DiamondLil Member


  • You can add me if you like! I did 2 rounds of P90x. Awesome program - LOVED it. :-)
  • LOL! I second just about everything that Bokodasu wrote!! (But we have to add "RERACK YOUR WEIGHTS" to basic gym etiquette!!). I've been lifting for years now, but I'll mention a few things; 1. At one point you couldn't drag my butt into a gym to save my life. We're all new to something at some point. You have to be…
  • Just a note - soreness is a normal part of strength training, especially if you're changing up your training plan, going heavier or just starting. When you lift weights, you're actually making microtears in the muscle that when rested sufficiently and fed properly, make your muscles able to handle more (yep - stronger! :-)…
  • Gwensoul - That looks like a killer recipe site - thanks for posting the link!
  • Hi Jennybean, I hope you don't mind me throwing in my $.02! To start with, 1200 calories is really low, I mean really, not-exactly-healthy low. And even the ACSM recommends that women *never* eat less than 1200 calories a day. Other than an occasional fast day or a cleanse - you need to get your calories *over* 1200!…
  • That's awesome! It's hard enough trying to change our own behaviour, when we WANT to, lol! It certainly doesn't help when the ones we're closest to don't support us.
  • Wow - I just read a post the other day, a guy that had lost a lot of weight whose wife wasn't losing (but that she wasn't trying too hard), she was depressed and making sarcastic/snarky comments to him. He felt it was getting worse and worse - her attitude I mean - the more he lost. I'm always curious as to why people…
  • I log everything - the good, bad or ugly! Progress begins with truth! :-) I'm lifting so I eat a lot, and still not as much as I should (2300+ calories). I leave my "goal" at 1400 so I know what to not stray too far from on a day that I don't lift or do cardio (which doesn't happen since I recommitted and changed up my…