am i the only person embarrassed to exercise!



  • richardholt2011
    richardholt2011 Posts: 118 Member
    My partner knows that I ride the exercise bike but my rather modest weight training exercises are strictly private. And it's a big ambition to pluck up the courage to go to my local gym (200 metres from where i live) and go on the running machine. Or in my case it will be manic walking machine... Hopefully soon
  • richardholt2011
    richardholt2011 Posts: 118 Member
    Oh and running outside --- eek! Are you crazy?
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    For the longest time I was in a mindset that losing weight was embarrassing. I kept it hidden, even on MFP my display picture initially wasn't of me, I was worried that someone I know would find me on here and make fun of me. When I exercised at home, it would be in complete secret - nobody even knew I was trying to lose weight.

    I'm still like that in some aspects, but I think that's moreso because I am a very private person. Before it was more because I was ashamed that I let myself get so big, and letting people know I was losing weight meant that I had more pressure to continue to lose weight and not have a bad week in fear that they would judge me.

    At the end of the day I was only hurting myself because having support makes all the difference in the world! Granted, I still don't let my friends or family see me when I am working out to a DVD at home, but I do go t othe gym with my family and yeah, I jiggle on the treadmill and probably look awkward but I don't care. Losing weight and becoming healthy is something to be proud of :D
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I'm working up the courage to go to a Zumba class and look like a total *kitten* and not care . . . I'm totally uncoordinated. I can't even do line dancing!

    I used to workout in the "ladies only" section of our gym, but after losing 25 pounds, I ventured into the coed section. I'm glad I did because the equipment is tons better! (I used to think that only the "fit" people worked out in the coed section; was I way wrong!)

    I keep reading about 30DS but am clueless . . . from what I've read, I don't have the stamina for it, yet.

    I am one of the most uncoordinated people on the plant (no jokes), the first time I went to a Zumba class I was really worried because I had watched the videos on line and had heard friends talking about it. I went, I sucked but I went, I now have my best friend coming with me. Neither of us are good dancers but we do have a lot of fun, and a whole lot of laughs at ourselves. The key is to go in with a good sense of humor. If you are really worried about it you can find a Zumba Gold class thats for beginners and older people so it is slower paced and there is a bit more instruction from the instructors.

    30DS - oh god no stamina over here, I yelled at Jillian the first time I did it, and by the end I cried but by the 5th day I was starting to feel way better, and wasn't crying - I did still yell at Jillian though lol.

    My Gym is co-ed and mainly male occupied (unless you go to a fitness class), the first time I went in I was so freaked out by all the men, a friend of my brothers was working out and he came up and told me to not pay attention and to do the work out he had set up for me, I did and at the end of my work out it turned out I was lifting more than the guys that had originally intimidated me lol. I am really OK with working out in front of total strangers, but so not OK about working out in front of my family.
    Zumba is GREAT for all, and if you come to our class, I swear you won't be the most foolish.

    Not with me in the room...:glasses:
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    Hi all hope your all ok!

    I started the 30ds last week but have one problem. I always have to wait for my other half to not be around before I do it as I feel really stupid doing it in front of him. Even to me it seems a bit stupid as we have 2children together so he's seen me in a far worse state than doing a few jumping jacks but I'm still paranoid he will laugh at me. I'm not even keen on doing it with the kids around and their only (6,3&1)

    So am I the only one who feels this way?

    I feel the same way! Lol. I'm not married or have kids but i do live with others so i'm like uhhh when they come to the washer or whatnot, which is right by my room, i have my door shut and if i hear someone by the room i pause the dvd and wait till they're gone LOL
  • I felt this way all the time when my husband and I first got married. I have the wii fit plus and one day he came home while I was on it and I thought I was going to die of embarrassment. He just smiled, sat down and started talking like I wasn't flailing around the room with soup cans in my hands for weights. I then went on to do the hula hoop game and he thought that it looked really easy, and I told him to climb on and try it out! I don't think I have ever laughed so hard!! He was purposefully swinging his hips in huge circles and pushing his butt way out. We then went on and did every exercise on the game to see who could do it the funniest. Ever since that day I get the giggles a little bit when I work out.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I used to be embarrassed when I first started, so I challenged my bf to do P90X with me. After that working out in front of him has been a breeze. Also the gym I go to is on campus, so it's nice seeing other people trying to lose weight with me. The big challenge will be to go into the weight room with all the scary, buff dudes and dudettes.
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    I definitely feel the same way, the only place I feel comfortable to work out is my bedroom, or my gym (where all the ladies are older and no one is judgemental) because when I was 18, I went for a walk and a car full of teenagers drove past and yelled out the window "yeahhh we know why your walking, get back on the treadmill fatty we dont wanna see that" and that has stopped me going walking ever since.
  • obwize
    obwize Posts: 102
    I used to feel super embarrassed. At home I don't like doing videos when people are around because it feels a tad bit awkward taking up all the space. But a while ago I broke through any insecurities at the gym by imagining myself jumping up on top of the treadmill and screaming out "does anyone care that I'm fat and on the treadmill?" and as soon as I imagined that the imagined response came back "um, no?" Because nobody really does care. Granted, I have a very vivid imagination which is usually enough to give me confidence, but still.
  • what is 30DS?
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    I have a rule in my house... Nobody gets to sit around and watch someone else work. If you want to hang out with me and talk while I fold laundry or clean the kitchen, grab a towel, buddy. You're drying!

