MFP Cycling Club



  • ClareRce
    ClareRce Posts: 79
    Wow Aliciakarver, that's some cycling. I'm up to 79 miles of my weekly goal of 100 with another two days to go. Yesterday was a real slog and I felt really tired, so today I'm going to do aquaerobics for an hour and do about 10 miles on the bike, then make it up to 100 tomorrow. It's great having goals to achieve; gives you so much more incentive to get out and JUST DO IT!

    What sort of bike do you have? You must be very slim with all that cycling.

    We won't let this thread die, promise!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Wow Aliciakarver, that's some cycling. I'm up to 79 miles of my weekly goal of 100 with another two days to go. Yesterday was a real slog and I felt really tired, so today I'm going to do aquaerobics for an hour and do about 10 miles on the bike, then make it up to 100 tomorrow. It's great having goals to achieve; gives you so much more incentive to get out and JUST DO IT!

    What sort of bike do you have? You must be very slim with all that cycling.

    We won't let this thread die, promise!

    Thanks Clare, great job on reaching your goal! I have a Trek road bike... I LOVE it! I've had it for about a year now. Enjoy your workout, we can set new goals on Monday, I didn't set one this week cause I saw the thread too late but I will. Have a great day!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    hauled the boys along and went about 15 mile yesterday morning. Man its work draggin 80 pounds of boys and trailer behind me uphills! My thighs were screaming.

    of course they slept halfway through my toture!
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    I managed 26 miles this week and that's with a bike that does not want to go into the top gears!

    No matter how much i fiddle with it it won't play, It's ok though because to begin with it wouldn't move down to the lower gears which made going up the hills around here nigh on impossible!

    I'll have to take it round to my man that can and get it looked at :laugh:

    Jax x
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Hi. I rode 45km (28 miles) this week and I'm quite happy about it, because I only expected to do 30 km. :happy: It seems that physically I'm improving rapidly and could go much further, but 1) I'd like to maintain a balance in my exercise mix and 2) all of my rides are in Athens in heavily congested streets and I'm aware of careless drivers.
    The bicycle I'm using is a 27-speed, aluminium frame cyclocross bike (Ideal Integrator which is a great improvement over my previous 20-year old mtb.
    Have a great week and keep riding.
  • jcarker
    jcarker Posts: 14
    Last Sunday, I rode 50 miles in the TourdeBraz. My first cycling event ever. I rode this on a mountain bike. Tuesday, I purchased a new felt z100 from Webster bycicles. I
    plan on entering more rides, and doing a lot of training in preparation for next years MS 150, from Houston to Austin. Don't really have a weekly goal yet, but will be riding as much as possible. Any advice on how much I should train would be appreciated. I am a beginner looking to do great things in the future.

    Thanks. Joe
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Last Sunday, I rode 50 miles in the TourdeBraz. My first cycling event ever. I rode this on a mountain bike. Tuesday, I purchased a new felt z100 from Webster bycicles. I
    plan on entering more rides, and doing a lot of training in preparation for next years MS 150, from Houston to Austin. Don't really have a weekly goal yet, but will be riding as much as possible. Any advice on how much I should train would be appreciated. I am a beginner looking to do great things in the future.

    Thanks. Joe

    Great job, Joe!!! Welcome!!! :drinker: I'm quoting myself from earlier in this thread with a little info for someone who asked about Century training. I'm working up to that myself and plan on doing it by fall...

    Check out They've got all kinds of training videos. I have a few friends who used them to prepare for an Ironman triathlon(bike portion being 112m). I'd like to do a Century in the fall. 50m is also the most I've ever done, but feel I can do more. I'm just planning on increasing my mileage a little at a time. Kinda like marathon training. Hope that helps :happy:
  • ClareRce
    ClareRce Posts: 79
    Congrats jcarker for doing 50 miles! That's great going. I really can't see myself every doing 50 miles in one ride, unless of course I buy myself a Specialized Roubaix (that ain't going to happen for a while yet!)!

    Well I reached my goal of 100 miles, in fact I did 104 miles this week. Nearly killed me but hey, I did it.

    Next week's goal is going to be 110 miles so fingers crossed I manage it!

