Longtobeslim Member


  • That is Awesome!!! Congratulations. I have 140 set as a goal weight, so it was great to see your picture because now I can kind of get a mental picture of how I will look at that weight. Good luck! Now you just need to keep eating the same way so you can maintain that great loss!
  • Thanks everyone. To answer a few of the questions asked. I drink plenty of water, so I know that isn't a problem. I do know that I am losing inches because I have gone down two sizes in shirts and pants. I do feel MUCH BETTER and have TONS more energy. The reason I weigh once a week is because a bunch of us are doing a…
  • Thanks everyone. I talked to a couple people at work also, one is a personal trainer and one is a former sports therapist and they both told me I am not eating enough and probably have my body in starvation mode. The sports therapist said it only takes about 24-48 hours to put your body in starvation mode. I told her I had…
  • Sounds good, easy and low cal. Thanks for sharing.
  • Thank you everyone. I KNEW there had to be an easier way to do that. I appreciate the help. Erin
  • Yum, lots of great recipes. Thanks!
  • I measure by the cup. When I buy romaine lettuce in a bag it always usually says so many calories for so many cups of lettuce. I measure the majority of my veggies that way. Once in a while I weigh them, but mostly its by the cup. Erin
  • Welcome! Don't be scared, you are starting something great here. This site is amazing, the people are super friendly and supportive and its a great way to help you SEE very clearly the good and bad of what you are eating. I started 7 weeks ago and have lost 22 pounds. It is the easiest thing I have every done and I've done…
  • Congratulations I am doing a MAJOR HAPPY DANCE for you! Great job on the half marathon AND 60 pounds in a year. That is such an AMAZING accomplishment! You should be very PROUD of yourself!
  • Thats what I do. I find a similar dish and put that in. If there are two dishes that are similar and one is higher then the other, I always put the higher dish in. I believe its better to log higher then lower to be on the safe side.
  • Back when I was doing Weight Watchers there was a side program people were doing called The Wendie Plan. It was created by a woman named Wendie that was doing everything right, food, exercise but whose weight loss was stuck for months. She created a plan where she would have a low point day, then a high point day, etc...…
  • Chelekaz: Congrats on your loss! 2.2 is a great loss. Erin
  • I check my weight most mornings but my "Official WI Day" is Wednesday. I only record my weight on MFP on Wednesdays.
  • Congrats. Doing a Happy Dance for you. What a Great feeling that must have been. I have an old pair of jeans that have quilt-like patches on them. They are so comfortable and I can't wait to fit back into them. Very excited for you! Erin
  • Thanks everyone. I knew I had burned more then what I had put it in as. Love this site and all the great support. Have a wonderful evening. Erin
  • Thanks. When it said 134 calories burned I felt like that was low. I was sweating like crazy and felt like I had done a pretty intense workout. I definitely thought I burned more calories then that. I love Leslie Sansone. She has been very good to me over the years. I have a 5 mile dvd now that has a 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mile…
  • Its sad that this is an issue but I think they should have to pay for two seats. Airline tickets are so expensive and I don't think a person should have to be uncomfortable because a larger person is taking up more than just the seat they paid for. It might not be fair for the larger person to have to pay for two seats.…
  • I have to change my weigh in day to Wednesdays because we are doing a weight loss challenge through my sister in law's work place. So its been nice being with you all here, but I am not longer going to be a Monday weigher. Good luck to all! Erin
  • Congratulations to all you big loser!!! WooHoo!!! I get to join you as a big loser, too. I lost 2.4 pounds this week, for a total of 14.2 pounds in a month. I planned for all my Easter food as well. I even had a small helping of augratin potatoes and one tiny, tiny bit of chocolate cake with chocolate icing. I was under my…
  • I plan out my menu ahead of time. It keeps me on track. That way I know exactly how many calories I am planning for each meal and for the day. Then if something special comes up and I want to have it I know in advance if I have the calories for it. Also, then I am not scrambling at the end of the night either to get all my…
  • I love her dvds and I have lost weight when doing them. I have this new one that has a 1 mile, 2 mile, 3 mile, 4, mile and 5 mile workout on it. That way if you are in a hurry or tired you can do a light workout, if you have more time you can do a longer workout. I have done the 5 mile one and it really gets my heart rate…
  • Going to my father in law's house. We are all bringing something. My brother in law is making the meat, not sure what kind. I am bringing a big veggie/fruit tray. I also am using the recipe I saw here for angel food cake with lemon pie filling (85 calories per piece). Might take the fixings for a big salad as well, I also…
  • Drink a big glass of water before you start eating. Or start off with soup or salad first, then you will eat less of everything else. Also, eat slowly. Spend time talking in between each bite,. It takes about 20 minutes for our brain to get the message that we are full. If you eat slower, you will eat less because you will…
  • Good Morning, I am down 1 pound today. I wish it was more but with all that has been going on, I will take a pound. I haven't been around because my mother-in-law became very sick and was in and out of the hospital. She has since passed away and we were dealing with funeral arrangements, the funeral etc. There was tons of…
  • Jill, I'm in Virginia and I am with you on all the traffic and the snow story. I hate all the congestion out here. Although I do like the weather here in Virginia. I love the four seasons and we do get snow sometimes. We found our little piece of Wisconsin here. We live a bit outside of town, 1 acre of land with woods and…
  • I am from Wisconsin but have been living out East now in Virginia for about 25 years. But Wisconsin will ALWAYS be home to me. All my family is still in Wisconsin so I try to go when I can. Unfortunately that only seems to be every other year. I am a huge Packers fan. In fact, I just bought Packers stock when it went on…
  • I'm in. Don't know if I can lose that much in a month, especially since we are on Spring Break (I work in a middle school). But it will be a good challenge to keep myself in check this week while out of my regular routine. First my scale victory: I only started MFP recently and lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks and then got bad…
  • You can do this. What you ate sounded like a lot of food to me as I was reading it, but maybe not. Only you know if it was a lot. I agree with tracking your food before you eat it. Most days I track ALL my food for the day first thing in the morning. That way I stay on track easier throughout the day and know how many…