pinecone Member


  • thanks for all the advice - i hate weights (i'm probbaly missing out on something here, but i've vowed not to spend my time doing anything i can't stand!), but the interval training sounds good. i'd much rather sprint then walk than just go at 6 kilometres an hour for 20 minutes. yeah, it does seem stupid to think that…
  • as said by other posters, the water retention is the least of it. salt is a silent killer and a major cause of heart disease and high blood pressure, amongst other nasties. in terms of actual weight loss, it doesn't make much of a difference.
  • all foods are safe. thinking of any food as dangerous is dodgy.. having said that, if you go for something with loads of mayo, cheese or oil it will contain more calories.
  • out me down for the south team. this will be easy - you guys will be munching on kendal mint cake and pies in no time;)
  • I'm a student nurse and in my first year of training I had this problem. For breakfast, there are lots of healthy breakfast type bars - Nakd bars are lovely, raw, sugar free, one of your five a day and 100-170 calories depending on your choice. But they aren't carby. I've also made my own breakfast bars using oats, nuts,…
  • The gym is a really male-centred place and can be really intimidating. I can see why lots of women choose not to go. Despite this, and the assortment of dirty, judgemental, patronising and pervy I get, I really like the gym. At first I always went with a friend, but I don't really mind now. I just go to do my exercises and…
  • I take a much less admirable way. I only run outside in the summer. So shoot me!
  • I did cook that soup myself! It's just garlic and an onion cooked with a teaspoon of olive oil, then I added a bowel of frozen spinach and a bowl of fresh with 500mls of stock. I cooked it with the lid on so the frozen spinach would thaw, and then I added a little (200mls) milk for texture and colour. That makes four…
  • I'm very into herbal tea, but it doesn't really help fill me up. Being vegetarian, the only sources of good protein available are fake or eggs. Legumes are awesome too and I do include them in my diet, but they are quite starchy too. I have lots of dairy. I'll have eggs sometimes at supper, but I never fancy them in the…
  • Wow. See, I wouldn't count pasta (so long as it's not in a creamy/cheesy sauce), or a slice of pizza as cheating, really. I've gotten so used to only eating meals under 450 calories that I have no idea what I'd eat outside of that.
  • Men say this, but when I was a (british) size 14 I got alot less male attention than I do now I'm a 8/10. Maybe that could be to do with confidence, but I think it's because I look better in a skirt. I think what men really mean is that they want a size 6/8 with DDs, as the cosmetic surgery industry is evidence of. What I…
  • I've joined a gym so I have slightly more accuracy now than when I was jogging or doing ju jitsu (totally agree - two hours jitsu training sadly does not equal 1000 calories!), but I still distrust those machines. I just wish I could lose it before christmas, but I suppose that's just not going to happen. I used to diet…
  • I love the stuff, it was difficult at first but now it's my lovely 6 day a week breakfast. Much more gorgeous when it's cold and you're by a window - lovely hot porridge, nasty cold outside. I used to do it with a pan, but I now microwave. I use hot boiled water and around 100mls milk. Mix it, pop it in the microwave, stir…
  • Only Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and Eating Disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) are in the DSM (the diagnostic criteria for all mental illnesses), and so only they are actual disorders. I work in mental health and I have worked in an eating disorders unit and with community services, and…
  • i don't do ramadan, but i do do early nursing shifts which means i cannot eat 6-3 (which looks pathetic next to your fast! although i know what you mean, after a while you do get used to it and you don't get hungry). i find the hard thing isn't the not eating, but regulating yourself once you know you're allowed to eat…
  • thanks for the advice! i'll probably have to try all these cookie ideas, but for now i went with what i had in the house. here's what i came up with - they aren't amazing tasting or beautiful (which for me is perfect, lest i be tempted to eat the lot in a day), but they're quite satisfying and very nice on a coffee break:…
  • Usually prozac causes a 20lb drop (in the past it has been used as a diet aid!), but a small amount of people do experience weight gain. The only way to know is to try another antidepressant, but do think carefully. There are other anti-depressants of this type that may not cause weight gain for you, but then they may also…
  • one small, fake, full of sugar biscuit/cookie, eaten without a trace of guilt.
  • Maybe just include some more good fats, like whole yogurt/milk, and nuts, and see where you get to? Then as the calories (and your weight:)) creeps down it'll be easy to make the switches to lower fat versions. You should check what vitamins and minerals you're missing out on at the moment; is a nice…
  • A little bit of what you fancy.. I normally have a little something in the evening - one hot drink: a low calorie hot chocolate or a little hot skim milk with a cinnamon stick, with a nibble, either a fun-sized chocolate (mini flake is delish and 75 calories) or a nairns oat fruit and spice biscuit. That makes it about 110…