    Hope you all have a great week and happy cycling.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Missed my goal of 125 this week, but came in at 112.44. Might try to make up the deficit this week. Got in 56 of those miles today, making that a personal best :bigsmile:
    Great job, everyone! Let's keep pedaling!!
    Setting my goal at 125m again this week and hopefully going to beat it :happy:
  • IndyHannah
    IndyHannah Posts: 59 Member
    Didn't make my goal this week :-(

    Had aimed to go out 3 times to make up 40 miles but only went out once and clocked up 15. Went for a 3 hour hike instead of more cycling!

    How can you lot do so many miles!? Amazing!
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    I'm in. I rode 68 miles last week. I didn't have a goal. I would like to at least get at least 60 miles a week.

    An easier way to track cycling milage is a site You post workouts and it tracks milage cycling, running and other workouts. It is similar to MFP and facebook where you can post messages, comments, and how the workout went. It is just a thought. I setup an account and it is free. You can find me by my email address or my name Todd Hawkins. You can add friends and challanges.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm in. I rode 68 miles last week. I didn't have a goal. I would like to at least get at least 60 miles a week.

    An easier way to track cycling milage is a site You post workouts and it tracks milage cycling, running and other workouts. It is similar to MFP and facebook where you can post messages, comments, and how the workout went. It is just a thought. I setup an account and it is free. You can find me by my email address or my name Todd Hawkins. You can add friends and challanges.
    Welcome, Todd!!!
    Thanks for the info! I'll definitely check it out!! :drinker:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Well i am suitably impressed with my effort this week, i managed 57 miles this week, almost double my 'normal' amount.

    I must admit that i haven't been to the gym this week, which normally accounts for a couple of evenings.

    The weather has been so nice that i haven't wanted to be indoors and the countryside looks amazing from a bike! :)

    I hope i will be able to clock up this many miles next week, i'll definately give it a go .

    Jax x
  • csw5048
    csw5048 Posts: 26
    Keep it up guys- Building up a base in cycling takes quite a bit of time. Just gradually increase you base by 25 miles or so each month and keep progressing until you get where you want to be. Pros will do upwards of 20,000 km in a year :noway: As an amateur I do 4,000 miles or so a year and that keeps me busy enough.
  • csw5048
    csw5048 Posts: 26
    Also there is the Garmin cyclocomputer where you can upload/share your workouts with others- it's expensive, but probably my favorite thing I have on my bike.
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    I have a garming and upload all my rides and runs to the garmin connect. It is great at keeping track of my training, pace, and heart rate.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Great job, everyone!:drinker:
    I missed my 125m goal, but logged 95.05m for the week. I have some issues with my hip (thanks to a cycling crash a few years back). Whenever I step up my mileage it acts up. Just have to get used to it again and pedal through. Plus, life just got in the way this weekend and I didn't get to do the bigger rides that I had planned. Was hoping for 40 or 50 today, but time and weather became a factor. Oh well. I'll start over again tomorrow.:happy:

    Happy pedaling!!! :drinker:
  • ClareRce
    ClareRce Posts: 79
    Hi everybody

    Well done to you all, it's great to have these goals to aim for.

    However ... I didn't make my goal this week (I think it was 110 miles). I managed 96.7 instead. This was due to me taking a day off cycling completely and just walking because my broken leg was playing up a bit . It's very proficient and tells me in no uncertain terms when I've done too much by aching like crazy, but I was also rather tired and it was raining (I won't ride in the rain just in case I have a nasty fall and damage my leg again).

    But, the days I did cycle I upped my mileage to try and make up for it and I'm pleased to say it wasn't too bad. Today I did a 21 mile ride (down to the most beautiful beach, had a swim, an apple, and back on the bike for a cycle home in the evening sun; perfect) and I was pleased that I managed it quite easily. Knackered now though!

    Have a wonderful week fellow cyclists and happy pedaling.

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  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    I will certainly check the dailymile and the garmin sites. Riding 4,000 mi/year is a mythical number for me. Nevertheless I rode my 30 miles this week and taking into account that I was out of town for 3 days without access to a bike, I'm happy.
    I'll make it a mini target for July, to have a 60+mile week.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Completed 62.7 km (39.2 miles) on the bike this week. A new high for me. :bigsmile:
    This has been a very active week overall, as I burned on average 1,000 calories/day exercising. My waist shrunk by 1/2 inch. On the down side is that I tried to break through a weight plateau by exercising more, but I managed to build more muscle and gain a couple of pounds instead :angry: I will insist on the same plan and see what happens.
    This week I'll try to keep cycling as an active part of my exercise routine AND follow the Tour de France of course.