rhiannonrees134 Member


  • Do some research about motivation, it's a fickle friend. Self discipline is more important, don't wait until you want to do something, just do it anyway and make it a habit. There will always be more appealing alternatives to exercise! Put a time in your diary to work out and just do it, like it's a dental appointment!
  • Feel free to add me. I'm ten days in and had good results so far and enjoying logging, the novelty hasn't worn off yet but I know from experience that it is still the honeymoon period. I think I need some friends on here to keep me engaged with the process.
    in New Comment by rhiannonrees134 June 2016
  • You can add me. Good luck and I hope the results will give you a boost, it certainly is starting to make me feel better after just a few weeks.
  • I think cutting down on salt can reduce bloating, also, as another poster said - lots of water! Sit ups may help tone but won't reduce size/fat.
  • Yes mine happens bi weekly too, like previous poster said you get ovulation and menstruation and some people seem to react more to the ovulation than others. Before I was on the pill I got awful mid cycle pain, now I don't get the pain as I am not ovulatuing but I do seem to still get some weight fluctuation around then.…
  • And there's the answer! I think the problem for some people of not being able to stop at a little is psychological and not just about food. Will power is very personal.
  • We all have slip ups, the trick is to put it behind you and carry on! I'm aiming for a mini goal of 16lbs by Christmas to put me at 11 stone. I bought a pair of size 12 jeans the other day that I actually fit into 9must be a mistake lol) so I am very happy with that!
  • HI there, I'm new too, lost 2 stone this year but needed a bit of extra help to shift the rest (about 1.5 stone, when I decide on my goal weight!). Happy to be friends :)