First day of 30ds



  • loveAZJ
    At first I was using big spaghetti sauce cans because I didn't have any lol but I went out tonight and bought 3lb weights. I guess tomorrow I will see if there is a difference, and later on, I will get the 5lb ones.
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    I'm thinking I need to go get 2 or 3lb ones. I started with 5lb ones today and they seem a bit heavy for the length of the workout. To the point of hurting muscles not just fatiguing them.
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    What do everyone put in for exercise on here when doing the 30ds?

    I said Cardio and put 200 calories. I figure if elliptical burns 200 calories in 20 minutes than 30ds burns at least that much and if I'm putting it in as too low then my body will tell me its hungry for a few more calories at some point in the day. :)
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I have an heart rate monitor watch with sensor that goes around the chest, you use it to calculate average heart rate through the duration of the workout and than use a formula to find out calories burned based on weight, age, sex and duration. So I got my average heart rate and I than looked up a formula for it on, and found out calories burned, I later found this site with easy calculator and it's just as accurate (scrawl down on the site, at the top is annoying add):

    I saw that MFP overestimated my calories burned by about 90 calories, so using heart rate monitor will give you a much more accurate number. So people who have a lot of muscle will burn more calories, different for everyone. My stats as of now are 197lbs, 5'7, female, my average heart rate through the exercise video was 151. You can get a good monitor on amazon for $37 and get free 5-8 day shipping.

    You can also do as others answered, just eat most of them back but not all, MFP exaggerated quite a few video workouts calories burned, I noticed that with Turbo Jam and 30DS the most. Anyway the video is sweet, and you'll lose inches around your body whether or not you end up consuming a little more calories. I am on day 5 and it's kicking my *kitten*, first 2 days my *kitten*, side of knees and thighs were sore, now it's just thighs and knees, I am only using 3lbs weights, and sometimes I can barely walk or stand up after a workout. The next day I usually feel much better and way less sore, from what I have seen the results are amazing, so I am going to stick to it even thought I hate it and want to go back to Turbo Jam, 25 more days! :P
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    How heavy of weights is everyone using to start out with?
    I started with 5lbs because it was all I had. I did the exercises ok, but like I said, I was soooo sore for the next two days! I bought 2lb & 3lb weights during those two days of super soreness and started back with those, then worked my way up to heavier weights as I got stronger. Got to the point where some of the moves I would use 10lb weights, and others still the 3lbs or 5lbs.
  • napanda69
    Starting shred today...I'm also going to follow Jillians diet plan for Master yout Metabolism. Any one try that yet?
  • statia152
    I started today too. Knew I was out of shape but I kept up (except where the cat decided since I was lying down this was a green light to jump on my tummy!), and felt wobbly but pleased afterwards.

    I had to laugh at this comment! My kitten tries to grab my legs during jumping jacks! I have to put him outside or in another room until I finish. I am on day 6 of my second time doing 30 DS. I hope to see results as big as the first time.
  • napanda69
    Shredded!! Man, what a workout!