aleatha5 Member


  • You should open your diary so people who would want to comment can give you some more tailored advice. But, yeah, I'd agree that dropping to 1200 might be too little calories consumed.
  • You can add me! I have two boys 3 and 1...and look like I'm still pregnant.
  • Bump! Bump! I'm feeling miserable today and I really want to fall off the healthy wagon after getting 3 periods of 1 and 1/2 hours of sleep broken up over last night. The flu stinks!
  • You look great! Love the pic of you and your sister!
  • Cheer up, soon you'll be so sick that food will repulse you? Seriously, it is tough. But if you use your bursts of energy to food plan/prepare you can make several fast/easy/freezable solutions. Also, it does get better. I was so sick I lost weight for the first 20 weeks of each pregnancy, but after I started to feel…
  • When I graduated from high school I weighed the most I have ever weighed in my life (excepting pregnancy) because I didn't realize anything about counting calories/exercising. I was a real studious student and did a bunch of thinking clubs (student government, honors society, etc) and was really not active. In my first…
  • Welcome! I've had both my children in my 30s, so I never experienced the magic of my 20 something body bouncing back.
  • I am pretty solidly against hormonal birth control. I know that for me I have some pretty uncomfortable side effects including increased appetite and bloating with water weight gain. I also am a monster when I take it. You know there is a non-hormonal IUD -- the paraguard. I had that for a while and didn't hate it. Didn't…
  • We are the same height! I started at 185, my goal is 145 for right now, I'll maybe readjust once I hit that weight.
  • Hello! I'm also nursing an older baby (11 months) and really trying to get to below my pre-pregnancy weight from my first pregnancy (I'm at my pre-preg weight from this baby already). First, do you know that on MFP you add breastfeeding as a food? You can just type it in to your food search and it will subtract the…
  • Hello! Good luck, I'm also trying to lose my preg weight (but I'm 11 months out). You can add breastfeeding as a food and it gives you the updated nutritional needs for breastfeeding. I always try to eat at least 1500 to keep my supply up. I've been losing steadily. You can add me if you'd like, I'd love to have more mom…
  • Are you able to do Goat's milk? My husband and son can't do cow's milk (a problem with the protein in the cow's milk) but they tolerate goat's milk very well. I also use goat's cheese to make things like mac n' cheese and grilled cheese for my son. I like almond milk and keep it as a back up. I don't like soy for the…
  • Title9 Sports has one called the "3 reasons" sports bra. It is GREAT and it has straps that you can undo easily so that it is like a nursing sports bra. You can see it here ETA: My son always wants to nurse 8…
  • HAHA, love this! I couldn't agree more! I have two kids and I used NO medications to give birth, and when I tell people this they look at me like I'm crazy...but I think "wow, you would rather be PARALYZED and medicated then undergo a day of discomfort?" Big pharma has changed the playing field so completely that people…
  • Yay for you! I have two littles (2 and 6 months) I find it really challenging to work out with them. Most days I work out to the wiggles you make me feel like dancing. And I never thought I'd be saying that!
  • I did, but then I found I started to lose it pretty easily after my fertility came back. For me, I really do squirrel away 10 pounds while breastfeeding.
  • I'm having a lot of trouble today too! I just want to eat junk food and I won't let myself, but nothing else sounds appealing. So, here I sit with 900 calories left to eat. Hang in there! Tomorrow will be a new day, but I'm really feeling you on today!
  • I did when I was younger. When I started college I was 185 (higher even than now after having two kids!) and I resolved I would change myself. I started with my diet first over the summer break and when I went to college I just walked everywhere, no buses! By the end of my first year of school I was down to 148. At that…
  • You look great! What fantastic progress.
  • Really? I am getting blasted for suggesting that you should limit your intake of refined sugars and refined flour? And that is not supported by evidence? I'm not saying don't eat carbs, I'm saying that refined sugar is an empty calorie. If you only have 1200 calories in a day and you are using 400 on refined sugar than you…
  • I know that your question is a general one, butI hope that you have talked to a doctor about planning to not gain weight during your pregnancy. Even obese people are told to gain between 10-15. I know it is important to be fit and eat well, but I have an aunt who wouldn't allow herself to gain at ALL during her pregnancies…