

  • Thanks guys! A lot of good advice. Im chillin out this weekend and giving my muscles a rest. My legs ached all night last night. Probably not a good thing. Hopefully when I get back to work next week and back on a schedule I'll feel better. When Im at work I eat breakfast, snack on fruit in morning, have a salad for lunch,…
  • I ate some of the exercise calories, but still stayed way under 1400 cals. everyday. I have thyroid problems too. I've been on thyroxine for 11 years. it IS hard to lose once your thyroid goes. After losing 2lbs so quickly during the first few weeks I thought I was on to a winner here. I'll keep plugging away and hopefully…
  • I sometimes stop at the shops on the way to work and pick up raspberries and bananas and just much at them all day. Keeps me from being too hungry at lunchtime. Also make some cous cous with vegetable stock and roast some peppers and onions in the oven, mix together, add cherry toms. Or where I work they sell baked…
  • Thanks guys! Great suggestions! Im munching some chickpeas...im still over my calorie intake for today, but will do better tomorrow by learning from today!!
  • I hear ya...every time I start running I end up gaining weight...like you, I'm told it's muscle....so hard!
  • Well done you! I always find it hard to make the decision to watch what I eat again. There are so many good excuses! That's the toughest step for me! So good on you that you're back and better than ever!! woo hoo!
  • Thanks guys!! Yes, I eat loads of fruit and veg. I'm a vegitarian so was worried when I saw my favorite snack of 1 cup raspberries had like 30 odd carbs in it!!!! :-D I eat little bread so mainly carbs are coming from fruit, veg, and cereal...though I'll be cutting down on chipatis!! :-D I noticed yesterday after a run…
    in carbs....... Comment by kat1976 May 2010