    Work is not a spectator sport! Same goes for working out! Having fun watching me do pushups and squats and jumping jacks in the living room? Get up and get it, or get the hell out!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I think there's something kinda private about doing an exercise vid, which is why I'd never put one on in the lounge (not that I like doing exercise vids anyhow.) But cycling and swimming's my bag, so I can't do either at home.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I have no issues working out in front of my husband. I frequently take him jogging and to the gym with me. If it's crowded we end up not even being able to see each other but if it's dead he's right next to me and I like it. He is a runner and inspires me to run faster.. longer. He likes a fit sweaty woman - thinks it's sexy. In front of him I can do videos, lift my little weights, I don't care. I know he likes working out.

    Now - when I see out of shape people come into the gym I look at them with nothing but admiration - because they are trying to better themselves. It makes me smile - unless they are kicking my butt on the treadmill which happens, then I admire them more, but I'm probably too out of breath trying to catch up to smile. I am one of those nosy people who looks at the people next to them because in my head only - making it a competition is motivating to me, keeps it interesting. It's when I'm alone I get booooored.
  • JPDad
    JPDad Posts: 147
    I have a rule in my house... Nobody gets to sit around and watch someone else work. If you want to hang out with me and talk while I fold laundry or clean the kitchen, grab a towel, buddy. You're drying!

    Work is not a spectator sport! Same goes for working out! Having fun watching me do pushups and squats and jumping jacks in the living room? Get up and get it, or get the hell out!

    That's a great rule. My wife and I have signed up for our first exercise class together in the new year. TRX & Kettlebell. It should be interesting.
  • whats 30 ds
  • Nike13
    Nike13 Posts: 122 Member
    *raises hand* I feel the exact same way, only problem is we have a tiny house so there's really nowhere I can do my jumping jacks/sit ups/whatnot without him being around. And since I work 10 hour shifts versus his 9-5 job, he's here when I leave and when I get home (sometimes have wondered if he even goes to work >__>).
  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    i do the 30 day shred with the dogs trying to jump on me while my fiancé is laughing his butt off at me. i just thought to myself, "who cares?" at least i'm trying!!! and i rarely ever have time to myself, so if i don't do it with my fiancé and the dogs around, then i'll never do it!

    right now i'm at my future father in law's house and i just finished doing the shred in his living room. no where in the house roomy/uncluttered enough for me to do it. oh well!!!!!! i gotta work off these holiday calories i'm about to feast on haha
  • Susan_12
    Susan_12 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes I feel the same way. I just get up 1 hour before everyone in the house and exercise. They are too sleepy to get up and see what I'm doing. I hate getting up that early to do it but it's nice to get it done and out of the way. When I get off work I can go home and relax with the family.
  • In the beginning I was afraid to go to the gym. I swear when anyone walked in I had a panic attack. Of course my husband just didn't care what people thought. We were their for one reason & to hell with what others thought. It's been a few months and now I feel the same way. I was really leary of working out in front of the buff & skinny. However, I have to say the ones I was worried about "laughing" at me are the nicest. Come to find out many of them have been were I'm at. I use to think that people working out in the gym thought omg look at that fat ars. Now I know they're more like, wow at least they're really trying!
  • catfisch_6
    catfisch_6 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm single so at home it doesn't matter but in a gym I never cared. However, I wonder if I should be because every time I do exercise my cat refuses to be in the same room with me when the rest of the time he won't go away...

    Ha! I can't decide which is worse. One of my cats runs away in terror, belly to the ground, and my other cat winds himself around my feet during standing portions, and licks my face every time I lay down to do floor excersizes. He gets very offended if I smoosh him.

    There is no way I would work out in front of my boyfriend...and I like to pretend I don't do excersize DVDs, lol. But I am also aware that it is a bit silly. People have noticed I've lost weight, and made comments. I am *pretty* sure they know it is not by magic.