

  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    I am running my first half in February. I am running a Warrior Dash and a 10k in October too. My youngest starts Kindergarten on Thursday so I am hoping that my training is going to get a little more consistent now. I have been a bit sporadic over the summer...still running but not progressing past the 3.5 I can do now at all.

    I am going to go send you a friend request now...
  • ttrinh05
    ttrinh05 Posts: 4 Member
    Running my fourth half in January, but my first since I have put on over 20 lbs over last year's racing weight. I am hoping that training and having an online community to help keep me on track will do the trick so I don't give up and can lose all the extra bulge. Sending a friend request and hopefully we can help each other stick to a training program. Anyone else training for a HM or getting back into running please add me!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Way to go everyone!! Good for you!! I am a fairly new runner...started Jan. 2010...and have literally gone from couch to half marathon!! I ran my first half this January, and just ran my 4th on Aug. 21. I have done a running event every month of 2011 and am planning to finish out the streak. My next half is in November. Staying signed up for events each month keeps me motivated to keep going. Keep up the good work...you will get hooked!! I'm no expert, but let me know if any questions.
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    I just bought a pair of PURPLE and TURQUOISE Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11 for my half marathon training.

    Inaugural run tomorrow AM!

    If those are them in your picture, I LOVE them!

    Yup. These are the ones. :o)

    "Mama says they was magic shoes. They could take me anywhere."
  • Kloss914
    Kloss914 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm training for my first half coming up in September. The training has been great and I can't wait for the race ! I love to run. I follow a Nike plus training program and run give or take about 25 miles a week or more depending on time. My longest run so far is 10 miles. I live in NEPA with LOTS of hills (hard to find flat areas) so sometimes I just run on the treadmill because the race I'm in in Philly is kind of flat. Feel free to friend me if running is your thing OR if you struggle to lose those last few pounds !!!!
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    I am on week 2 of the Hal Higdon training and honestly, I am struggling.. I am making my runs, but I am SO tired and having trouble keeping my head in the game.. I did the C25K with 30 consecutive days of 30DS. From there I went right into this training.. I think my body is screaming for a break.. I'm trying not to take more that the Friday rest day, but mentally I am having trouble... Running 3 miles seems to be getting harder rather than easier... All suggestions welcomed!!
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I am on week 2 of the Hal Higdon training and honestly, I am struggling.. I am making my runs, but I am SO tired and having trouble keeping my head in the game.. I did the C25K with 30 consecutive days of 30DS. From there I went right into this training.. I think my body is screaming for a break.. I'm trying not to take more that the Friday rest day, but mentally I am having trouble... Running 3 miles seems to be getting harder rather than easier... All suggestions welcomed!!

    Just keep moving. I'm in week 5, and there were weeks that were tough, but you'll pull through. Make sure you rest on rest days, and if you are out on a run and feel pooped, walk for a bit. Just cover the distance - don't worry about time. I've started incorporating walk intervals into my runs, and my times have actually decreased. Right now, I run for 3 minutes, and then walk for 1. That break helps more than you know! I'll be moving to a 4/1 ratio soon, and then start weaning the walking down. I just wasn't used to covering this much distance. I ran over 60 miles in August!

    Oh,and so you know you aren't alone - my run last night was one of the worst I've had in months. I was sore, exhausted, and almost puked twice - AND IT WAS ONLY 3 MILES!!!! I ended up walking more than running, but in the end, I got my 3 miles in, took a long shower, ate dinner, and stretched. I feel better today, and I know that in the end, we are all going to have bad days here and there, and tomorrow's run will be better! :)
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    I am on week 2 of the Hal Higdon training and honestly, I am struggling.. I am making my runs, but I am SO tired and having trouble keeping my head in the game.. I did the C25K with 30 consecutive days of 30DS. From there I went right into this training.. I think my body is screaming for a break.. I'm trying not to take more that the Friday rest day, but mentally I am having trouble... Running 3 miles seems to be getting harder rather than easier... All suggestions welcomed!!

    Just keep moving. I'm in week 5, and there were weeks that were tough, but you'll pull through. Make sure you rest on rest days, and if you are out on a run and feel pooped, walk for a bit. Just cover the distance - don't worry about time. I've started incorporating walk intervals into my runs, and my times have actually decreased. Right now, I run for 3 minutes, and then walk for 1. That break helps more than you know! I'll be moving to a 4/1 ratio soon, and then start weaning the walking down. I just wasn't used to covering this much distance. I ran over 60 miles in August!

