keep stepping on the scale, like it is going to have moved significantly since yesterday morning. I will be over the moon once I reach that magical 199. :)
  • Ha ha, I dance at work all the time. I get strange looks occasionally, but mostly it makes people smile. I work in an office with about 38 employees, so we all know each other pretty well. I can't help it. When I am happy, I dance!
  • I am currently in love with This Is Tae Bo. I have had it about three weeks now, and it is the only excersize DVD I've ever had that I set my alarm an hour early, just so I can do it before work. It burns a ton of calories, and it got my scale moving again. Plus it makes me feel like kicking butt, lol. Good luck, I hope…
  • Hang in there. If it is something you WANT to fix, talking to someone can help a lot. I know...I've been there too. Good luck.
  • I've heard that if you are sick, you should try to stay as close to your regular schedule as possible, because excersice actually gives people energy. However, if you are coughing, or haveing any trouble breathing, I would do something light, like walking. Hope you feel better soon!