

  • You look great! Congratulations. I'm a little over a month into this and have lost 11 pounds. Any tips on how you were so successful?
  • If I'm working I eat a banana and drink a 30 calorie can of low sodium V8 juice. That way I get a fruit and vegetable. It holds me til lunch.
  • I went there Saturday night with my family. I had eggbeater eggs, 2 pieces of wheat toast with Promise margarine (they will provide it upon request), and grits. It was actually pretty good and filling.
  • Only when I stopped eating my exercise calories did I really start losing. I think you are fine being under your allotted calories. It takes alot of calories for your body to go into the "starvation mode". Good luck.
  • Thanks for the info regarding at what point a body goes into starvation mode. I agree that too much emphasis is put on that. I think the focus should be on eating healthy and burning more calories than consuming.
  • Wow. Your success is phenomonal. Keep it up. I'll try getting a heart-rate monitor. This weight lost stuff is a real balancing act and tools like that can be helpful.
  • Thanks for the encouraging comments. I am fitting into a smaller size so I guess there's some truth to what you're saying.
  • I guess I'm not going to be as positive as the other responders. Maybe because this same thing is happening to me and it's just so frustrating. I've been stuck at essentially the same weight for the past 6 days; give or take a few ounces (usually more), This is despite the fact that I've been walking more, drinking more…
  • Thanks for the responses. I assume I'm burning more than 1200 calories a day since I'm losing weight. Just wish I knew how much so I can know how much I can go over once in awhile without erasing my gains. I'll search the web and see if they have anything..
    in questions Comment by jodiekm August 2011