P90X Questions

I will be getting my P90X videos this week. I have read a lot of success stories but I haven’t seen where these people are weight wise and physically when they begin. I just started a diet about 3 weeks ago, I’m down 10 pounds but still have a long way to go. I still need to lose a MINIMUM of 65 pounds (in my opinion). And even though I have been walking 2 – 4 miles a day for the past several weeks I am not in shape at all. Should I wait until I am closer to my goal weight before starting the program or go ahead and start now?


  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Start now.... work your butt off... keep pushing play... take a rest week then do it all over again!
  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
    Bump, really curious.
  • hersheygirl09
    hersheygirl09 Posts: 41 Member
    Go for it! i started p90x, then had to stop b/c i broke my foot. this time around, i'm staring with p90, but in 3 months, i'm going back to p90x. it's an awesome workout. just make sure you have plenty of water!
  • ProjectSara
    ProjectSara Posts: 83 Member
    Just do what you can. The more you do it, the better you'll be able to!

    I've been doing it casually for over a year, and I still can't do everything they do. It doesn't have to be all or nothing - just remember that anything you can do to move is better than not doing it!
  • No waiting....that's a trap we all fall for. Get started & just do as much as you can with it. It's a tough workout, but go your pace. My husband had tons of success with P90. Good luck :)
  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    The great thing about P90X is that anyone can do it. You work at your own pace (while still pushing yourself) and take breaks when you need it. You'll see results. I dropped over 20lbs the first round and had been working out steadily already so my loss wasn't as drastic and a newbie would be.
  • When I started P90x I was solidly in the overweight BMI range, but was fairly fit in the sense that I was/am pretty active. I think you are fine to start it now/at any weight or fitness level. The weight lifting videos are easy to keep up with as long as you select appropriate weights. The cardio videos might make you take breaks before they do (I have this happen all the time with Insanity!), but I would say, just keep in mind your limits, and if you can't keep up don't sweat it. Just make sure to push yourself the next time you get to that video and do more than you did last time!

    I will say that doing P90x I didn't see a whole bunch of weight loss (I think only about 8ish lbs) but I did lose inches and I felt myself getting stronger! Basically, don't be too discouraged if the scale doesn't move excessively right away or for an extended period of time, because you are definitely making major improvements to your body if you commit to the program!
  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    When I started P90x I was solidly in the overweight BMI range, but was fairly fit in the sense that I was/am pretty active. I think you are fine to start it now/at any weight or fitness level. The weight lifting videos are easy to keep up with as long as you select appropriate weights. The cardio videos might make you take breaks before they do (I have this happen all the time with Insanity!), but I would say, just keep in mind your limits, and if you can't keep up don't sweat it. Just make sure to push yourself the next time you get to that video and do more than you did last time!

    I will say that doing P90x I didn't see a whole bunch of weight loss (I think only about 8ish lbs) but I did lose inches and I felt myself getting stronger! Basically, don't be too discouraged if the scale doesn't move excessively right away or for an extended period of time, because you are definitely making major improvements to your body if you commit to the program!

    Yes! What she said!

    Go at your own pace, and do what you can. If you get past first 3 weeks, you'd never want to turn back. A lot of my friends who started P90X quit in first 2 weeks (including my first attempt), so be careful not to fall for that.

    In about a month, you'll get stronger (more push ups/pull ups), and your clothes will feel looser, even if your scale doesn't move a single pound. IMHO, that's success!
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I do a hybrid P90X. I do traditional workouts 3 days a week and P90X 3 days per week. I started out just doing P90X and I was a good 80 pounds overweight when I started. I lost about 10 pounds in a month on P90X. It was hard and in the beginning I couldn't do some of the stuff at all and a limited amount of the other stuff, but I did what I could. If you find something you just can't do, no matter how hard you try, modify it. If you can't do standard pushup, do wall pushups or use your knees. If you can't do pullups, bands work great. Sometimes there were times where I would get so wasted the first half of the workout I couldn't do the push ups in the second half, so I'd just jog in place or shadow box after I attempted to do the pushups.

    So basically do what you can, modify where needed and bust *kitten*.
  • queenfresh
    queenfresh Posts: 32 Member
    Do it! What do you have to lose? (hahaha, yeah, pounds I know) Then do another round after that one if you aren't satisfied.