    Oh,and so you know you aren't alone - my run last night was one of the worst I've had in months. I was sore, exhausted, and almost puked twice - AND IT WAS ONLY 3 MILES!!!! I ended up walking more than running, but in the end, I got my 3 miles in, took a long shower, ate dinner, and stretched. I feel better today, and I know that in the end, we are all going to have bad days here and there, and tomorrow's run will be better! :)

    Thanks SO Much!! This is very encouraging to me.. My longest run so far was 4 miles on Saturday.. I did ok with 3 miles last week. However, on my 4 mile run at about 2.7 miles I just hit a brick wall. That is the point in a 3 mile run that I have to push myself to the end.. I think I just gave up mentally knowing I still had to push for another 1.3 miles... I did walk/run intervals for the rest of the run.. I have felt so defeated since.. I have still completed my training but it's almost like after Saturday I have mentally given myself permission to hit that wall with each run.. Today was only a 2 mile run but not even a mile in I was struggling... I was determined not to let the mental part of this beat me... So I pushed... I ended up running the the 2 miles in just under 20 minutes without walking but it was HARD... So...it was a good run...I guess... It is really good to know that the rest of yall have these days/weeks too... I was wondering if I needed an extra rest day this week, but honestly, on my rest days I just feel lazy and sluggish... I make myself take 1 a week, but would rather not increase them if my body and mind can just hang in there...:)
  • KEShikes
    KEShikes Posts: 99 Member
    I'm training for my my first 1/2 marathon in over 10 years...does that count? Using a program from Adidas MiCoach (tried Runner's World, but prefer this, so far. My race is in October, and I may do another in November if it goes well. I have a few pairs of running shoes, but one is hot pink - LOVE them!
  • bumping for later
  • Kloss914
    Kloss914 Posts: 27 Member
    Just keep at it and listen to your body when it wants a rest; it's ok to WALK (some famous marathoners swear by it ) !!!! Do you use any of the energy sources for long runs ? When I will be running for more than an hour, I love the honey stinger chews. They REALLY work ! Stay hydrated and make sure you're fueling with GOOD fuel. Bad fuel makes for a bad run; I can feel just a glass of wine for the first mile every time !!!! Not that it deters me from HAVING that said glass of wine, just that I can expect a bad first mile ?? !!! LOL ! Stick with it ..... if it was easy, EVERYONE would do it !!!!!!!
  • Kloss914
    Kloss914 Posts: 27 Member
    I should make clear that fuel in this case means the day before as does the wine..... I have never hit the booze and THEN gone for a run ! When I reread my post, It didn't seem clear. LOL ....
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    I am on week 2 of the Hal Higdon training and honestly, I am struggling.. I am making my runs, but I am SO tired and having trouble keeping my head in the game.. I did the C25K with 30 consecutive days of 30DS. From there I went right into this training.. I think my body is screaming for a break.. I'm trying not to take more that the Friday rest day, but mentally I am having trouble... Running 3 miles seems to be getting harder rather than easier... All suggestions welcomed!!

    I'm only on week 1 and for some reason yesterday I just felt so sluggish! It was only 3 miles but I could barely muster a decent pace. Then today I go out and run a PR 5K... guess I'm in for a rollercoaster ride the next 12 weeks!
    I also hear that the foods you have the day before a run can really influence your performance, so that may be something else to consider and keep track of.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member

    I'm only on week 1 and for some reason yesterday I just felt so sluggish! It was only 3 miles but I could barely muster a decent pace. Then today I go out and run a PR 5K... guess I'm in for a rollercoaster ride the next 12 weeks!
    I also hear that the foods you have the day before a run can really influence your performance, so that may be something else to consider and keep track of.

    Based on all the posts from my runner friends, yesterday was just CRAPTASTIC all around. I don't think one person reported a good run yesterday. Moon phase? :huh:
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    I love this thread.. When I"m out there huffing and puffing for some reason I picture everyone else looking like models running with beautiful form and at exceptional paces without being winded a bit...So nice to know that I'm not alone in the real world of running:) :)

    I also just got new shoes and I think they may be part of the problem.. .I'm going to run in my old shoes tomorrow and see what happens..:)
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    How is everyone doing?

    I just finished week 2, and although I had to juggle the workouts a bit, I'm proud to say I didn't miss one! Some days were easy, others hard. I seem to be in a funk with my workouts lately, hopefully it will pass soon.
  • GRRR! I'm so frustrated... for whatever reason, I have lost my motivation... I mean motivation for EVERYTHING lol! I don't want to eat well, then I don't want to log what I ate because I want to just forget I ate it...
    Then, I feel like I'm NEVER going to get to 13.1 miles... especially since I injured my knee (dislocated my knee cap/bursitis) and ever since I have been cleared to start training again, I can't get over 3 miles (walking OR running) without horrible pain.... Is it just mental??
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I'd get the pain checked. If you are supposed to be recovered and cleared to run, I would expect a dull ache, but not terrible pain. When I recovered from my MCL tear, it hurt, but was more annoying than show stopping. Does that make sense? I felt like this around week 3, and actually had a built in break - I went on vacation! Give yourself a day or two, and then get back on the horse. If you wanna talk more, PM me. :)
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    I agree. Minor twinge that goes away, fine. "Horrible pain" = not fine.