
  • Sweet! That is amazing, thank you for sharing. My husband just looked at your pics/story & is inspired on his weight loss journey to keep it up! Me too!
  • As long as it's under your goal for the day. I believe it's a healthy way to eat your treats, to learn to eat them in serving sizes. If you deny yourself all the time, you'll end up binging. So, enjoy :)
  • No waiting....that's a trap we all fall for. Get started & just do as much as you can with it. It's a tough workout, but go your pace. My husband had tons of success with P90. Good luck :)
  • This is a big challenge for me as well. Give yourself the "cheat" day on Sunday.....or Friday & get back on track Saturday? Make sure you get a light workout on Saturday (a walk or something). It keeps my mind set on healthy, and I seem to make better choices over the weekend if I get that walk in. Don't forget to track…
  • Thanks everybody for your help with this, makes more sense now :)