MFP Cycling Club



  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Checking in at 103.64 for the week. At this rate I'm not going to make my 2000 mile goal:grumble: I keep saying I need to step it up, but my stupid hip keeps telling me to back off. D@mn that crash 2 years ago!! :mad: It was just me, my bike, and my hip against the pavement at 18mph. Luckily, nothing was broken except my helmet in 3 places :noway: ...Oh yeah... my head hit the pavement too. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!!! :laugh:
    Sorry about the rant. I feel like I'm making excuses. I'm shooting for 110m this week.

    Happy pedaling, everyone!!! :drinker:
  • ClareRce
    ClareRce Posts: 79
    Okay, I'm checking in at 100 miles this week, not the 110 which was my goal. To be perfectly honest I'm finding it quite difficult to cycle every single day as some days I just feel so exhausted (especially after riding a horse for an hour quite intensively on Tuesdays and Fridays). I think I'm going to stick to doing 100 miles a week for the next month or two, which in itself is quite an achievement I suppose after breaking my leg in October and not being able to walk until February of this year. I do need a goal though otherwise I just drift around and don't focus.

    Have a great week everybody. Happy and very safe cycling to all and, to repeat Skywalker, ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!!!

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  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Cheer up ladies. You are clocking these huge 3-digit mile figures every week and you're not happy? Give me a break
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Cheer up ladies. You are clocking these huge 3-digit mile figures every week and you're not happy? Give me a break
    Sorry dinos. I guess I'm just frustrated that a previous injury is slowing me down. If I stop complaining, will you stop making that face at me? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    So glad I found this discussion thread. My husband and I both ride, though he is a much better rider than I am. We didn't get out much last week on account of frequent and torrential rain, but managed to get in a short ride (16 miles) this morning before the clouds moved in. We have been riding 3 or 4 times a week (weather permitting), usually between 20 - 35 miles per ride. I am working up to an average ride of 35 - 40 miles (not just riding that far, but being comfortable doing so!).

    I haven't done a century, but have completed two metric centuries, and my husband rides his age on his birthday every year (he will be 65 this year). We do both the metric centuries and the birthday ride in the Fall.

    If some of the more experienced riders could give me some tips on increasing my average speed, I'd appreciate it. I have been riding off and on for 10 years, and while I can certainly achieve sufficient endurance to stay on the bike for a long time, I am slow as molasses. I'm finally doing better on hills, but any suggestions are welcome. Right now, my average speed for a ride on a mix of flat and rolling hills is about 14.5 mph. If I'm on the flat only, I probably average 16 mph.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Welcome Lisa!!! Congrats on your metric Centuries!! I like the birthday miles idea. I'll have to do mine on the trainer though. January in Pa. doesn't have the best weather for cycling :laugh: My personal best is 56 miles. I'm just trying to increase my long ride on the weekend by a few miles at a time. I have 2 friends that I ride with on the weekends (both IRONMAN triathletes) and they push me. They're my training program :laugh: Riding with stronger athletes is the best way I know to increase speed and endurance. When I ride alone, I'm much less likely to push myself.
    The 2 friends I mentioned used a video series called Spinervals to train for their IRONMAN. I've done a few of those videos over the winter on my trainer and they ARE tough. I don't know if I've been any help here, but again... Welcome to the group!! :drinker:
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Thanks for trhe invite to the group. This is my 3rd year in road cycling and I'm 55 years old. Last year I put 1,100 miles on my bike. This year my goal is 2,000 miles and I was worried about making it but now, with a minimum of 2 group rides a week, I think that I'm on track.

