Hi, 11 days in and lost 3lbs

Hi, been using the android app for 11 days now, lost 3lb so far. I had already lost 2 stone just eating sensibly and exercising but it had slipped a bit so I am doing what I thought I never would, calorie counting! Great to have MFP do the hard work though!


  • Awesome. Proud of you!
  • nickinackynoo
    that's great well done.
    I've been using MFP for 6 weeks now and have lost 7lb so far but last week i put on after a very naughty 48 hrs of binging and boy did i notice.
    Fingers crossed for a good loss for me this week.
  • rhiannonrees134
    We all have slip ups, the trick is to put it behind you and carry on!
    I'm aiming for a mini goal of 16lbs by Christmas to put me at 11 stone. I bought a pair of size 12 jeans the other day that I actually fit into 9must be a mistake lol) so I am very happy with that!