

  • Chico Woodard
  • This sounds awesome to me. I would love to do this. I'm gonna look into doing it with you Joe
  • Wow, that is a very noticeable difference. You are simply amazing!
  • Last Sunday, I rode 50 miles in the TourdeBraz. My first cycling event ever. I rode this on a mountain bike. Tuesday, I purchased a new felt z100 from Webster bycicles. I plan on entering more rides, and doing a lot of training in preparation for next years MS 150, from Houston to Austin. Don't really have a weekly goal…
  • Have a friend, or your boyfriend go to the gym with you. It isn't a good idea to be alone in a room that anyone can access. Especially that time of night. Good luck
  • WOW, you look great! Keep up the good work.
  • After losing 167 pounds, I have to immagine that you are very passionate about all the work it took to do that.nyou have worked hard, and had many ups and downs. When you stand in front of those people, speak from your heart. The best tesimony of all is you. Standing there, a shadow of your formal self. Those people will…
  • That's what we're here for. Feel free to vent anytime.
  • Hey, don't get discouraged. The advice to weigh in the morning is great. I normally weigh both at night and in the morning. That could be as much as 4 pounds difference at times. Also, you will find that you plateau from time to time. Don't give up. You might even want to have a cheat day. Not bad, but a steak and baked…
  • I lost almost 50 pounds before finding this site. Low fat, and low carbs did it for me.
  • Laura, you are correct. This seems to be an excellent tool for tracking nutrution and weightloss. I lost about 47 pounds before finding this a couple weeks ago. I had stopped losing weight until finding this site. Now, I'm back on track. 51 down obout 9 to go... Joe