Just a quick hello

Hi All, Just a quick introductory hello. I'm a new member who has been struggling with my weight for a fairly long time. My weight has yo-yo'd with various fad diets, however I'd now like to learn to do it properly. I'm using this site for the tracking tools and the active community. Would be happy to friend anyone on a similar path who may like to share tips, support & inspiration :)

Edited to add: My goal is 75lb loss.


  • rhiannonrees134
    HI there, I'm new too, lost 2 stone this year but needed a bit of extra help to shift the rest (about 1.5 stone, when I decide on my goal weight!). Happy to be friends :)
  • ktcantcook
    Hi Rhiannon, very nice to meet you :) How much is 2 stone?
  • katejolee
    katejolee Posts: 50 Member
    Hi i'm not long started either, need another 2 stone off to get me to goal , so far i'm 6lb closer from joining here !!

    feel free to add me x
  • crazedmomof5
    Hello glad you are here! I am new to this site as well but it seems to be great so far. It is the perfect place to get that extra encouragement to do your best and help you out when you are having a bad day! Good luck
  • katejolee
    katejolee Posts: 50 Member
    katie its 24lb
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    Hi, and welcome! This is a great place for support. AND - it's a lot of fun. I'll send a friend request. Good luck on your mission!!
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Welcome to MFP. This site is awesome. It has helped me really see what I am eating and keep accountability for the food I choose. I'll send a friend request and support ya all I can.