Are anti-deppressants making me fat?

I am on 20 MG of Prozac, could that have cause my sudden weight gain this year? I was always pretty thin up until this year.

I started taking them about two years ago...


  • dontpanic1984
    dontpanic1984 Posts: 82 Member
    when i was on 20 mg prozac i lost some weight because i wasn't comfort eating as much. not sure.... ask your doctor. that's my advice.
  • Barbboomer
    I too have been on anti-depressants. While trying to find the right fit I did experience weight gain. The best way I could determine if gain was related to medication is to research the prescription on the internet or to refer to my doctor.

    One imparticular put on 20 pounds over an 8 month period....and of course at the moment I can't think of it's name

    I also believe hormonal changes can also take a toll on our lb. number!!

    Hope you find out what you need to.:tongue:
  • Chelsinicole63
    Chelsinicole63 Posts: 62 Member
    I wouldn't know much about anti depressants... but if you were on them for that long and then all of the sudden gained weight, I dont think it came from the anti depressants...
    I started birth control about 6 months ago... gained 20 pounds in two months..
    I went off them... didnt lose much...
    Went on them again,.. didn't gain...

    Sometimes I think we blame medications for weight gain when it just happened to be bad timing,

    And btw.. I would kill to have your current weight! haha youre 2 inches taller and weigh less.
    There is no way you are fat. :bigsmile:
    Or anything even close to fat for that matter.
  • mikerockshard
    mikerockshard Posts: 2 Member

    My name is Mike and I work for a Mental Health facility. I see around 100 different pts a month and almost all of them are on some form of anti-depressant. Some of those anti d's DO cause some weight gain, but not usually a large amount. Some of this is going to be water weight. If you are eating much sodium it is only going to increase this side effect. When you are exercising work your legs hard, and work them first, this will release a large amount of endorphins right out of the gate. I also recommend Yoga, not for the religious factor but it releases tension and will enhance the effects of your anti depressant. I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • mikerockshard
    mikerockshard Posts: 2 Member
    check your sodium intake. if you have weight gain due to anti depressants it usually happens right away, and is usually water weight because of cotton mouth, or increased food cravings. Good luck, hope this helps.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Nope.Mosby's drug reference guide states for the GI tract: nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, anorexia, dyspepsia, constipation, cramps, vomiting, taste changes, flatulence and decreased appetite
  • Precious_Nissa
    Most doctors will agree that anti-depressants carve your appetite and you do not emotionally eat when taking them...weight gain happens because when the anti-depressants kick in and you dont feel the emotions anymore, you find reason other than emotions to eat.....gain weight is because of excuses you find to continuously eat just because....
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I haven't had weight GAIN from my antidepressants (which I'm not using as an antidepressant- they were prescribed for migraine management, as I'm a chronic migraineer), but I HAVE noticed that the rate at which I've been losing weight seriously pulled up. I used to lose 3 lbs a week. Now lucky if one. But, I'll keep on truckin'.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i have been on ADi s for many years and have fluctuated from over weight down to my goal weight in that time-i havent noticed any food cravings nor really changed weights between prior to taking them until now. i do know that taking them makes me positive and lets me face exercise with a smile thus letting me lose weight like i am now.
  • pinecone
    pinecone Posts: 28 Member
    Usually prozac causes a 20lb drop (in the past it has been used as a diet aid!), but a small amount of people do experience weight gain. The only way to know is to try another antidepressant, but do think carefully. There are other anti-depressants of this type that may not cause weight gain for you, but then they may also not work as well, and there may be a period of feeling low inbetween dose change. The best option is to talk it through to your doctor.
  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    From what I've reseached, mostly because I hate medication and dont have medical coverage even if I didn't. University studies and many medical trials have been done that link Magnesium to better mood. The only reason doctors don't tell you this because they get kick backs for every mediciation they prescribe. And since Magnesium is a naturally accuring mineral Big Pharma can't patient it, therefore, they make no money off giving you simple dietary suppliments. But, Magnesium coupled with Calcium and Vitamin D have been link from everything like mood, stress, sleeplessness, and concentration.

    Major note: I'm not a doctor, and what I say does have medical relevence, but consult your doctor about holistic and alternative treatments. It's important to remember that most doctors work for Big Pharma and will usually be against any kind of Herbal or dietary change, because it cuts into their bonuses. So be aware they'll give you the horror stories of not taking your medication. Just remember, anything that isn't naturally accuring on this planet (Fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, vitamins minerals, etc.) are chemicals, they are cooked up in a lab and will ALWAYS have unwarrented side effects.

