ttrinh05 Member


  • Hi Claire! Welcome! Easy body weight exercises that have stood the test of time for the upper body: pushups and tricep dips. You can do both while watching TV during the commercials even! Depending on your starting point, you can begin with pushups on your knees then progress to the regular ones on your feet. Try the…
  • Running my fourth half in January, but my first since I have put on over 20 lbs over last year's racing weight. I am hoping that training and having an online community to help keep me on track will do the trick so I don't give up and can lose all the extra bulge. Sending a friend request and hopefully we can help each…
  • I just started yesterday ....looks like we are in the same boat. I am hoping that having people hold me accountable for staying with my diet and exercise plan will keep me on track!
  • Just joined myself and have never done anything like this before :) We can help motivate each other!