

  • 223 oh boy, I went up, this was a horrible week! oh well, just got to stick to it!!!
  • I feel like total crud today, I don't want to do anything, just want to lay down and whine! I don't want to eat or exercise or anything! It would be day 5 of the 30day shred, if I decide to do it.
  • Okay, you only need my weight right, I only went down .2 of a pound ! So 220.8! I need to work my butt off in order to get down 20 more in 5 weeks, I am starting to think that its a little bit unrealistic and might change it to 210 :) , I hope everyone is having a great week!
  • At first I was using big spaghetti sauce cans because I didn't have any lol but I went out tonight and bought 3lb weights. I guess tomorrow I will see if there is a difference, and later on, I will get the 5lb ones.
  • I heard that the biggest loser game was good also, I don't have it tho. But I love my Just Dance game :) ETA: I also heard Zumba was a good one!
  • Today was my 3rd day and I noticed it got a little easier not as bad as my first!
  • I guess I will say a little bit more about myself, I live in Ontario, near Ottawa. My BF and I have been together for 4 years 7 months, we are getting married next year, on this day! so 365 more days! I have a 14 month beautiful daughter and I want more kids. I work at Tim Hortons right now, but want to go back to school…
  • thanks guys :)
  • I really want to join this! My name is Kristine, I am 22, I have a daughter! I currently weigh 221, I want to weigh 200 by halloween, I know that is a lot to loose, but I am hoping I am able to do it, or get close to it! My goals would be to, drink more water, no more pop no more junk/take -out . Take a daily walk or…