christatree Member


  • I work fairly close, in Mayfield Village. Some people I work with and friends of friends have neices/nephews that go there but were ok. The one's nephew decided to stay home since he wasn't feeling good. Very sad. Lots of schools had lock downs for various reasons, gun brought to school, bomb threat, it was getting out of…
  • I agree the Dulce de Leche Cheerios are delicious I manged to get 1 bowl before my kids devoured the rest of the box. I also love Strawberry Awake. It's Walmart's generic of Special K Red Berries. Way cheaper and the serving size is 1 cup vs. 3/4 cup.
  • Found some info on Choose: hot and sour soup wonton soup steamed spring roll teriyaki chicken skewer dishes made with steamed or boiled chicken or shrimp steamed vegetables stir-fries If they're doing them at a cook to order station (request less oil and skip or go light on sauce) bok choy Avoid: battered or…
  • O-H Hi I'm Christa and have lived in Ohio all of my 35 years. I grew up in Lakewood and have settled in Cuyahoga Falls with my husband and kids (near Akron). Prior to 2009 I didn't do much working out maybe a workout video here and there but nothing consistent and my eating habits were terrible. In 2009, I expressed to a…
  • I did both Ohio dashes in 2011, Logan and Carrollton. The barbed wire is high enough that you can crawl under while still on your hands and knees with your head down. I didn't have to get into a low belly crawl and I'm not a tiny girl.
  • I'm on Day 6 level 1 and feel like its working. My arms seem to be getting toned (I only use 3 lb weights) I did take before measurements and pics and will at every level change. I just bought a HRM to use with my Nike+ Sportwatch and was slightly disappointed to see that it had me only having burned 155 calories, however,…
  • Only when I have the extra calories to eat.....Chipotle! Love Moe's chips and queso though. Qdoba - eh they're ok...
  • 99% sure you have to get the Nike+ HRM to go with the watch. Different coding in the HRM (a way for them to make more $$ if you ask me) I'm looking into getting one now but unlike you I do not have any HRMs right now.
  • Excellent!!! You look fabulous but more importantly you look like you FEEL fabulous! Great Job!!!
  • I've done level 1 here and there as a method of cross training on days I wasn't running but I'll be starting 30DS on Feb 1st for 30 straight days. I'm excited to see the results.
  • I completely agree. I look at people's faces in their before and after photos and love to see how their happiness and love of their new bodies shines through in their smiles! Great job!
  • I hate my belly but love my butt. I hate my commute but love my job.
  • Wonderful! What a great accomplishment. I'm so happy for you and keep up the great work!
  • Check your local running/shoe store to see if they do bra fittings. One of the many running stores near me even does an occasional ladies night where they bring all of the ladies shoes and apparel to the front of the store to highlight it, have bra fittings, raffles, seated massage,special discounts for that evening and…
  • I've always wanted to get a bellly ring but have never had the type of belly for bikinis or low waist pants to show it off. As I'm getting older I'm not even sure I'd want to show it off to anyone other than my husband but just knowing I had it under my shirt and that I reached my goal would be awesome.
  • Nancy Faith Hill
  • Me too 11/10 1976 Tonight's the Night (Gonna Be Alright) Rod Stewart
  • Rae - I'm not a fan either. (Christa Rae)
  • If all else fails and you just can't get it down with the rope then mimic the motions without the rope. If you've ever experienced Jillian Michaels 30 day shred she does a section with jumping jacks and jump rope with no rope (it about killed me the first time) but you have the same result without the risk of injury by…
  • This is a great topic. I'm 5'8 cw 174. I've set my gw at 150 b/c after having 2 kids my body isn't shaped the same as it was in HS when I was 138. But once I reach my gw I might decide to go lower depending on how the new body looks. :-)
  • Terrific! Great job! Now sell your old clothes so you have $$ for new ones and they won't be in the house anymore. I found that getting rid of clothes 2 sizes or more helps motivate me. I dont know if this would work for everyone but knowing that I don't have larger sizes to fall back on has made me work harder at…
  • opps I read wrong.... deleted my post.
  • You're the closest match I've found so far Shannanrenae. GW: 150 (although my highschool and dream weight may be 138) CW: 174 SW: 184 Height: 5'8" Age: 35 Sex: Female
  • I'm 35 and want to lose 30. I sent a friend request to you. This is THE year to do it with No more excuses!
  • I recommend getting fitted at a reputable (running) shoe store that has an easy to understand return policy. Make sure it's a good store. 1 sign is that they should let you wear them and run around indoors and outside of their store to test them out before buying. I purchased my first pair of real running shoes from Fleet…
  • This sounds great!! Christa (christatree) Current weight 176 lbs Goal weight 150 lbs In 90 days I'd like to lose 10 lbs (166) This is my first time attempting to put a pic in a post. (yay it worked after I edited 6 times) Before (taken 12/28/11)
  • Exactly! I love this photo. That's why I wish they would include people's height on weight loss shows when they say how much they weigh. I'm 5'8" and I'd love to be 154lbs but I'd never want to weight 120 lbs, I'd be too skinny. But I bet a girl that's 5'1 would love 120.
  • I've decided that I need to commit and use this site on a regular basis. Looking for friends to help stay motivated. I'm done with saying I'll do it eventually..the time is now. Skinny jeans here is come! Maybe even a real bikini this summer, no mom tankini. :-)