    I mean, didn't doctors use to prescribe Methamphetamine as a diet pill? I rest my case. I hope you do your own research and find a healthy alternative to chemically induced happiness, good luck. :)
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    İ live in the uk and can assure you our docs get no kick back -my father was a practitioner for 47 years and under his oathe he would rather cut his arm off than prescribe an unecessary drug---he got paid enough and didnt take back handers. He supervises my intakes but cant prescribe for me because he is my father and i know he would never let his own son take an ADs for 7 years unecessarily!!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I agree with D1amo, most Doctors here are reluctant to give antidepressants without good cause.
    I took prozac for 9 months, in which time I had quite a substantial weight gain, however, I also had a more sedentary lifestyle and less healthy diet than I'd previously been following, as I was incredibley busy, and the gym became less of a priority. The weight didnt drop off when I stopped taking the medication, so I assume that it was unrelated. Its only coming off through hard work and lifestyle change. :)
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    have you thought this gain in weight could be a skeletal change that is a natural phenomina we all go through--every 7 years til the late 30s
  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    The Medical service industry in Britain is drastically different than it is here. You guys have a health care system that promotes being healthy. Ours (Which we are now FORCED to pay for) is all about take this pill, get this injection. We have more along the lines of Sick care, instead of Health care.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i think under our new government we could go your way--our dentristry service is becoming more private than national health service--everytime i see the dentist they seem to want to do something for no apparent reason and i have to pay a percentage of the cost and our gov pays the balance--im sure they have enough xrays of my month that hasnt received any treatment in many years!!
  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    The fact of the matter is anti-depressants are chemicals, they alter your brains natural biochemistry. They are taken when certain chemicals in your brain drop too low and an imbalance occurs, right? Everyone can agree on this, yes? When did we become so complacent that we no longer question what a doctor has us take? If research proves that magnesium can improve your mood, help with insomnia, and increase your concentration, then why are we arguing about what doctors do and do not prescribe?

    The fact is, that this thread was started because she's gained weight since she started the Prozac. I don't care about emotional connections, or weather your happy pumping your body full of toxins. I posing an alternative perspective. The fact is that Holistic medicine has been around for thousands of years longer than "Traditional" western medicine, it's been curing the now incurable, fix chemical imbalances and healing what we can no longer heal. So yeah, I may speak badly about the legal drug pushers because the side effects of these man-made chemicals far out ways their usefulness. And what are the side effect of vitamins and minerals? There isn't, because your body will simply not absorb anymore. This is the NATURAL world, the world the way it was intended, since when has man ever known best? This is an industry, and like every other industry they want to get you coming back like a good little customer, so yes I question their motives.

    Ultimately though, it's about whether she feels good on the Prozac, whether she would like to pursue alternative forms of treatment and what works best for her. If she's gaining weight and felt bad enough about the situation to post a thread than why shouldn't we educate her to other possibilities? Their was once a time when people were applauded for challenging the norm. I was merely trying to give somewhat of different look at this problem, what is so wrong with that?
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    its a good theory but the trouble with it not actually working is what happens with many people who are depressed--they commit or attempt suicide--if you have ever had depression you will gladfully take any drug that will solve and continue to keep the condition away--if you stop and go for alternative medicine the risk is high. i am sure i could test your theory but i wont because i enjoy my life
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    I also take 20 mg of Prozac and haven't noticed any weight gain. When I first started taking it, I definitely noticed a DECREASE in appetite. I agree with another poster on here who said it isn't likely that you started gaining weight from medication suddenly - seems to me you should have seen it pretty soon after starting.

    Have you considered hormonal changes? How old are you? I've noticed in my late 20s that I can no longer eat anything I want like I used to be able to. Think my metabolism is slowing down :(

    Good luck - and if you do decide to go off Prozac, I would consult your Dr first. I know some people believe that they are looking out for their own best interests, but if they are a good doctor they will listen to you and help you safely stop taking it. :)
  • jacolyncoker
    jacolyncoker Posts: 86 Member
    From what I've reseached, mostly because I hate medication and dont have medical coverage even if I didn't. University studies and many medical trials have been done that link Magnesium to better mood. The only reason doctors don't tell you this because they get kick backs for every mediciation they prescribe. And since Magnesium is a naturally accuring mineral Big Pharma can't patient it, therefore, they make no money off giving you simple dietary suppliments. But, Magnesium coupled with Calcium and Vitamin D have been link from everything like mood, stress, sleeplessness, and concentration.

    Major note: I'm not a doctor, and what I say does have medical relevence, but consult your doctor about holistic and alternative treatments. It's important to remember that most doctors work for Big Pharma and will usually be against any kind of Herbal or dietary change, because it cuts into their bonuses. So be aware they'll give you the horror stories of not taking your medication. Just remember, anything that isn't naturally accuring on this planet (Fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, vitamins minerals, etc.) are chemicals, they are cooked up in a lab and will ALWAYS have unwarrented side effects.

    I mean, didn't doctors use to prescribe Methamphetamine as a diet pill? I rest my case. I hope you do your own research and find a healthy alternative to chemically induced happiness, good luck. :)

    Well, I'm pretty sure he had good cause to prescribe it to me. I went an entire summer locked up in my room, and I was convinced everyone hated me. And I am embarrassed to admit that I even tried to hurt myself :l So, Prozac is completely necessary for me to be normal, trust me.