who922 Member


  • I think you are missing the point. I'm relatively sure no one WANTS to take a pill, but sometimes it becomes necessary. I started it yesterday. In my profile picture, I was at 254 and had just run my first triathlon. A surgery that kept me from doing anything for over 3 months spelled my doom. I have tried and tried to get…
  • Get up at 4:50 and usually at the gym by 5:15. I have to try to get a couple of things in. On my swim days, I leave and go to another gym that doesn't open until 6. Working out in the morning and having it done is great!! I run at lunch twice a week. Too many things can come up in the afternoon to blow your workout.
  • A Counselor in high school was named Richard Head----I do not lie!! A girl in high school---Candace Cain A guy in college---Alan Allan Allen!! No lie, good friends with my brother. A kid at the school where my wife was principal---Chasin Whiskey!! Don't know his last name.
  • I only weigh once a week and I log whatever it says, That is evidenced by the fact that mine used to be in 80's and now it's 53. Weigh, log it ans own it! It's my same formula for food logging. If I eat it, log it and own it!!
  • It was Shakeology and Beachbody.
  • WOW!!! Thanks for all the support ! Incredible! ...and I hope I am able for even one person to avoid that nonsense. I am fine I just thought it was so thoughtless...Pretending to help someone so you can sell something. Anyway, the good news. I have done two to three workouts for 10 days in a row! I got back in the pool…
  • Just a note, I was back in the pool again this morning for the first time in 5 months!! I did 500 meters with no problem. It felt like I was never gone...except for my shoulders cryin. I forgot how much I loved swimming. Moving forward!!!
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I did get up at 5 this morning and did a spin class. I have to get back in the pool. I love that! I'm really going to have to stay on top it and try not to look at the gains I have given back. I really think I need to stick with it and stay really strict so I can see some decent gains right…
  • That is so stinking good!!!! Talk about painting a very vivid picture! Excellent!! and right on the money. I have had to go up on calories three times in my weight loss journey to start losing weight again.
  • I plateaued bad!! I upped my calories by almost a 1000 for a few days!!! I lost 4 pounds that week and got off the plateau. I just wasn't eating enough to cover my exercise because I was training for a triathlon. It was amazingly weird!!
  • By the way, yall are all doing very well!! You look fantastic!!! Doesn't it feel so good! Great inspiration!
  • Well, I was quite sick on Sunday and recovering on Monday. The calorie count was definitely down!!! Maybe that will be the little thing that pushes me through! I actually thought about doing Atkins for a week or so to see if that would change things up.
  • Chevy88grl not working out scares me to death!!!! I'm not sure I could do that. I am planning on doing at least one more triathlon before the season is over and then I will concentrate more on my running for a while. I also have to be careful because eating "bad" now can really make me sick!! although I actually did lose…
  • Thanks for the article scschenk! After reading, the only thing I can think of is increasing my calories and staying there longer. I didn't gain any weight when I did this a couple of weeks ago. or maybe I could add another strength day in there.
  • Cheat days are good! I don't think it's practical to think you will never eat those foods again. Just enjoy them in moderation. That said, I do think there is an exception to that rule. Just like I think some people can't have one beer, some people can't cheat. I know way too many people that cheat and just fall apart in…
  • I am drinking about 8-12 glasses of water a day. I don't measure my food, but even with not measuring I'm not even close to what MFP wants me to eat. Gale, I haven't taken any other measurements, but I have gone up two notches on my belt. I can tell my clothes are fitting way different. I only weigh once a week on Friday…
  • So, I am a day late on my Friday check-in. I lost another 4 pounds this week. I really want one of those Biggest loser type double digit weeks, but alas that's probably not realistic. I worked out every day this week. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred makes me sweat like a horse!! I missed my weights this week. I have some…
  • So, I had a much better week this week. I lost 4 pounds. I didn't log in last week. Crazy week and I flatlined.. I had to put my daughter's dog to sleep on Monday. My wife's grandmother died on Tuesday. Traveled to the funeral, funeral food, no workout. then I had a 50th wedding celebration for my in-laws. More food, 10…
  • The biker shorts do the opposite...they roll down. I don't care about anyone seeing me. I should ahve not gotten this way if I was worried about that. :) I just don't like the way it feels and I think it limits my workout. Good try though.
  • It was a great week for me!!! I lost 9 lbs and recorded my food every day. I made it to workout every morning. 4:55 is really early.... I am planning on starting Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred to see if I can get more cardio. I need to stay on top of it. I have a BIG 50th wedding anniversary party for my in-laws next…
  • I would like to get in. Accountability is really important for me. I want to lose 25 lbs. Doable for me since I am at 326. My Goals: -Lose 25 lbs -Do more cardio (weights are fun for me) -Log my food consistently -Drink my water Brent