

  • I agree, think activities should be things that anyone can do - no specific equipment needed but think it's also wise to bear in mind that there's no way that everyone will be happy with every activity. Probably best to keep it varied so everyone gets to enjoy something they like or try something new here and there.
  • SW 216 GW 192 1.5lbs a week - should be manageable :)
  • town called barrow, cumbria, UK happy new year everyone x
  • its a tricky one, the counter on here gives a deficit as it's already calculated how many calories you 'should' burn. so the daily target for calorie intake is exactly that. if you exercise you are expected to take in more calories to counter balance. if you don't you run the risk of your body going into starvation mode,…
  • i also sang my way through that post :)
  • aww how lovely!
  • aw feel like the odd one out lol... hello from Cumbria! :flowerforyou:
  • in my old job i was always on my feet. sounds odd but shoes with a slight heel (bout an inch) are actually better for your legs because it relaxes your calf muscles slightly, if you wear flats all day your calves are constantly stretched. crocs do some nice work shoes with a bit of an incline too. i live by the rule you…
  • it's a combination for me. in the last year i've gained alot of weight so i want to get back to how i looked, felt and back into all the clothes i own. but even before that i was unfit and always wanted to get on track with fitness. now i accept i can't achieve the first without doing the latter and plan to maintain the…
  • yeah thanks guys and gals. even when i posted i knew i'd used the wrong word with 'limit' and did mean target/goal, just couldn't articulate myself. i have gone over with protein every day and don't see it as an issue personally was just confused as i know protein is literally the building block for the cells in our…
  • i eat alot n always have. but as you've said, for me i need to get back into the habbit of eating the right things and also getting more active to counteract the calorie intake. long way to go for me :) my breakfast is always ground oats with yogurt and fruit, every now and then i'll put a few chocolate drops on too
  • hi, great start well done. know what you mean, even though it's only day 2 for me still impressed by everything available on here :) x
  • so how does greek yogurt compare to low fat natural yogurt?! i usually have natural yogurt thats virtually fat free for breakfast with oats and fruit. personally don't like eating greek yogurt like that, to me i feel as though i'm eating double cream but a bit more tarte. shall be trying it as a replacement for sour cream…
  • oh wow what a fast response off people :) thanks one query, i have still got several days out, meals, parties coming up and just wondered how people log calories/details of meals out?! just wondering coz (for example) im sure a pizza in one independant restaurant will be made completely differently to another - different…