    Last week I put on 88.92 miles including the 2 group rides. Temperature in the high 80s and 90s this week. We'll have to see how that affects things.
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    @skywalker, thanks for the tip on the video. I'll check it out. I probably need to go on some club rides. You are right that you ride faster when with others. I probably need to let hubby set the pace more often, too. He rides faster, and I'm going to be outdone by this older man!! ;)
    @tipusnr, I don't know where you are, but the heat kills me. I'm in Florida, and we are trying to ride early in the day (weather permitting), because it's in the 90s by noon every day. It will be worse next month. Heat exhaustion is a real concern.
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Hi Lisa. I'm in Central Ohio. The heat isn't a real problem for me as I used to run in the Orlando, New Orleans, and Arlington, TX areas as well as the middle east. It's the humidity that saps me big time.

    My wife is considerably younger than me but doesn't have my physical background or determination (maybe ego) so doesn't ride anywhere near my speed so I know where you are coming from. She tries, but I'm glad we are part of a cycling club because as she gets stronger and do I. And I'm at an age where I loose muscle easier than gaining it so can't back off often.
  • ClareRce
    ClareRce Posts: 79
    Cheer up ladies. You are clocking these huge 3-digit mile figures every week and you're not happy? Give me a break
    Sorry dinos. I guess I'm just frustrated that a previous injury is slowing me down. If I stop complaining, will you stop making that face at me? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Ha ha, you're right Dinos! We girls can do okay with the mileage!!!!
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Cheer up ladies. You are clocking these huge 3-digit mile figures every week and you're not happy? Give me a break
    Sorry dinos. I guess I'm just frustrated that a previous injury is slowing me down. If I stop complaining, will you stop making that face at me? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Ha ha, you're right Dinos! We girls can do okay with the mileage!!!!

    You certainly are doing great with the mileage. Not to mention that you are both nursing injuries that slow you down .:noway: :grumble:
    I tell you what: The week I manage to ride a metric century, I will post a picture wearing lycra shorts :bigsmile:
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Rode 35 miles this morning with a break at the half-way point for breakfast ( I will always ride for food!). The best part is that I did MUCH better on the hills on the way back. I'm about done with the hills kicking my butt. Al dropped me on one hill, but only one. Big improvement.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I tell you what: The week I manage to ride a metric century, I will post a picture wearing lycra shorts :bigsmile:

    You're on !!!! :laugh:
    And, dinos, the DAY I ride a century (not metric) I'll finally post a pic of my face. Fair enough? :bigsmile:
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member

    You're on !!!! :laugh:
    And, dinos, the DAY I ride a century (not metric) I'll finally post a pic of my face. Fair enough? :bigsmile:

    Cool . Beck, I think you're just looking for a good excuse not to post your picture :tongue:
  • ClareRce
    ClareRce Posts: 79
    I tell you what: The week I manage to ride a metric century, I will post a picture wearing lycra shorts :bigsmile:

    You're on !!!! :laugh:
    And, dinos, the DAY I ride a century (not metric) I'll finally post a pic of my face. Fair enough? :bigsmile:

    Promises, promises!

    Not sure I want to see a photo in lycra shorts though. I don't think they do men any favours at all :noway:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I think Lance looks pretty hot in them...:bigsmile: And have you seen Mark Cavendish?:love::heart: :love:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I think Lance looks pretty hot in them...:bigsmile: And have you seen Mark Cavendish?:love::heart: :love:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    have I seen yes!

  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I think Lance looks pretty hot in them...:bigsmile: And have you seen Mark Cavendish?:love::heart: :love:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    have I seen yes!

    Right on, dawnna!! :laugh: Actually, Tom Boonen is even nicer to look at, but he's not in the Tour this year due to injury :frown:
  • ClareRce
    ClareRce Posts: 79
    I think Lance looks pretty hot in them...:bigsmile: And have you seen Mark Cavendish?:love::heart: :love:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    have I seen yes!


    Blimey ladies! I never knew cycling could be so much fun. I've now googled Mark Cavendish (not being a follower of competitive cycling) and agree that he's a dish! Couldn't see any decent photos of his lycra shorts though. I'm still not convinced lyrca shorts are a particularly appetizing site, however I'm sure Dino looks just great in his! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    this is for the girls!
