Exercising makes me so hungry I feel like I am starving all

I have been on the MFP program for about a month now, and just starting jogging for about 2 miles a day in the last couple of weeks. My problem is on my 1400 calorie allowance I feel like I am starving to death. I try to eat healthy snacks, and smaller more frequent meals throughout the day, but I am usually about 300 calories over for each day. Does anyone have any other suggestions or know if the hungry feeling will lessen the longer I stick with jogging. I am just about at the point where I think I would lose more weight if I stopped and just stuck with the dieting part, and no exercising :(


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Are you logging your exercise? You should be eating your exercise calories.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    it all depends on if you are over before or after you put your exercise in. there are 2 sides to the exercise calorie debate, the 'eat them back' side, and the 'don't eat them back side'. i am a firm believer in eating them back. if you aren't eating them back and you find yourself hungry, well, that should be a sign that your body is telling you you aren't eating enough. if you are eating them back and are still hungry, maybe you are trying to lose too much to start and need to think about decreasing your weightloss per week. not everyone can handle losing 2lbs a week.
  • csloan30
    csloan30 Posts: 10 Member
    Just still eat, but smaller portions. Go with how your body is feeling. Sometimes smaller easier changes can make a bigger impact. Look closely at calories to...sometimes the reduced or low fat stuff only saves you like 10 calories! Craziness...and I have seen that some brands have way less calories than other brands. What i have been doing is when I am super hungry..Iwill splurge on something that has less calories than what I would normally eat...like rice cakes..or baked chips...or tuna crackers....I know I don't have to tell you to drink lots of water. Oh and I always eat AFTER I exercise...A. so I dont have a full tummy while exercising...and B. so that when I am hungry, it can be when I am eating dinner...and eat slowly so it had time to get to your stomach and make you full.
