Work out every day but not losing anymore weight

I am STUCK! The first week I lost 4 lbs. I was only taking in 1200 calories a day and working out every day. I talked to a personal trainer and he said I wasn't taking in enough calories. So he suggested I add about 600-700 calories. I am getting very frustrated and just want to give up but continue to push myself every day to get up and go to the gym. I know it's not healthy to lose weight fast but I would like to at least see at least a lb each week. I dont know know else to do! I also find it difficult to eat 5-6 small meals a day and sometimes I end up eating just lunch and dinner. Any suggestions??


  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    I just added you as a friend.

    Yes you should eat back your calories! What kind of workouts are you doing? And what kinds of food are you eating as wel?
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Options - put in your numbers and follow the guidelines :)
  • csloan30
    csloan30 Posts: 10 Member
    Just remember when you get in ruts like this, sometimes your weight is turning to muscle and it will not show any weight loss. Keep track of your measurements instead, because that is often more accurate. But don't stress. Do what works best with you life and lifestyle. I have problems eating a bunch of small meals and I just eat breakfast lunch and dinner...SOMETIMES a snack in there somewhere. Just make sure you are getting your vitamins and minerals. If you are cutting back so much make sure you are taking a multivitamin to make up for some of the loss of vitamin through less food intake. I would say 1200 is prolly a bit too low. I shoot for about 1500 a day...but sometimes I come up less. I am just trusting myself and not analyzing everything becuase that is when stress will come in and start affecting your weight loss and overall health. Each day will vary a bit...don't sweat the small stuff. :)

  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    -eat enough to make your body burn
    -up the intesity
    -make sure you rest(your body won't do sqaut if its over worked)
    -make sure you incorporate BOTH weights and cardio. Building more muscle helps burn more fat
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    Get yourself a HRM (heart rate monitor) so you can see how many calories you are actually burning per workout. Eat back ALL of your exercise calories.

    I would also suggest giving your body more breaks. Your body might not like that you are working out everyday. Try working out every other day or 4 times a week. I know it sounds silly, but for me if I workout too much during the week I actually gain weight. If I give my body rest days I tend to lose more weight more quickly.

    Don't get frustrated, you can do this. You just need to find a routine your body likes.
  • MJLavaty
    MJLavaty Posts: 72 Member
    Its hard to give advice without getting specifics from seeing your diary,knowing your exercise routine and your height/weight/etc. That being said, your trainer doesn't know 100% whats best for you. You need to do what works for you. Keep playing with the numbers until you are losing about 1-2 lbs a weeks, which is a healthy rate of weight loss.

    Best advice: Plug in all your food and exercise to get a general idea of where you are at and go from there. You can either increase exercise or lower calorie intake.

    Good Luck!
  • philsy1
    philsy1 Posts: 103 Member
    You made a fast start and lost a lot of "water weight" the first week. Now that you're drier, your digestion may be slower, and this is reflected in your minimal weight loss. Start drinking more and it'll all even out in the end.
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    I've had four days without exercise and not gone mad today, and you know what, teh weight has come off since my "stall" last week. Actually I put on a bit that week, but lost that and more thsi week. Muscle % is up, fat % down as well.

    I've been training for 5 weeks and then pulled a muscle in my back. I think my body has thanked me for the break!
  • jenamcruz
    Thank you for everyone's response.

    My workout :

    Cardio - elliptical machine 45-50 minutes
    Strength - I alternate days; one day abs and one day legs and arms

    Majority of my meals are SUBWAY
    I always get the chicken breast on flat bread or wheat bread. I get all the veggies and sometimes lite mayo or just vinegar and oil.
    I usually skip breakfast ( i know HORRIBLE).
    Any suggestions on easy on the go meals that I can take to work?
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Add more strengthtraining, for the whole body like for instance Jillian Michaels No more trouble zones. Cut down on the excercise to 3-5 days a week, but when you train, train at least 45 minutes.
    Also eat three bigger meals every fourth hour and maybe a snack or two in between.
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    Thank you for everyone's response.

    My workout :

    Cardio - elliptical machine 45-50 minutes
    Strength - I alternate days; one day abs and one day legs and arms

    Majority of my meals are SUBWAY
    I always get the chicken breast on flat bread or wheat bread. I get all the veggies and sometimes lite mayo or just vinegar and oil.
    I usually skip breakfast ( i know HORRIBLE).
    Any suggestions on easy on the go meals that I can take to work?

    I'd say no subway! Lol!! Cold cuts have lots of sodium, not to mention, the bread, even if it's flat. Eat breakfast!!! I wuld do whole body strength training three times a week and start doing hiit on the treadmill. 30 sec go as hard as possible, 2:30 recover by going slower. My two cents. I your food diary private