First day of 30ds

Kicked my butt. 20 minutes and I'm sore everywhere. It was a real eye opener on how out of shape I am.


  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Well done for doing it! It really is worth the effort. I'm about half way through now and I am starting to notice a difference. WTG!!
  • jess_austin
    i started yesterday and trust me you will feel sore tomoro but u just need to push thru it, ive seen alot of success stories on here where they have used the 30 day shred and it totally looks worth it!!! it may help if u do a few stretches and massage the sore areas just before you go to bed too

    Good luck!!!
  • jayne51998
    I started it yesterday too.
    It's really tough as I didn't realise how out of shape I was either.
    But I'm going to stick with it.
    Good Luck. :D
  • Dinah93
    Dinah93 Posts: 27 Member
    I started today too. Knew I was out of shape but I kept up (except where the cat decided since I was lying down this was a green light to jump on my tummy!), and felt wobbly but pleased afterwards.
  • loveAZJ
    Today was my 3rd day and I noticed it got a little easier not as bad as my first!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Great job! I was very humbled after my first day with 30DS too! But stick with it, and like ZaysMom said, you'll be amazed at how quickly it gets 'easier' - you will notice an increase in strength, flexibility and endurance in no time!
  • ThinspiredButterfly
    what is 30ds?
  • jayne51998
    30 day shred with Jillian Michaels.
    It's a workout dvd.
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    I'm going to stick with it for sure. :) I just hope I don't have to end up with a 90 day shred to get through the whole dvd. 30 days per workout might get a bit boring. *giggles*
  • Renee2GetFit
    Renee2GetFit Posts: 162 Member
    Today is my 7th day and the soreness does go away by now if you keep to it EVERYDAY - don't skip as your only going to cheat yourself. I feel so much better by now. I do those jumping jacks like a pro. i still suck at the push ups but feel pretty good about everything else.

  • mrsmccullen07
    I will be doing Day 3 tonight after Day 1 I was a little sore but it went away after I had my protein shake the next morning and then last night after working out I sipped on some P90x results & recovery not alot since I know I didn't burn alot of calories but it really helped I am not sore at all today ... I wish you lots of luck and can't wait to see all of our success pictures it seems alot of us are starting it around the same time :):) I hope to lose inches so I can buy something new for our 4 year wedding anniversary :):)
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    I love Jillian's workout DVDs! I think when I consistantly do her DVD's is when I see the most change in my body. However, boredom DOES settle in after doing the same thing so frequently!
    Good Luck girls!!
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    How heavy of weights is everyone using to start out with?
  • jayne51998
    Today is my 7th day and the soreness does go away by now if you keep to it EVERYDAY - don't skip as your only going to cheat yourself. I feel so much better by now. I do those jumping jacks like a pro. i still suck at the push ups but feel pretty good about everything else.


    Glad to hear that the soreness does go away. I'm in agony after the second day. Lol.
    I'm pretty good with the push ups but jumping jacks... I look like a starfish having some sort of fit. :embarassed:
    Keep up the good work though. :happy:
  • lorjill
    lorjill Posts: 104 Member
    today was d4 for quads are killing me! I'm pushing thru it though :)
  • jayne51998
    What do everyone put in for exercise on here when doing the 30ds?
  • louise_608
    louise_608 Posts: 27 Member
    I started the 30ds today too, I tried to start it at the beginning of the month done 3 days and gave up. But today I have put a chart up on my wall and I will be sticking to trying to do it for 30 days straight. I must be able to fit 20 minutes into each day!
  • mrsmccullen07
    What do everyone put in for exercise on here when doing the 30ds?

    I read alot of people use circuit training general for 20mins so that is what I am doing :) but I also read it sometimes is too high so I only eat back 1/2 my calories if its a day i plan to eat them back just to be safe :)
  • ariellerene
    ariellerene Posts: 2 Member
    I log it as 20 minutes under Circuit Training. I've seen a lot of posts from other people saying that's what they were doing also.
  • jayne51998
    Thanks guys. :happy: