

  • I totally agree. It did teach me portion control and created healthy eating habits. Some people(I'm talking about me) need something to help them.
  • You can believe it if u want or not I'm really not here to convince anyone. My ticker says 10 pounds bc it's connected with my fitbit which I got after I finished 24 day challenge.
  • Over 3 years ago I lost 65 pounds and it was so easy to do it lol...well too bad it wasn't easy maintaining it:( I gained everything back and some more:( I was one of those people who was saying what kind of person lose weight and than gain it back. I think God was teaching me a lesson here and it happens to me and it all…
  • I had great succes with it advocare. I lost 17 pound and some more after I finished cleanse. This was great jump start for me and it actually thought me how to eat healthy. You are not starving at all. I eat 3 meals plus 2 sometimes 3 snack. It helped my metabolism and portion control. i had energy to go to the gym and…
  • I lost 65 pounds after I had my second daughter 4 years ago. Losing was easy just maintaining part didn't work so well lol. I gained everything back plus some more:( this January me and my husband did 24 day challenge together and I feel like I can do it this least I hope so lol. I lost 17 pound on the challenge…
  • I really don't get why some people are so rude. If you don't have anything nice to say just don't say noting at all. Maybe I should not write this post either... Sorry:) anyway I do shakes in the morning too bc I can drink it on a way to work. morning are alway crazy in my house with kids and trying to get to school on…
  • I did the cleanse and I didn't have that problem. I'm a teacher and I was afraid of it too but all was good and I didn't have to stay in the bathroom all day lol morning visit was enough for me to take care of business lol
  • I started 24day challenge in January and I lost 17 pound! I have a lot to lose so I guess it's comming off fast in the beginning:) now I continue taking my mns and spark and eating healthy and I lost 10 more since than. me and my husband are both doing it and we feel great. We became distributors and we both love it so…
  • hi sorry i missed thursdays weight in i will bw better this week:) but since we started till last thursday i lost 3 pounds. Tom is here again so i dont think this week will be good for me:( have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • i'm in!!! 20lbs before Thanksgiving sounds great:) i hope we all can get al least close to that goal:) i know its gonna be hard with Halloween candy everywhere in the house but i can do this lol Good luck to everyone!!
  • I'm in:) so 30 lbs in 60 days?? I wonder if that's possible with hallowen and thanksgiving comming soon but I would love to stay motivated and lose 30 pounds before Christmas.
  • I will try this next month I heard it's good to cleanse your body with fruit and veggie diet. And of course if someone do this for a week and after that go eat pizza every other day they will gain weight no matter what. I think this is good start to change eating habits.
  • checking out if my ticker is working:) i'm starting tomorrow..very exited:)
  • i just tried it for the first time today. it taste weird thats for sure:) i did orange chicken and i had some miracle rice with it. i made it with some soy sause i dont think i could eat it plain. It wasnt horrible but i dont think i'll buy it again but i wanted to try it even that i heard before thats not the best product…
  • I'm in for 50 miles starting tomorrow morning:)