csloan30 Member


  • Very interested let me know if you start one!
  • Don't give up. The same thing happened to me. I started exercising everyday...then after a few weeks. started calorie counting. There have been a few times where I would stall for around 3 to 4 days. and Other times when I would gain a pound or two and it would take 3 or 4 days before it would go back down. I would say the…
  • YOu might try a hot shower or breathing some steam..it could be sinuses...Make sure you haev enough support under your neck at night cause that can lead to headaches if you are sleeping on your neck wrong. Hope this helps!!!
  • Just remember when you get in ruts like this, sometimes your weight is turning to muscle and it will not show any weight loss. Keep track of your measurements instead, because that is often more accurate. But don't stress. Do what works best with you life and lifestyle. I have problems eating a bunch of small meals and I…
  • I don't know if you have any game systems. But if you have a Wii...go get Golds Gym Dance Workout! I don't get home til 6 pm each night and I still ahve to go over my sons homework, get everyone showered...cook dinner and then MAYBE sit down to watch tv for an hour before bed. I don't have the funds or the time to go to…
  • I feel that way to sometimes. It just seems like sooo much more work cause you are sweaty and nasty and then you have to shower so that takes up even more of your day and time. I generally go ahead and try to get it over with as soon as I can, which is for me as soon as I get home from work, occasionally I will take a day…
  • Don't stress about it! It is ok to splurge once in a while, the point is to try to watch what you eat MOST of the time, but it is expected that every person will splurge on occasion. Enjoy the pizzza but remember to watch what you eat the next day. Please smile and know you are strong, but everyone is allowed to be weak…
  • Just still eat, but smaller portions. Go with how your body is feeling. Sometimes smaller easier changes can make a bigger impact. Look closely at calories to...sometimes the reduced or low fat stuff only saves you like 10 calories! Craziness...and I have seen that some brands have way less calories than other brands. What…