Looking for friends and motivation!

Please add me. This is my new mfp account since I lost the password to my other one because I would never had thought that I would ever log out.

I am looking for motivation and will motivate anyone to get into shape!!


  • ttrinh05
    ttrinh05 Posts: 4 Member
    Just joined myself and have never done anything like this before :)

    We can help motivate each other!
  • I am new too. Looking for new friends and planning on sticking with this.
  • nonca50
    nonca50 Posts: 2
    Just started today! Hoping this will get me going!! :happy:
  • ttrinh05
    ttrinh05 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started yesterday ....looks like we are in the same boat. I am hoping that having people hold me accountable for staying with my diet and exercise plan will keep me on track!
  • I just put up a post in Motivation and Support to start a new group. So many groups seem to be closed. So if you are interested come and join me.

    Going into 2012 Stronger Than Ever - Week 1 is the name of the group