Fitting in Exercise

I usually go to the gym everyday, and I'm very strict about it. This semester at school I have a full load of classes and I go to work straight after. I don't get home until 9 or 10, and there is no time for me to get to the gym during the day. I have about two days that I can get gym time in. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions about things I can do quickly when I have some time. I really hate home work out videos, they don't keep my attention and I get bored easily. Any suggestions would be great. :smile: Thanks!


  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    I am assuming that you have already thought about this, but does your school (guessing it is college) have a student gym that you could go to in the morning or after work...or in between classes, if you have any breaks...
  • sarahsmart88
    Do you have any breaks in your schedule? I use my half hour lunch break to power walk. I know it's not a ton, but it does burn calories. I would run, but then I'd just be sweaty. To make some extra time, pack your lunches and snacks so you're not spending time waiting in line for food or going out to get food. Use that time for some mini workouts. Also, always have workout clothes with you in case you get some spontaneous free time (aka, class gets cancelled).

    Ideas for mini workouts:
    - power walking
    - walking lunges
    - sprints (if you don't mind being sweaty)

    Also, is it possible to walk or bike instead of driving? Sometimes little changes like that can make a workout out of something you have to do anyway.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    waking up early to exercise? I set my alarm earlier so I can run in the mornings before my husband leaves for work because I don't have time to get out there any other time with caring for my kids.

    My husband bikes every day to work so he gets his exercise in that way.
  • kwaskwas
    kwaskwas Posts: 1 Member
    I also use my lunch break to exercise. I run or work out for 40 minutes, and have 20 min for showering. I eat my lunch at my desk or while driving somewhere or while I'm doing something else.
  • sheneverfails
    This is a problem I have as well - I work 7:30-5 every day and then I volunteer M-Th 6-10. I try to get some good walking in on the weekends, but it's a struggle during the week.

    I deliberately do things like taking the stairs as many times as possible per day. I also try to take at least a 15 minute walk on one of my breaks.

    But I would love to hear more suggestions... activity is one of my big struggles.
  • csloan30
    csloan30 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't know if you have any game systems. But if you have a Wii...go get Golds Gym Dance Workout! I don't get home til 6 pm each night and I still ahve to go over my sons homework, get everyone showered...cook dinner and then MAYBE sit down to watch tv for an hour before bed. I don't have the funds or the time to go to the nearest gym which is 25 minutes I got this game in hopes I could do it instead and I LOVE IT. It had mini sword fighting...canoeing...jump roping...and it has routines like cardio boxing...samba....and many others. It will make a program for you thorugh its personal trainer..or you can do mini workouts on your own when you have time. Its perfect for when you dont have a lot of time to get out and go to a gym or are not big on jogging...or running...and dont ahve the patience or motivations for elipticals...
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    I get up very early in the morning and try to fit everything in then. I work full-time and have an hour commute to work each day, plus I'll be starting school two nights a week pretty soon. 30 minutes for lunch doesn't allow me time to work out, but I do try to get stuff in early or after I get home but before I eat dinner.

    Definitely look into a gym at school! That might be your best bet. Also, yes yes yes to the suggestion to walk or ride your bike to school if possible! Good luck!
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    While not ideal, two days is plenty to make an impact, you just have to make it Count. Make those workouts nice and long. In between, do shorter workouts (20min). As a non-after work (school) exercise person myself, I understand working out late when you get home. Try waking up early before your class to work out. Start short and get longer as your body gets used to the time. You can create your own routine if you prefer. But, I tend to get bored with that as well. I also don’t like the exercise dvds because I get tired of doing the same things repeatedly. So, I use Exercise TV on demand. Different videos each day, and they are of all time lengths and work different ways.

    Then of course, maximizing your time out and about with some of the suggestions already made here.
  • sheldabrooke2312
    sheldabrooke2312 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions! I have to leave my house at 7:00 to get to school, because it's 30 minutes away. And my gym opens at 5... And it takes me about an hour and a half to get ready so I don't really have time to get to the gym before leaving for class.

    I'm going to try power walking around campus some on my shorter breaks while reviewing my flash cards for class. And definitely going to check out the Gold's Gym Dance Workout! It doesn't sound like it would bore me as much as my other workout videos that I have tried.